Human Males have just become obsolete

Finally I can lobby for mandatory castration of all 12-year-olds.
If they want ****ed up children then yeah, fine.

Best way of producing genetically inferior children.
I'm against any form of artificial pregnancy, if a bloke can't fire his gun naturally and get a woman pregnant he dosn't deserve children.

But that gets me going on my ever so slightly right wing views again.
I'll leave it to humans to make their gene pool worse.
Terminator said:
If they want ****ed up children then yeah, fine.

Best way of producing genetically inferior children.
I'm against any form of artificial pregnancy, if a bloke can't fire his gun naturally and get a woman pregnant he dosn't deserve children.

is that the same for women? should a barren womb prevent them from having a child if medical science can help them? Why do anything that isnt "natural" why not revert back to the way we lived a few hundreds years ago and forego science all together? why progress at all?

Terminator said:
But that gets me going on my ever so slightly right wing views again.
I'll leave it to humans to make their gene pool worse.

upbringing still plays a big part in it ..stick anyone in war torn sierra leon and despite their "genetic superiority" their chances of flourishing are slim

SR you're taking a joke thread and making it something it isnt: a debate on morality
Considering the complexity of DNA and the level of modern science, I wouldn't exactly trust labrotory sperm to generate healthy compitent humans.
Terminator said:
if a bloke can't fire his gun naturally and get a woman pregnant he dosn't deserve children.

I'd say that's awfully harsh. There are plenty of reasons why a male can not produce sperm or impregnate a woman. Does this mean they should be deprived of being a father? It's most commonly a health defect or illness, why does this mean that they no longer "deserve" to have children? Does a handicapped person not deserve to walk, even if science can help them? If a blind man could be given back his sight through science, does he not deserve it?
Jiiiz!! (pronounced geeez of course). You'd think there was a shortage of sprem going around. What a load! :P
I've done my bit for preserving humanity. NEXT!
Hahaha at the automated lawnmower. I want one!
I love how everyone is replying as if the science is being done to ELIMINATE men's usefulness. If you read the article, it clearly quotes that the research is being to done help treat infertile men.
Terminator said:
if a bloke can't fire his gun naturally and get a woman pregnant he dosn't deserve children.

But that gets me going on my ever so slightly right wing views again.

That's not 'right wing', that's just plain fascist.

Yeah I know that's almost a contradiction.
Look, Terminator, how about this - if I come by and kick you in the nads hard enough that you can't make baby juice, does that mean you don't deserve to have children?
terminator said:
if a bloke can't fire his gun naturally and get a woman pregnant he dosn't deserve children.

pomegranate said:
That's not 'right wing', that's just plain fascist.

Doesn't sound like the fascism to me, sounds like textbook Natural Selection. :lol:
Nature isn't politics. Nature isn't right wing or left wing. So STFU, thankyou.
Originally Posted by alehm
Doesn't sound like the fascism to me, sounds like textbook Natural Selection. :lol:

Might I infer that you never had evolution explained to you? ;)

Anyway, this is a good thing. Unless we really do become obsolete D:
pomegranate said:
Nature isn't politics. Nature isn't right wing or left wing. So STFU, thankyou.
Trying to silence the masses D:

ComradeBadger said:
Yeah but it's no fun this way :p

As a girl I would have to agree. But from our point of does solve alot of problems. And hey we can keep you around for opening jars and killing bugs.
artificial sperm...good idea. Now all we need are artificial eggs and we can have fully artificial humans. That would remove ownership and belonging of humans so we can create an army of supersoldiers! mwhahahaha

<ahem> oh yes, treating infertile men...jolly good.

disclaimer:theotherguy does not support anything you just read. Just doublethink it away....
All they gotta do is find a way to spread that stuff through a dildo and men are outa the equation, or atleast sex
LOL! they have automatic lawn mowers! That is just insane to show just how lazy some people are today in this strange world.
Well, they produced baby mice, not baby humans. Theres no guarrantee that Artificial sperm will produce humans.
At least, I hope not...
WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE?! Don't let the feminists know about this.
Darkside55 said:
WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE?! Don't let the feminists know about this.

I think they are the ones behind this. I mean heck I would miss the sex.
Might I infer that you never had evolution explained to you? ;)

I am talking Natural Selection, if a man is impotent then he can't reproduce therefore removing his dsyfuntion from the gene pool.

Evolution has nothing to do with it, so might I infer you never had the difference of evolution and natural selection explained to you? ;)
I support the idea of being the only surviving male in some futureworld.

-Angry Lawyer
I support the idea of Angry Lawyer being the only surviving male in some future world. I look forward to the day when the entire Human race is made up of attractive alcoholics.
