Humvee M1025



Heres some models my friend made for halflife 2. Tell me what you think about them.


ye looks ****ing amazing and such a nice polgon amount. The skin does look a bit cartoony though. Is this guy part of a mod? because i could see cororate anarchy wanting him if he isn't taken. Anyway very nice work and i really respect the polgon count.
for one get rid of the m240, get a nice m2 or mk 19.
who told you they put m240s on humvees? If your gonna put a low calibre mg put an m60. m240 cant mount on a humvee.

The camoflauge...either its drab gree, all tan or something like the what you have except the brown is much darker.

Other wise they look good.

edit** and is the turret a seperate mesh? Cause it should move.
Thanks for your reply's. Yea he is sorda in a mod, We are going trough a bad time with our leader he really has screwed the team up. So we have basically parted from the team and now are working on regrouping the team. But he is currently trying to get a job modeling. So he is waiting to get a place to live before making more models. But if things do not work out with ous he would probably be happy to join you.
I think the model is nice but the skin is a bit cartoony
I love the model already ... and now I've seen it posted on 3 forums :cheers:
Great model! But yeah, the skin does look cartoony. Doesn't look very metalic.
very nice models here , i agree that he first humvee looks very cartoony and the second one a bit aswell but those details are just damn amazing, do you guys have some connections with people in the military or something?
Originally posted by mindless_moder
very nice models here , i agree that he first humvee looks very cartoony and the second one a bit aswell but those details are just damn amazing, do you guys have some connections with people in the military or something?

Both parents:cheese:
Nope we don't have any connections to the military. But we do find alot of references before doing such skins for something. But the skin isn't in game as of yet so can't tell ya how its gonna look exactly yet. We just got it from maya over to max, and are now coding it for battlefield 1942. Not sure if its gonna handel it but will see. If we get some screenshots today or tomorrow ill be sure to post them.
well i think it looks cool, especially the gun, even down to the scratches in the metal, great stuff :D
excellent skinning and modeling.
I cant figure out if the traction on the wheels are actually skinned in, or if its actually modeled.
Well there really skinned in. Actually took him a day to get that right but I like the model. Currently im still coding it into battlefield 1942 so far no laggy stuff. But when I get it in game ill show some pics here too.
Well Morpheus ... Merlin is ex-military and I'm fairly sure Kiddiegrinder spent some time in there. But MrMode7 has no relation that I know of with the military and as far as I know he did all the work on this hummvee himself.
Ah yea forgot about them 2 thanks for reminding me freebie. Well guess we do have some people in the military but this modeler did the work alone. But he has updated the model a bit more if I can ill get the new renders.
isn't their a way ti lightly bump map the tires to give them actual Treds. and a Humvee is a pretty square vehicle so im sure u can get the poly count down.
wow sweet

btw I think the skin looks great too

non-toony pc games? no such thing

great job

Edit.. had to say. The tires are very nice... almost cant see the flat parts with that skin.
Why reduce the poly count?
It's probably lower the Desert Combat's HMMWV and its got a lot more detail. I personally strive to model a lot of details into my models and MrMode7 has done better then me here and shouldn't have to reduce it. Especially since it is realistically a low poly model for HL2.
I don't remember, but didn't they say the current buggy was something like 15,000 or 18,000 polygons and that they were going to optimize it a bit?

Either way 3,000 is well below anything I would think they could optimize that buggy down to...
Originally posted by OCybrManO
I don't remember, but didn't they say the current buggy was something like 15,000 or 18,000 polygons and that they were going to optimize it a bit?

Either way 3,000 is well below anything I would think they could optimize that buggy down to...

Q. What was the polycount on the driveable buggy?

A. Currently it's a bit heavy at around 12000 triangles. It will be reduced before the game is done.

my imagenery eyes bah but if its only 29xx polys why not bump it up to around 3xxx and give it more detail i hadn't notice that the buggy alone was that high im sure he has breathing room to add tiny details in. and i would still like to see the tires bump mapped to give the tread more ruggedness i hate to use this example but if you see the Halo 2 jeep the tires look awesome i assume they did that with bump mapping.