How to spot a warez version player


Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
Standard nick : S3RIOUS
Standard Spray : Gabe with a chicken wing.

ive seen a friend of mine who has it, it seems to work on all servers, i saw like 4 people in one game with the warez version. He deleted it now though because we are both waiting till we can get it in store.
preordered it for 45 euro :)
i really dont care about people who warez it, i bought silver but thats because i wanted hl2. im not interested in cs:s trying to scam cs lovers into buying hl2 as well, if they want cs:s alone, then valve should have made it available alone.
its pretty funny its just him standing there with his arm beside him pointing up, with a chicken wing put in it
:rolleyes: Ever see nicks: Emperio? Those are warez'd out playa's yo.
ailevation said:
:rolleyes: Ever see nicks: Emperio? Those are warez'd out playa's yo.
I have seen Emperio too.. I just assumed it was the same guy multiple times.

is maxmus one?
I really don't think Warez players care about being able to play online with their warezed versions or not. They'll play if they want with their hacked versions if they want either way. But they're a small percentage anyway. Most people who play, are just casual gamers who buy out of the box and never come to forums to complain.
yeah I have seen the emporio tag in peoples names..
on "OUR" servers too!!the sheer temerity of some people..
apparently there are 2 or 3 hacked/cracked versions available on
certain P2P sites...luzifer is another tag like the emporio
emporio and luzifer are the two main releasers of cs source final

emporio got the original cs:s final released .... he was also the one behind all the leaked cs:s beta stuff ... his website changes servers very often since they always get shut down very quickly ... somehow he keeps a backup though and always gets a new one ... they just can't shut him down

luzifer took emporio's release, made some pretty scripts for it, put it in a CD iso and gave it an installer .... making it idiot-friendly for those who were too dumb to follow the basic instructions from emporio's REAL release which had such basic instructions as "copy" and "paste" .... maybe luzifer works for microsoft ....

before you even say it, i did NOT download cs:source final .... i just keep up on news in the warez community
You CAN'T spot a warez player.. they can change their name and spray with just a click..
true...but if you do see it..its nice to know that the person with that tag isn't to be trusted to watch your 6!!
lots of tk'ers out whores..sorry..had to say it
cant steam stop the warez players?!?!
i get asked 3 or 4 times a night to re-enter my steam password. so surely steam should be able to block chumps who use the warez version.
iamg30hd3 said:
You CAN'T spot a warez player.. they can change their name and spray with just a click..
most are too stupid to do that before they enter a server though, hell I can see at least three "serious" online right now... just came from a server with one in :/
tbh i dont really care if people play warez version of cs source final, it should have been free anyway ffs. and why the hell are custom maps considered warez now?
oh i thought they were just bulding it using hl1 and then converting it using another program :imu:
you dont need steam to play the warez version by the way, you have to create a account and after that you can uninstall steam, it has it build in sort of. Anyway, i dont think people playing the warez version are bad people, its not fair that people who played CS for 5 years cant play CS source now because they dont own a credit card and noobs who never played CS can because they do have a credit card. its just not fair for the people who have supported valve and the mod community for years but dont have a way of paying for it even though they got the money.
Of course, they could have actually waited for the retail release.
Wesisapie said:
i really dont care about people who warez it

You should do. The more people who would have paid for the game and pirate it, the less money games developers will make. This ultimately has a negative impact in the quality of any product that will be financed in the future, and could push up the price a game costs. I for one like living in a market economy... maybe you should look it up.

Wesisapie said:
im not interested in cs:s trying to scam cs lovers into buying hl2 as well

It's no scam... it's called business. If you don’t want to pay the price then it's your option not to pay it. Again, this is what a market economy is all about. Remember, you do not own CS, only the copy of the software you bought. Valve are under no obligation to fulfill your wanting for it, morally or in law.

Wesisapie said:
if they want cs:s alone, then valve should have made it available alone.

I very rarely get a good laugh, thanks for your post. Next time I am looking for some advice on morality, business and how the law doesn't apply to people who don't like spending money... I know who to go to.
smacky said:
Anyway, i dont think people playing the warez version are bad people

They have broken the law, that seems pretty bad to me. You can't just pick and choose which laws you will abide by, just because you don't think it's fair.

smacky said:
its not fair that people who played CS for 5 years cant play CS source now because they dont own a credit card

Yes it is. You may not like it, but it's certainly fair. Valve can accept whatever payment options they like... if you can't pay then tuff. Why not join the 21st century and get a CC, or would you prefer to pay in sheep?

smacky said:
its just not fair

13? 14? Am I right?
Some people dont wanna get a credit card, i dont need one and it costs me too much to just get one for 1 video game.
Alot of people choose not to have a credit card because it can lead to huge bills.

Also, in my country, downloading it is not illegal, only distributing it is.

and if you have to know my age : its 21
smacky, get a debit card that is supported by visa, and end your worries...
smacky said:
Also, in my country, downloading it is not illegal, only distributing it is.

Well in the US where the game is made, its illegal to download it. I don't think VALVe is afraid to do lawsuits overseas, since they already have.
smacky said:
Some people dont wanna get a credit card, i dont need one and it costs me too much to just get one for 1 video game.

You don't need one!? If you want to buy HL2 or CS:S over the Internet, it looks like you do!

Last time I looked credit cards were free (although this could be different where you are), unless you let yourself get stung for interest. Either way, if you do not have the ability to make a payment using a modern method, then what do you expect? The world moves on, if you don't keep up then you get what you get. Stop whining about fairness. Breaking the law is not fair, and that's what you are advocating.

smacky said:
Alot of people choose not to have a credit card because it can lead to huge bills.

A credit card alone doesn't lead to huge bills! The inability for people to realize a credit card is not free cash leads to huge bills. Most people can handle this responsibility.

smacky said:
Also, in my country, downloading it is not illegal, only distributing it is.

Using software without the correct license is illegal the world over. Theft is illegal in all countries (I use the word all cautiously), and considered immoral by the majority of people.

smacky said:
and if you have to know my age : its 21

I don't have to know, but thanks. I now have less inherent respect for the logical ability of 21 year olds.
LOL the guy who sprayed this matched the description, i never knew and im amazed he dint change his name.

(I hate ppl who skank gabe like this, i mean without him we'd be playing pong or something)


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I used to do the warez thing a long time back (think 2400 baud modem and wildcat BBS)
The issue is a legal one, but that does not work for me, I exceed the speed limit and have been known to run an "almost yellow" light.

The main issue is morality for me, it's a golden rule thing. These folks worked hard to make the game enjoyable, it's the least I can do to support their continuing efforts. This is the first Valve offering I've played (Gold package - so I guess if your going to support Valve, that's a good way)

Making the game has taken a butt-load of time, I can fork over a C-note to get their whole catalog with a clear consience knowing that my little bit is helping them to get CS2 or HL3 out the door.
It didn't cost me anything to get a credit card...

richbayliss said:
cant steam stop the warez players?!?!
i get asked 3 or 4 times a night to re-enter my steam password. so surely steam should be able to block chumps who use the warez version.
I don't ever get asked my password since I have Steam set to remember it I guess... that sounds annoying...
Bloody warez's. I know the emporio site, and It's URL, and I can find it again easily. I also have another that warezes the emporio download, and CS:CZ warzed, uuh... CS 1.6 (But that's free anyway, isn't it?), and Halflife2. I'm not a warzer or anything but I have visited their sites when I had 28k net. Anyone know where I can apply to shut 'em down ;)
hmm...i haven't noticed such players yet..
or maybe i didn't pay attention but then again i don't server hop alot these days.
i join one of two familar servers in which pple know me..cheaters/hackers not tolerated :)
I told a few Emporio guys to buy the game instead of downloading warez, one of them threatened to "hax" my pc :LOL:
dekstar said:
Don't you think i've tried? Every time Gabe never emails back. :( I'm lonely.

You don't always need to get something back from him.
Average pirate post:
"Nutthin' wrong with it, I'm poor so it's ok for me to download games."

Average anti-pirate post:
"The company makes less money because of you! I never download games because that's bad, even though I have hundreds of illegally downloaded MP3's on my stylish iPod. I have a business degree and I know how this all works, you are destroying the gaming industry even though the numbers don't really support this fact! I bet you download movies too! You're going to go to prison and get sued for millions!"

Average pirate responce:
*goes back to playing games weeks before they come out"