Human Character


Dec 28, 2004
Reaction score
Started this on my free time..i've switched back to i'm a bit rusty.

Here's the head so far.

looks great. maybe the eyes need to be a bit bigger in comparison to the nose and mouth.
the nose seems very prominent - maybe soften the ridge or add a curve as it slopes down from the forehead
actually, the eyes are supposed to be that small, based on the reference :)

and about the nose, don't worry about it, this is just the base mesh..some zbrushing will be done once I complete it.

some more updates:

that is good work :thumbsup
will you animate or skin it?
thanks guys, yeah..i'll definately skin and..and maybe animate it since it really has good edge flow.

finished the ear.

i really like it theres a lot of character in him. is he modeled for any specific purpose like a mod?
well, I could say he's modeled for Black Mesa Source, but I would be breaking the nda..sooo..lets keep this under "just for fun" :)

Very early wip, laying down the base colors of the skin.
Do you apply the texture as a fullbright and let the renderer shade it for you, or do you use the dodge and highlight tools? Because I would have thought using them, when a scene is rendered ingame, the dark areas would look darker. Or does source not have self-shading?
Full bright, since the models are usually the vertex lighting does its job.