How to pay for college?

xLostx said:
In Canada if you get laid off from a job you can get the government to pay for your seconday education, but I doubt the states are like that :p
Or if you're Indian/Native/Aboriginal/First Nations (or whatever the current PC term is) you can get the gov't to pay for your university/college too. Hurray for government-sponsored racism! :D
Foxtrot check out Air Force ROTC. They offer help with schooling if you don't get a scholarship, and offer 2 year, 3 year, and 4 year scholarships. After you're done with college, you go to Basic Officer Training, start with the rank of Second Lieutenant, and serve a 4 year term (You may find you want to reinlist given the officer benefits and basically have found a career you may want to take until retirement)

Even if you read this and think it's iffy, just browse all around this site, be sure to look at everything or as much as possible. So much untapped help and resources.
You probably mentioned this already but if your mum is angry with you, why doesn't she offer to pay your fees?

I'm so glad that I don't have to worry about that.

Me too. Love student loans with 0.00004% interest and no pressure to pay them back unless you get a very comfortable job.
kirovman said:
Me too. Love student loans with 0.00004% interest and no pressure to pay them back unless you get a very comfortable job.

I'm glad because I don't have to get any loans at all. Except for a place to live, but that's not very expensive.
The_Monkey said:
I'm glad because I don't have to get any loans at all. Except for a place to live, but that's not very expensive.

Well that's basically what my student loan is for along with money to live.
How much does accomodation cost in the US if you're planning on studying there?
JellyWorld said:
How much does accomodation cost in the US if you're planning on studying there?

depends on where you live. my friend in ft. lauderdale near miami, florida is looking at small apartments for at least $1000 a month. mine in texas, will be considerably less.

oh and foxtrot, have you even applied to school yet? have you even applied to a junior college? if you have bad grades and want a 4-year degree, you should highly consider a junior college. Take out a loan, live with your mother for two years (basically go to school near home). Work like hell on your grades, and then apply to a uni after you get your associates degree. it's not pretty, but if you don't apply yourself in hs, you don't have many options.

i might suggest you work and go to junior college simultaneously, but do you think you could handle that? you couldn't get good grades in hs, and i doubt you had a job, so now you suddenly can? i don't mean to sound like an ass, but you don't become successful in life if you slack off. good luck mate.

military is always an option, but with how things are going in iraq/afghanistan, i don't know.
ummmm most people's parents dont have $40,000 laying around ...get a job, get a credit card, open up a credit line and pay it off like everyone else ..everybody wants a free ride these days, few are willing to do the work for it
CptStern said:
ummmm most people's parents dont have $40,000 laying around ...get a job, get a credit card, open up a credit line and pay it off like everyone else ..everybody wants a free ride these days, few are willing to do the work for it

40,000?? My god! No wonder so few people can afford it!
The_Monkey said:
40,000?? My god! No wonder so few people can afford it!

that's canadian for a 4 yr university degree: books and tuition only
Wow, in UK it's £1120 max for a year's tutition, less if you're poor. So I've only shelled out £3000 ish for my entire Uni.

But they're increasing it to £3000 or something in the next year, lucky I'm graduating soon.

I guess education isn't free.
CptStern said:
that's canadian for a 4 yr university degree: books and tuition only
That's madness. I mean, I knew it was expensive, but not that expensive. How do they expect the average student to pay for that? You'll have to pay off loans for the rest of your life! BTW. How much is the canadian dollar in compared to the US?
It will cost me...books, around $300/year, student apartment...around $6000/year...
Pressure said:
It costs me $15,000 per year to go to college.

College as in University or College as in advanced high school?

It will cost me...books, around $300/year, student apartment...around $6000/year...

Hahaha, you buy books?
I've never bought an educational book. Nor do I own one. I borrow them from the library and scan the pages into my computer.

I think my rented room costs £3000 - 4000 a year.
consider yourselves lucky... the college i'm attending this fall is gonna cost me like 25k/year for five years. That is after grants and scholarships too. Yuck.
Pressure said:
yes i've heard about the cost of college/uni in the us being insane, 15000 grand jesus, im lucky as the gov pays for me as my mums a widow, i think if i was paying it would be about 3000/4000 euros a year, not including books etc, i get a grand a year grant too for books and stuff, people who study away from home etc get more obviously as they have to afford accomadation.
bloody farmer kids :farmer: dont even pay taxes, pfft.
I'm going to be paying off these loans for a long ass time.
kirovman said:
College as in University or College as in advanced high school?

Hahaha, you buy books?
I've never bought an educational book. Nor do I own one. I borrow them from the library and scan the pages into my computer.

I think my rented room costs £3000 - 4000 a year.

Yeah, I think we can loan them too, but it's nice to own them. But considering our tax rates we should get the books for free... This is only university, books in lower grades are of course free.
CptStern said:
ummmm most people's parents dont have $40,000 laying around ...get a job, get a credit card, open up a credit line and pay it off like everyone else ..everybody wants a free ride these days, few are willing to do the work for it
**** you, what the **** did you do for college money?
you could whore yourself out to 500 fat chicks for 1000 bucks per peice.
Foxtrot said:
**** you, what the **** did you do for college money?

got a job, got a loan, worked every summer, saved cash ....oh and telling me to "**** you" isnt very nice :P
God I love having artistic parents with no real declared income :D


Can't wait for uni :)

Oh, and I slacked off majorly over my A levels, but I'm pulling my socks up now for uni so there!
Just build up $2000 or so, go to tech school and do IT stuff
kirovman said:
Why, you living in the UK?

No, because I am pretty lower middle class and I am a resident of cali and the college I want to go to is a mile away from my house.
StardogChampion said:
Gotta love Scotland's fee system.

Someone told me that's just to try and stop young Scots from leaving Scotland.
CptStern said:
got a job, got a loan, worked every summer, saved cash ....oh and telling me to "**** you" isnt very nice :P

Reality is probably a bit too harsh for Foxtrot.
Pressure said:
Reality is probably a bit too harsh for Foxtrot.
No, implying that the military is a free ride is just dumb, or if he meant that I was looking for a free ride.
You asked for advise and he gave you his. You didn't need to get all pissy about it.
Pressure said:
You asked for advise and he gave you his. You didn't need to get all pissy about it.
I asked for advice, not to be insulted.
Foxtrot said:
So, my mom is really pissed at me for considering going into the military, and the main reason I am going in is for college money. How else could I even get college money? I have just about no money right now, and my grades are pretty bad...

Sounds like you want a free ride through college to me. I wouldn't join the military just for college if I were you. Work one or two jobs while taking classes and save up money over the summer. That's what I do.