Huge load of new Dead Rising screenshots ... AWESOME

ElFuhrer said:
Obviously this game can't have ragdolls because there are so many zombies onscreen, but in most games you should really have ragdolls so you don't get syncronized dying, corpes that go through walls or lie in the air (or in games that try to prevent that, corpses that stick to near vertical surfaces), or bad guys scriptedly falling over railings. You can still the colorful deaths like the zombie stumbling around with one arm, just have him become a ragdoll when he's done or gets interrupted. Animation blending is also a possibilty, but I haven't seen a developer even attempt that, which is sad.
Ragdolls following animations looks bad every time, unless there's keyframe blending, which hasn't been pulled off yet. Capcom's not exactly a developer that goes crazy for ragdolls, either. They're a company that primarily makes addictive and fun arcade games, and I think a lot of you are forgetting this, and expecting a whole lot more.
99.vikram said:
Postal tried the same '100 ways to kill' thing, but it was only interesting for a few hours. This one may last longer, but I would get tired of it after some time.
Postal was one of the best times I have ever had and it never got old imho. And there were nothing close to 100 ways to kill things--I think it was like 16 or something tops. Its still fun to go back and rampage. Postal 2 had quests of sorts and was not at all a sandbox (unfortunately). Here's hoping Postal 3 rocks and learns from all the games that have released heretofore. :thumbs:

Axyon said:
They're a company that primarily makes addictive and fun arcade games, and I think a lot of you are forgetting this, and expecting a whole lot more.
If you can maintain the same frantic and fun gameplay of the 2D side-scroller beat 'em ups and such--but in 3D--then this will be absolutely awesome, especially with all of the power-ups and costumes! 72 game hours to do whateevr it takes for you to survive? Count me in!
lePobz said:
You can't call a console a 'one game wonder' simply because you don't like the other games on option. Forza, PGR, TD:U, GTA4, Alan Wake, Dead Rising, Gears of War, Halo 3, these games have HUGE fan followings and are titles that have done and will do the 360 proud. Whether or not YOU like them is your problem, not microsofts.

From what I can see, the 360 has a very wide range of great titles - and it's only going to get better.

When did I say the 360 is a "one game wonder" ?

I was just saying that I don't think the 360 is worth buying right now because I don't like the lineup. There are obviously millions of people out there that think otherwise.

If I'm not mistaken, isn't Alan Wake coming to PC as well?

Lots of the titles you mentioned haven't even come out yet (GTA4 on), those are the few games I'm kind of interested in and they have release dates between August 8th and TBA '07.

I'm just going to wait until enough games I want come out.
VictimOfScience said:
Postal was one of the best times I have ever had and it never got old imho. And there were nothing close to 100 ways to kill things--I think it was like 16 or something tops. Its still fun to go back and rampage. Postal 2 had quests of sorts and was not at all a sandbox (unfortunately). Here's hoping Postal 3 rocks and learns from all the games that have released heretofore. :thumbs:

If you can maintain the same frantic and fun gameplay of the 2D side-scroller beat 'em ups and such--but in 3D--then this will be absolutely awesome, especially with all of the power-ups and costumes! 72 game hours to do whateevr it takes for you to survive? Count me in!
Oh man, I loved Postal 2. Completely annihalating everything while lighting cats on fire is one of the most fun things a person can do.
Oh god, those HD vids are glorious. That last one... the amount of zombies... holy crap. That's the kind of situation where you're going 'OH F*CK OH F*CK WHAT DO I DO', and that's how it should be with zombie games. Plus nice little touches such as kicking the bench and hurting your foot.

This is easily my most anticipated game in a long time.
lmao @ skateboard ... this game is going to be cool on a whole new level ... what with all the mini-games and killing and such.
Every day that passes I start leaning towards the 360 more because I hear about more and more games that will eventually come out. Not to mention the fact that I could win a 360 for $330 or get one with 2 games and an extra controller for $400.

Prices are coming down and the game list is going up. I'll probably get one at the end of the summer at this rate.
I'm pretty much going for a 360 for this alone really. I need more information on Halo 3 before I start getting hyped.

Actually, I'm also getting one for EP1 and EP2 of Half-Life. :D And I guess I'll buy Oblivion later down the line, perhaps COD2.

...but annnywaaay, yes, this game looks fantastic fun. :D I always wanted a game like GTA but with zombies. I know this isn't really like GTA, but I mean just you vs. hundreds of zombies with an assortment of weapons looks like awesome fun.
Ave it!

Regarding one of the latest videos on IGN ("Bike Ride", I believe); did anyone else notice that in one of the photos they took, one of the "focus circles" was situated on the groin of a slain female zombie, and the photo was labeled "erotica"? Ze hell?
I don't get why you guys love this game so much, there are far better games which you guys scream @ for no apparent reason, yet you're all excited over this ? Maybe I'm a communist.. or have taste ? Well, I don't see why you would buy it.

After all, who doesn't enjoy running over 50 zombies with a lawnmower? Nobody. Except communists
Thank goodness this review had some funny lines.
Where's the review?
All I've seen is Previews.:)

Also, "have taste"? I hope that was another of your commie jokes because everyone have diff. tastes and opinions so :p
I like this game because it's a freeform sandbox zombie massacre survival semi-RPG game, it has 10. diff endings, 250 diff. weps, like 100+ diff. survivors you can save and get helped by..:)
why are the shadows pointing in the direction of the lightsource.. other than that it looks ****ing awesome, zombie games rule.

It has a fact sheet for the final build apparently.

Greatly improved graphics engine allows for self-shadowing [player character and Zombies cast shadows onto themselves], environmental shadowing [environmental shadows cast directly onto the player character and also onto the Zombies] and all Zombies, Cultists and Bosses will cast real-time shadows onto all surfaces. Also, Specular Highlighting, Parallax Mapping and reflections have been recently added to the final build
I wonder if environmental shadowing will simply be just HL2 style or if it will be 'dynamic' shadows ala say, Saint's Row, considering the game has a dynamic day and night cycle..
Haha, I was kind of joking, kind of not joking. ;)

I think it'll be a good game, I'm just suprised you whores are all over it, just considering what some of you say about others.

<3 :D
Haha, I was kind of joking, kind of not joking. ;)

I think it'll be a good game, I'm just suprised you whores are all over it, just considering what some of you say about others.

<3 :D
I'm a HIGH-CLASS whore!:flame::LOL:
New screenshots and videos up at Gamespot. Hello there, motorbikes and lawnmowers! And greatswords.

Drivable vehicles? Zombies? Missions?

This games going to rock so hard :D
5 minute section covering weapons in the hardware store. Barring the grating and stupid commentary, it's a great video showing off more from the lawnmower, drillbit and others. Very bloody, too.
Yeah the commentary is stupid, they discuss replay value, alln they mention is diff. modes being unlocked, they make no ****ing mention of the -10- different endings.
I think i finally found a valid reason to get an xbox 360.
now,where did i put that piggy bank of mine?
It'd be cool if the game followed the 'if you're bitten you turn into one of them' scenario. Still looks to be tons of fun though.
There's a new TV Spot video on the American marketplace. Apart from showing some new footage, at the end it mentions a DEMO SOON. Seeing as the game is released in just over a week in the US, it looks promising that it'll be released before then.
I've noticed that alot of demos are usually released on Tuesdays, atleast if I remember their dates correctly, so either it'll be released tomorrow imo, or the next Tuesday.
The game is releasing on the 8th so a demo should drop any time.
Of the game, the new trailer on US marketplace says something like "Demo coming soon!", and considering the game's out in 8 days, and I think they wanna release it BEFORE, we'll probably see it very soon.:)