How to pin a combine to the ceiling!


Aug 3, 2003
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Step 1:

First of all, you want to crouch at his crotch like some red light district hooker. Then, when comfortably positioned, aim at his chin and fire! As you can see, I've used some steps in this example to give me a clearer shot but they're not needed to pull this off.


Step 2:

If successful, you should have yourself a spinning, hanging, combine corpse. Feel free to whack it a couple of times like some sick twisted piñata to make it spin around. Saviour the moment.


Step 3:

Now, re-position and target the torso. Let rip with your XBow and start your glorious journey into the world of combine xbow art.


Step 4:

Shoot the knees then go for his shoes. Feel free to try and do a spread eagle or better yet, try to reinact a scene from Monty Pythons Ministry of Silly Walks. eeeee, look at teh funneh combine walk ;(

Step 5:

Time to tackle those elbows, then go for his wrists. On my first attempt I had both arms pinned but his left hand wasn't secured and kept waving at me ( in pic ). At first I thought he might still be alive so I pulled out my gun and fired a couple of mags into his genitals. No reaction. He's either dead and I've stumbled across a combine corpse who waves like the queen or the combine keep their family jewels in another place.


Step 6:

Positioning the limbs correctly may take several shots. This screenshot reminds me of how Jesus died for our sins. Of course he wasn't pinned to the cross by his chin whilst the Romans took turns with the XBow.

I'd like to point out I'm not actually religious, however, I want to believe that this combine died for the sins of .. sv_cheats "1".


Step 7:

Use as much ammunition as you want. Hell, one 'arrow' for each finger. Keeps him nice and secure.

Ever had a poster on your ceiling that's fallen on your head? Yeah? Well replace the poster with our friend here.

Wouldn't be pretty, folks.


Step 8:

Step back and admire your work.

Try to lure more combine to the immediate area so you can create a small collage.

Nice work. Crucifying combine to the roof is a very difficult skill to learn but very satisfying.
D33 said:
Gad, pics only come up as urls? :(
Do something about it then! Geez, finally someone that can persuade the webmaster to do something about it notices this
Sweet trick you got there, will try it out next time I play (without cheats).
Yea, but don't the bodies disappear after a certain amount of time? Or is there a way to change that if it does?
D33 said:
I want to believe that this combine died for the sins of .. sv_cheats "1".

This has got to be the best quote in all of fourms..
you must have been standing neer a fair amount of xbow ammo.....or.....u could have been
now.. to see if we can attach his ankles to his elbows, and pin his hands to his arse o_O it'll be the Macarena with rickets
Dragon are you one of those crazey people who doesn't cheat after hes beat the game? He said he used sv_cheats 1 :p
Yeah. First time I shot the crossbow and the dude got stuck to a wall I saw like "dude this game roxxorz" :|
wish they would live when pinned to wall and drop weapons and try to free themselves... would be imence....
boahahaha, now this is the best thread since the release of HL2 :LOL:

:) :D

Some_God said:
Yeah. First time I shot the crossbow and the dude got stuck to a wall I saw like "dude this game roxxorz" :|

Your sig : 3 times ?

me is 4 :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:
can't get it to go for me not sure what's up any specific areas or commands i need to know to get on the right track?