How to make a dead Stalker Headcrab Zombie

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May 6, 2007
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(It may not be that authentic, but it's good enough)(Only works with Episode 1!!)
1. type in the console: map ep1_citadel_04
2. type in the console: changelevel ep1_c17_01
3. switch to gravity gun
4. use noclip to get past the gate
5. point at the ground in front of you (not under you!)
6. type in the console: npc_create npc_stalker
7. kill it with the grav. gun
8. lift the dead Stalker with the gravity gun
9. drop it until the head is facing the sky
10. type in the console: npc_create npc_headcrab
11. lift the Headcrab with the gravity gun and put it onto the Stalker's head

There you have it! Enjoy looking at it!
Ok! I won't be doing this later!

(It may not be that authentic, but it's good enough)(Only works with Episode 1!!)
1. type in the console: map ep1_citadel_04
2. type in the console: changelevel ep1_c17_01
3. switch to gravity gun
4. use noclip to get past the gate
5. point at the ground in front of you (not under you!)
6. type in the console: npc_create npc_stalker
7. kill it with the grav. gun
8. lift the dead Stalker with the gravity gun
9. drop it until the head is facing the sky
10. type in the console: npc_create npc_headcrab
11. lift the Headcrab with the gravity gun and put it onto the Stalker's head

There you have it! Enjoy looking at it!

OR I could play Garry's Mod
Or you could play Minerva:Metastasis.
This thread is doomed to a life of suckiness.:|
(It may not be that authentic, but it's good enough)(Only works with Episode 1!!)
1. type in the console: map ep1_citadel_04
2. type in the console: changelevel ep1_c17_01
3. switch to gravity gun
4. use noclip to get past the gate
5. point at the ground in front of you (not under you!)
6. type in the console: npc_create npc_stalker
7. kill it with the grav. gun
8. lift the dead Stalker with the gravity gun
9. drop it until the head is facing the sky
10. type in the console: npc_create npc_headcrab
11. lift the Headcrab with the gravity gun and put it onto the Stalker's head

There you have it! Enjoy looking at it!

this thread ends more insults..

............| \
...\___ A BOAT_____/

which probably makes you pretty angry. I'd be pissed too.

****er came out of nowhere
I vote we sticky this thread for memories sake
Or you should stop making threads, especially ones like this. Please refrain in the future. Than-q
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