Hydra Why???



Now that "Rasing the Bar" is out can anybody tell me why they took the Hydra out?
Because it didn't work out to the VALVe team's hopes..
I haven't read th book but in my Opinion I think they took it out because it didn't fit in with the aliens
beacuse the design sucked, and it had nothing to do with the game and blahblahblahblah..

or they simply didn't like it
Well, it kinda looked like a... well, something from LOTR. Anyway, I don't think it fits in. But now I have to watch the binks again. =)
I heard it was because of animation issues or something like that.
ffs seach the forum before posting another of these damn "why did they take the hydra out" topics.
Probably didnt go with the story, it had allrdy been done with the 'tentacles' so they probly didnt want to be too repetetive.
i think it would kill u in one hit like it did with the combine hehe so that would be very sad for us...
They were worried all the hentai fans would get strange and stupid ideas about alyx and tentacle sex. Ewwww :LOL:
When someboy desides to post seriosly please make a note of it. I did search and only found old posts saying "Wait untill the book comes out"
Was the hacker wrong about the hydra being fake, then? In "Final Hours..." they said he said that...
the hydra was in the stolen build. Altho not in any of the levels, you could create them in the bundled hammer

i made a level with 4 combines and a hydra...the hydra owned them. It was quite buggy it kept twitching away with these 4 combine scewered on its tenticle....
I dont care about the hydra being taken out, I ddint really get the point of it in the first place, isnt it indescrutable? What sucks the most is the jetski being removed
well obvously it wasnt on the combines side. it kinda killed them, it probably didnt go with the story.
well obvously it wasnt on the combines side. it kinda killed them, it probably didnt go with the story.
ukfluke said:
heres a screenshot

Hmm that hydra looks surprisingly cool, is it a keyframe animated monster or is it some kind of physics based monster (like the strider which doesn't have fixed animations) or some kind of rope object that can make any move?
In the book, Ted Backman says that the hydra was great to watch when it was fighting other people, but when it "attacked you, the player, you'd just see this non-descript blob doing something vague, then you'd be dead."

Edit: wait, is it against the rules to post this?
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
In the book, Ted Backman says that the hydra was great to watch when it was fighting other people, but when it "attacked you, the player, you'd just see this non-descript blob doing something vague, then you'd be dead."

Edit: wait, is it against the rules to post this?

Thanks for the information. Well done for being the only one to actually answer the question.
Damnit, I always miss the cool stuff! - the mods removed the link.
shame they removed it. The hydra does look cool , really fluid movement like a real tentacle. Yeah its pretty weird when it attcks u , very quick you dont have time to react.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
In the book, Ted Backman says that the hydra was great to watch when it was fighting other people, but when it "attacked you, the player, you'd just see this non-descript blob doing something vague, then you'd be dead."

Edit: wait, is it against the rules to post this?

Beat me to it, just bought the book. No strat guide yet,though.
Cunni said:
Beat me to it, just bought the book. No strat guide yet,though.
Yeah, I don't intend on buying the strategy guide until AFTER I beat the game.
ukfluke said:
shame they removed it. The hydra does look cool , really fluid movement like a real tentacle. Yeah its pretty weird when it attcks u , very quick you dont have time to react.

check your pm. :)
Raziaar said:
They were worried all the hentai fans would get strange and stupid ideas about alyx and tentacle sex. Ewwww :LOL:
I was looking forward to that.
Because it would have been ridiculous for gordon to get out of the position we see him in inda bink. its was always kinda lame neways
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
In the book, Ted Backman says that the hydra was great to watch when it was fighting other people, but when it "attacked you, the player, you'd just see this non-descript blob doing something vague, then you'd be dead."
Thank you thats what I wanted to know