How Will Aftermath End?

Drackard said:
Yeah but you can't deny that watching the differen't type of enemy's have some huge battle wouldn't be cool :p
As far as Borealis goes, anything enemy wise is upwards.

If they'd continued developing the map, I don't think they would have kept all three enemies in anyway. They were probably just testing what fitted the map best.
i just played it. in the begining you see a combine being dragged along some pipes. that must be a stalker doing that? And btw, wow. That was a nice experiance. Who is that guy anyways?
Rizzo89 said:
i just played it. in the begining you see a combine being dragged along some pipes. that must be a stalker doing that? And btw, wow. That was a nice experiance. Who is that guy anyways?
The Sailor in the orange mac? Odell. There isn't too much to say about him. He was just a sailor who was on your side, accompanying you to Kraken base. The voice data in the game is placeholder - they hadn't got a voice actor in for him yet. Look closely at his face. Familiar? Once the ship got dropped, the face art got used for Cubbage.
All the dialouge used there is Valves dialouge, including the Kraken distress call. I hope to see the Borealis in the future, because I love the very idea of it. Its very much doubtful you'll fight Stalkers on it, but I'm sure the soldiers and the zombies will stay.
Yeah, but there where stalkers on it. And they wernt invincible. I thought they where.
It would be interesting to have a level on the Borealis out in the open sea,
with a giant version of the ichtiosaur lurking in the water.
I don't think they're gonna put the Borealis in Aftermath since they said it's
going to take place only in the city, maybe in Episode 2.
Redneck said:
I don't think they're gonna put the Borealis in Aftermath since they said it's
going to take place only in the city, maybe in Episode 2.
It's not an entire impossibility. It could be in a neglected part of the sewers or perhaps its swam up the canals now that the perimeter defences are down.
(NOTE:this is a joke) You Will fart in alyx's face and che will die. HA
(NOTE: that was an idiotic post :|) anyway yeah, whats this "Borealis" everyone is on about ?
Drackard said:
anyway yeah, whats this "Borealis" everyone is on about ?
A HL2 level set on a large Ice-Breaker ship. One of the earliest maps created by Valve in HL2's development. Valve's Artists actually spent an extended period with the crew of a real ship, researching the environment. It moved its place in the game several times before being found to be totally un-wedgeable into the final story. When HL2 was first announced, many of the earliest shots depicted the Borealis, but it seems likely that it was axed by the time of HL2's main showing at E3 2003. (a lot of media that appeared prior to E3 2003 is supposedly from a E3 2002 showing that never went ahead. A lot of it is nothing like the eventual game).

The Borealis maps found their way into the game files stolen by a hacker in September 2003. They were recently made into a 'playable' form (you can play through them, they just suck) for the latest retail version of HL2 in a mod named 'missing information' which is supposedly actually not going to get shut down by Valve, even though the maps in the mod are derived from the stolen material from 3 years ago.

The version in the MI mod involves Gordon boarding the Borealis, meeting a sailor-friend named Odell, hearing a distress call from an underwater resistance base named Kraken, seeing a Stalker and then going on to fight Stalkers, Zombies and Combine. The level ends when the player boards a mini-sub to head towards Kraken base.
Sounds interesting ... However much i love HL2 i was quite dissappointed when half the stuff i was expecting was cut :(
Drackard said:
Sounds interesting ... However much i love HL2 i was quite dissappointed when half the stuff i was expecting was cut :(

Me too. Hopefully they will redeem themselves with Aftermath.
I hope that the stuff they didn't have time to include in the full game will
find it's self in this episode. By stuff I mean monsters, weapons and locations.
Rizzo89 said:
Does RtB show everythin that was cut out?
Not everything. Any game, especially one of HL2's calibre creates a mound of unused content. There simply isn't space in the book for it all, but there is a hell of a lot of stuff in there nonetheless, of highly variable quality.

The thing to remember is that Valve didn't remove these things because they want to spite us. They removed a lot of it because it didn't feel good, right or it just plain sucked. A lot of things fall into the later category, even the Borealis in the state they managed to develop it to.
Hunter_8472 said:
what happened on Pg. 177?

*shivers* ooh... pg. 177 :eek:

It shows a map of early Half-Life2 geography.

Train rides through the wasteland, City 17, the scrapyard, the Air Conditioner, the path of Borealis, Krakens base, the weather control and a plane flight back to City 17.

I wonder how much of this will return in the episodes.
Well episode 2 should be about veachles. Maybe we get to drive the sub to Kraken? Onely to find it completly empty... Or is it?
Rizzo89 said:
Well episode 2 should be about veachles. Maybe we get to drive the sub to Kraken? Onely to find it completly empty... Or is it?

I doubt it. Submarines and an underwater base? That doesn’t sound very half-lifeish to me and it is way to high-tech for the resistance.

My guess is that we will have to travel through the wastelands.
xirow said:
It shows a map of early Half-Life2 geography.

Train rides through the wasteland, City 17, the scrapyard, the Air Conditioner, the path of Borealis, Krakens base, the weather control and a plane flight back to City 17.

I wonder how much of this will return in the episodes.
Actualy, I meant what was writen on p117.
Samon said:
The Borealis was an icebreaker ship [...] And its most recent version was where you began on it, before it was replaced with the train.
Last days of Half-Life 2 said:
In Laidlaw's first pass at the script, players would start the game by boarding the Borealis, an icebreaker bound for City 17.


As the team played through the game, they began to realize just how much had changed over the past three years. The story no longer started on the icebreaker Borealis. Instead, it started with Gordon arriving on a train at City 17's central station.
There the proof. I'd just got the wrong source :p
So, kraken might not exist in half life? Did they remove it completly?
Everything that is not in Half-life 2, does not really exist within the storyline.
Samon said:
Everything that is not in Half-life 2, does not really exist within the storyline.
more or less... but there is a lot that the community takes as cannon even if it's in RtB: multiple citadels that simply sprang into being in the centres of major cities for instance.
Ok, makes sence... But alot of stuff thats been discussed in these forums have been quted from RtB as facts so... Well we have to see now dont we.
All i know about the ending is that it will be more "normal" and not a crazy bang like HL2 thats a good thing for me because we already know theres going to be more eps. So a weird crazy ending for each one wont really make sense.