Human vs human combat



Is it just me, or did half life 2 seem to completely lack human to human combat? I realize there are the metro police, soldiers, and elites - but for some reason these didnt feel human at all. Somehow they were too emotionless, took dmg head on, and were pretty retarded. Maybe the emotionless part is meant as a part of the story. But somehow, in half life 1 fighting the soldiers was for more challenging and they seemed to have some sort of fear and worry about getting damaged. I assume I and others complain about the simplicity because we all play games too much. True, but I really think they should add truly skilled human forces. I dont know in what form, maybe Black Ops that simply chose to serve the combine and werent modified because they are so badass already (I dont care, any ideas work) But simply make them hide, cover fire, attack and squads, retreat, set traps, maybe add medics. Make them roll around, lean around corners, throw grenades all around you at the same time...something so u just dont stand there on hard and pick up their nades with grav gun and they all die...
By not letting the player shoot recognisable humans, there would be some benefits (eg, game's violence rating)
i think the combine made people robots? or valve gave the game more of a great depression type feel in my opinion,

ima robot, no! ima real boy!!!

As for the violence rating:
1. I think most parents dont care if their 12+ year olds play mature games with no profanity/nudity.
2. Most of us are half life 1 fans, so we are all clearly allowed to play gory games/old enough to do so legally.

Besides, I think half life could benefit from a darker, more violent setting, its getting a bit too happy dappy. Like my superior word choice? Seriously though, evrything seems too easy, no one is dying, boo.
avraell said:
...and they seemed to have some sort of fear and worry about getting damaged
ok... I agree with most of your argument but this....

no way in hell the soldiers in HL1 showed "fear"- bastards would stand there and take a full MP5(oldskool) clip right in the face and say "is that all you got?!?" then they'd wipe the floor with me :x
If anything, I think there weren't enough alien enemies...... :|
AzzMan said:
If anything, I think there weren't enough alien enemies...... :|

I refuse to shoot another bloody barnacle!

I didn't actually realise the lack of human targets... until you mentioned it. It could have benefited from them, but hey, it's still an <AWESOME> game without. :)
I wish there will be more bosses. Eg the headcrab queen, the big bad fire-shooting-out-of-its-hands dinosaur guy, etc.
By no means am I trying to say that we should have less alien enemies. I just dont like the soldiers in half life 2 being a mix with no human characteristics, yet not cool qualities/abilities that can be classified as alien. They are simply lacking in both areas.

Anybody remember fallout? Now those games created an atmosphere, and yes I realize its a completely different type of game. However, imagine the atmposphere of that game mixed with the amazing physics/graphics of half life 2. They develop this engine to create more realism, yet they deduct from it by making the humanoid enemies so shitty. Come on people, you know you want to fight some amazingly skilled special forces that make you cover in fear and get bullet holes in them once you finally get some good weapons.

Speaking of which, what the **** is with the goddamn ammo only being there when you need it against a specific enemy. Make a part where u would lose a lot of health by not killing an enemy, bnut dont just oput a box of rockets there that keep magically appearing until you take the enemy out, without which you cant move on!! Where's my realism?!?

Oh yea, in reply to what you said rafa: Wouldn't you like them to show fear though? For example when they run away from a granade, wouldnt you want them to back up facing you for example instead of turning their backs and running away as you mow them down. Wouldn't you want them to roll out of the way if you are emptying a clip in their face? How about running behind a corner and having another soldier cover while reloading?
I really loved fighting the combine. The race that has taken over the humans and have token our freedom. And now you can kick their arses in Gordon Godlike style. It was just perfect. Especially when I got the gravity gun.
I hated shooting zombies though...Those poor bastards...
fokke said:
. And now you can kick their arses in Gordon Godlike style. It was just perfect

Thats exactly what I hated about half life 2. It doesn't have the survival theme which i enjoyed so much. You are far too professional somehow. Evrything is easy and routine.
It gave me a somewhat feeling of might that I didn't have in HL1.
The vortigaunts love you like a saint, and the resistance honours you and you boost their morale like dope. The fact that you've slain hundreds of combine, aliens and most of all: Gunships and Helicopters, gives me a feeling of pride.
avraell said:
Thats exactly what I hated about half life 2. It doesn't have the survival theme which i enjoyed so much. You are far too professional somehow. Evrything is easy and routine.
Maybe this is VALVe's plan, make you a running survivor just looking out for number one in the first game, then make you a saint-like superhero slayin' machine in the sequel, and in the third or the expansion, the combine sets in the actual combine aliens and bring you back to status quo. (running and trying desperately to stay alive)
I hope so, because thats where a little bitch human scientist belongs when facing a race that has conqured hundreds of worlds. But I doubt it, since there is always might gman to save you if he feels like it. Then again, thats an if.
Haha but I'm sure Gordon will crowbar them back to the stone age anyhow.
I don't hope you get to fight the combine themself. I liked fighting the oppressors. Being chased by hunting parties and stuff. I got pretty good at it!
It's good that there are different feelings. Indeed, Gordon is a survivor in HL1. In HL2, he's still pushing himself to the limits to survive, but the situation has changed. The GMan has officially hired Gordon, the Vortigaunts and Rebels view Gordon as an icon. You actually get the sense of how things have changed. In HL1, the only ones who care about you hate you (marines). In HL2, you're the main hope of the people there.
Half-Life is all about survival, and as such it's very tense and thrilling; Half-Life 2 is about revolution, uprising, and teamwork, which gives it just as much atmosphere but a very different type of immersion.
Well, if someone would make a mod to tighten up the spread of the auto weapons I'd be fine :)
Amen, friggin SMG has like a 5 foot spray pattern from 10 feet -_-
This thread got way off topic, partially my fault, however I still want to hear opinions on highly skilled/realistic human enemies with more violence.
Shooting fellow human beings is really not my priority, especially in our violent times.
I just wish all enemies wouldn't flinch the same way all the time :(
Well there could be of course a mod in which you play the combine, beginning with raiding houses and blocks and beating up harmless civies, would you like that? It would be fun to be one of the dropship crews however. The combines were fine enemies in my opinion. You can hear them strategically talk to each other, well, a litte bit :p
What's so cool about killing humans? It's treachoury...But if you say no to killing humans in half life, because you think it to be connected to violence in the world, then you shouldn't be playing UT, GTA, Far Cry, BF1942, Raven shield, Counter Strike, Warcraft, CoD, NOLF, Commandos, SoF, Dune, Red Alert, C&C, MoH, Brothers in Arms, Vietcong, BFV, Splinter Cell, Total Annihilation and Hidden and Dangerous too. I can name some more if you like.
Humans that betray the majority of humans should be killed in most cases..
Actually, the metro police were full 100% human. Its the soldiers that had all the robotic enhancments.

And they do have some emotion. Remember the guard in the beginning? He knocked the can over and told you to pick it up, then hit you. Its still emotion.
And he laughed at you after.
Bastard, I hope I nailed him with that popgun pistol they carry around.
I wish I had the gravity gun... then, it wouldnt be the can that was getting thrown in the trash ;)
Yes they are... they are people that decided to join the combine, but havent had any enhancements installed yet... theres a big website that talks all about it... cant remember what it was though...
That would be stupid. Humans can't be trusted, especially not with weapons. I'll believe it when I read it.
Im not sure youll 'believe' this, but once the people sign up for the combine, they use some weird mind-control or whatever to make them be trustworthy.
I dunno... but Barney got to be a Metrocop and in the trainstation, there was this one girl who said she wanted to join the combine for food and shelter or something like that...
Eh, I'm convinced. It's those gunships that are the question.
Why waste valuble members of the combine race on patrolling a bitter and desolate earth when you can have genetically amped up humans do it for you?
And on that note, why waste expensive amped up humans when you can dangle a hot meal in front of regular humans and have them patrol around as well?
Does someone actually ride inside the gunship or not?
I really don't want any more 'human' foes in HL: Aftermath.
Pretty much every damn FPS game out there has human opponents, one of the reasons I like the HL games is because they are so different.

I don't know why some of you think it isn't violent enough. To me, killing the enemies is just overcoming obstacles, not pleasure for sadists. I don't think Half-Life 2's rating could get much higher either, unless Vavle added tons of unnecessary swearing and gore. A human corpse with its face burnt off sitting in front of a television, or the twisted faces of the zombie victims are violent enough for me. Anything more than that is really just unecessary if you ask me.

Instead, I would like much more varied opponents. All we really got in HL2 was antlions, zombies, and Combine soldiers with the occasional chopper or gunship thrown in. I'd like to see a return of some of HL1's aliens, such as the bullsquid, alien grunts and houndeyes, as well as some of the others seen in Opposing Force (though that would be unlikely due to the whole Gearbox issue).

By the time I had finished playing HL2, I was sick of fighting Combine soldiers again and again.

Anyway, nearly all humans want to stop the Combine, not try to help them. If you want to fight humans, go and play CS, FarCry, or one of the other many games which allow you to do so.
It's a safe bet that there is some mind control going on. There's some concept art of what looks like an overwatch strapped into a reprogramming device in Raising The Bar.

Metrocops might have mind control and implants too, but definitely less than the overwatch. Maybe just something that makes forces them to stay loyal, while the overwatch have actually been given enhancements.

Edit: The gunship is all AI, like the other synths. The hunter-chopper and APC are the only the piloted things we currently know about.
Both the Gunship and the Strider are syntetic creatures implanted or forcebly evolved by the combine so as to attack humans... i doubt there is anyone controlling them, beyond the intelligence needed to shoot and fly and not crash. Much.