Human fish!

Whoah, those other pics are f-ed up. Like the one with the arrow through the dog's neck?
The arrow through the dogs neck....poor puppy :(

People that are mean to animals really infuriate me
That's supposed to be good luck, a fish with human facial features. I dunno what culture that's for or where I heard that from, but I remember hearing it.

I wonder if this fish is related to Seaman?
Darkside55 said:
That's supposed to be good luck, a fish with human facial features. I dunno what culture that's for or where I heard that from, but I remember hearing it.

I wonder if this fish is related to Seaman?

lol kickass dreamcast game. :) those were some mean sarcastic asshole fish :) fun to curse at tho :monkee:
Darkside55 said:
That's supposed to be good luck, a fish with human facial features. I dunno what culture that's for or where I heard that from, but I remember hearing it.

I wonder if this fish is related to Seaman?


Anyway thats some crazy stuff.
I've got a cat with 3 heads...and three bodies. In fact, it has the amazing ability to be in 3 different places at one.
uve got 3 cats lol
btw thats not mutation just what happens when u mate two species i gues and i havent seen these dogs ?
ooh AND (im uite andful) markings on fish are a good omen not human facial features lol
hehe, we're learning all about genetic mutation in science ATM. It's really interesting... you could give an animal human properties by fiddling with their genes a bit... you could probally make a puppy that naturally has arms or something.

Selective breeding is also interesting... It's hard to believe that every single breed of dog is a relative of the wolf, and over the past 1,000 years humans have been breeding them to make the perfect puppy... e.g. spotty wolf + spotty wolf = dalmation puppy!

makes you think... what if the most intelligent people on the planet were "bred" over hundereds of years and generations... eventually we would have an 1337 bunch of super intelligent people :)
Suicide42 said:
makes you think... what if the most intelligent people on the planet were "bred" over hundereds of years and generations... eventually we would have an 1337 bunch of super intelligent people :)
dont tell hitler, hes a sucker for those kinds of ideas.

Wtf that's not James Brown noob.

As for the mutant fish...the first thing I thought was 'SEAMAN LIVES!'. Certainly makes you wonder how long it will be before the fish grow legs and invade. The clock is ticking, gentlemen...

Anybody ever read Dune? Interesting selective-breeding subplot in that. An illuminati-like sisterhood has been breeding together the best of the species trying to produce a super-human...
Suicide42 said:
makes you think... what if the most intelligent people on the planet were "bred" over hundereds of years and generations... eventually we would have an 1337 bunch of super intelligent people :)

Yeah that's very similar to what Hitler wanted to do, 'blue eyes blonde hair' job. Not that I'm implying you endorse hitler or anything.

Just a bit of info, if hitler had succeeded, Germeny would have become so inbred by now that that would have almost died out completely.