I almost died tonight. Somebody else probably did.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Scariest ****ing moment of my entire life.

We went down to Mannsfield Texas today to go to one of my cousin's graduation ceremonies. We then went to IHOP and ate, and parted ways.

I'm a passenger in the back seat, and we're going north on I-35 back home. We're in the leftmost lane and I'm seeing a lot of headlights going by of course, on the opposite side of the median. One pair of headlights strikes me as odd, but I don't notice until my dad swerves away to the right at the last second. We just avoided a head on collision. There was somebody on our side of the road driving against traffic going at least 40 from what I estimated as he zoomed past, while we were going 65.

My dad literally turned the vehicle to the side enough for us to clear the car while we were within 5 feet of hitting it.

We survived it, but I can't help but think of the poor people who may not be so lucky with that maniac or drunk on the road.

My heart is still racing, and I'm still freaked the hell out. I'm barely confident that I did actually survive and I'm not really dead.
Sounds pretty terrifying, I'm glad you're all right.
I'm just sitting here after posting that thread(first thing I did once I got in the door), just still overwhelmed with fear with the uncontrollable desire to want to cry, part still out of fear, part happy I'm still alive.
Very pleased you're still with us!
Scary shit. I ****ing hate drunk drivers.
Urrrrgh. Good to see you're still alive. No news about any accidents where you just were, I hope?
Sounds pretty terrifying, I'm glad you're all right.

Very pleased you're still with us!

Scary shit. I ****ing hate drunk drivers.

Urrrrgh. Good to see you're still alive. No news about any accidents where you just were, I hope?

Thanks guys. I'm going to try to go to sleep soon. My mind is racing but I am also tired.

Jintor. I've been trying to find accident reports for the stretch of road, I35/12 where we were on. I don't remember what exact spot it was.

Maybe I'll hear something about it tomorrow. If there was an accident I can only hope it wasn't fatal for anybody.
Never happened to me, can't imagine how scary it is.

Very glad you're alright.
Get some sleep. A good night sleep always brightens the next day.
I was reading about a story of a family in a limo driving home after a wedding, and a drunk driver collided head on, killing two people.
One death was a 7 year old girl .They found her mother holding her decapitated head when they arrived :(

I really hate drunk drivers. Incredibly selfish people.
Scary stuff man. Good thing you're still here! Hopefully nothing will show up in the news tomorrow...
****ing hell, ZT. I didn't not need that image put into my head this late at night.
Scariest ****ing moment of my entire life.

We went down to Mannsfield Texas today to go to one of my cousin's graduation ceremonies. We then went to IHOP and ate, and parted ways.

I'm a passenger in the back seat, and we're going north on I-35 back home. We're in the leftmost lane and I'm seeing a lot of headlights going by of course, on the opposite side of the median. One pair of headlights strikes me as odd, but I don't notice until my dad swerves away to the right at the last second. We just avoided a head on collision. There was somebody on our side of the road driving against traffic going at least 40 from what I estimated as he zoomed past, while we were going 65.

My dad literally turned the vehicle to the side enough for us to clear the car while we were within 5 feet of hitting it.

We survived it, but I can't help but think of the poor people who may not be so lucky with that maniac or drunk on the road.

My heart is still racing, and I'm still freaked the hell out. I'm barely confident that I did actually survive and I'm not really dead.

Jesus, Man! No seriously, Jesus H! I'm glad you and your dad are ok, it would especially suck if we lost a member here no thanks to careless drivers! I swear, where the hell do these idiots get their driver's license?!
Dont die on me cow, who else is going to milk this place up?
Based on motorist surveys, one in 60 vehicles has an alcohol-impaired driver during the day, said Fred Zwonechek, administrator of the Nebraska Office of Highway Safety. That jumps to one in 12 at night and perhaps one in four after 11 p.m. in areas with a high concentration of bars.

(Percentage increases dramatically after 11 p.m. and on weekends, peaking at about one out of 4 drivers in areas with multiple drinking establishments).
Sobering statistics.

Oh, god, that pun is so horrible.
Good to hear you're okay. Be sure to thank your dad for going all bullet time and dodging that shit like a pro.
So happy you're safe. There is only one... Cowman.
Jesus. I'm glad you're all right!

This has just bought back a bizarre memory, something which I haven't though about for ages.


This was in Canada, heading from Vancouver to Calgary. We were driving one of those huge clumsy Dodge Caravan joints - my dad hadn't driven on the right-hand side of the road since he was a teenager living in Canada, and to be honest I was a little nervous the whole time. We were cruising along one of those huge, wide, perfectly straight highways that you North Americans have that are pretty much non-existent here. Traffic was not jammed, but constant. Everyone was travelling at the same speed, and the motorway was full, but not overloaded. Clearly it was a busy highway. Then I saw, out of the corner of my eye, a car two lanes over just stop and swerve over two lanes - as if the driver just slammed on the handbrake and wrenched the wheel over as hard as possible. Then we heard a huge bang. I jumped, span in my seat, and saw a white sedan (from what my adolescent brain reported) hanging in mid-air. The bottom of the car was 45 degrees to the road surface, and it was rotated 45 degrees away from where it should have been travelling - essentially, only a front corner was touching the road, the rest was just airborne. My dad said "F*CK" loudly - I spun to face the front, to check that we weren't going to hit anything, spun around again, and saw nothing but a huge cloud of dust... And our car and one other truck were the last cars in a long, long trail for about half an hour until we reached another on-ramp. Absolutely terrifying! Especially the realisation that we were essentially the last people to make it out safely.
****ing drunk drivers, one killed my older brother 12 years ago, if they crash and die then thats fine by me, lets just hope they don't involve any other innocents.
Sorry to hear about that Shift. I've had my own close encounters, the closest one being during that blizzard aftermath.
Have some chocolate/glass of soda. Also, contact local police with any info. Glad to hear you're ok old buddy.

edoot: oh you've gone to bed. wise decision bro!
see? thats why I advocate the uses of horses again,that wouldnt have happened whit horses
Happened to me once but it was the middle of the day and he was driving at 10 miles an hour so it was easy to avoid. Glad to know you didn't get killed Cowman!
Holy crap. Glad you're alright!
Hilariously, this post looks like it's responding to KA's old story.

I can joke around because of the happy fact that Raz did not die.

Although, regarding which, are you sure you're not a ghost haunting the forums? That kind of thing can happen.
I'll have to try harder next time, I wasn't counting on your dad driving.
If you can't find any accident reports you should call the police and tell them what happened so they can check highway cameras around that time and see if they can identify the car.

It's great your dad reacted so quickly to avoid an accident but this other person is obviously reckless and didn't care about the lives of other motorists...including yours. They should be banned from driving for a good time.
Stupid driver stories? May I share some? ALRIGHT!

When I was about 13 my mom, my brother, and I were going down to florida with a group of friends. There were about 5 cars, excluding our own. We were the caboose. We make our way down through Alabama. (Takes an entire day, and it's the most boring stretch of road I've ever been on.) My brother had just got his permit to drive with supervision, and he was soon to get his license. We were heading down back roads in Alabama, or more like a back highway, and there was quite a bit of traffic. The trees on either side were very thick. My Mom had deemed it safe for my brother to drive because a highway is less dangerous than an interstate... Hehehe...

Anyway, traffic was slowing, and we were heading around a curve of which the other side could not be seen through the trees. I had been listening to my CD player, and I had a pack of CDs at my feet. I reach down to change the CD as we come around the curve, and I hear a loud engine pass by my door, passing us from behind. There were a lot of cars coming the other way, so I wasn't sure if it was just a speeder. I look up, through the windshield, and there's a truck flying all over the road, coming within an inch of clipping the front of our Durango, and hitting an oncoming car pulling a boat. The truck went off to the right of the road, kicking up dirt, our party continued without notice for a minute. The truck hit a patch of tarmac, and swerved, flipping. It's wheels touched road again, and it flew across the road, to the left, into trees, knocking down a few saplings.

The only thing I remember is that the driver had had a bad leg, and it slammed on the gas pedal. Without the ability to remove it, he tried desperately to avoid hitting others in the thick traffic. My brother was so shocked by what happened, we pulled the truck over, and he got out and threw up. The rest of our party came back to check on us, and other people that were driving behind us, and on the other side stopped to make sure we were okay.

But, in all, it was a terrifying experience. There was another instance in L.A. where we had a rental PT cruiser with a retractable roof. (Tiny back window. Very hard to see out of.) We had just come through a stoplight where a steep hill was on our left, and a fenced area was to our left. As we passed through the intersection, we heard a loud crash behind us. Again, a guy driving a truck had his leg lock up, and he flew down the hill, and slammed into the car behind us, launching himself over it, flipping the car through the fence, and himself flying into a tree, killing him. (We saw it on the news later. We got the hell out. It had only been a year since our last road incident.)

Yeah. The road is not a safe place. Always be on your guard. Anything can happen. At least you survived it okay. That's all you need. Don't feel guilty for living either, if someone else got hit. It isn't your fault the guy was on the wrong side of the road.

It was nightime... Perhaps he fell asleep.
I'm extremely happy to hear you're ok Raz. Tell your dad he should be a rally car driver with those skills.

Back when I lived in Louisiana, the town I lived in had a bunch of one-way streets. Being a college town though, that meant there were always new people in town who weren't familiar with the driving in that area (which was stupid to begin with since there was absolutely no need for one-way roads at all). So every time a new trimester started I would encounter people making wrong turns and driving into oncoming traffic. Even at the slower speeds we were going at it was still pretty scary because you have no idea how they're going to react when they realize it. It was especially scary for me since I drove a sedan, when everyone else in the south drives massive pick-up trucks that could crush me.

But yeah, seeing headlights in the same lane as you really gets your heart pounding.
Glad you're ok. Considering the number of people you encounter on the road every day, you're bound to run into idiots and just plain psychopaths with surprising regularity.
Alright. Yeah I went to sleep shortly after posting in this thread. My nerves were fried.

I feel better today though, the sleep did me a lot of good.

Jesus. I'm glad you're all right!

This has just bought back a bizarre memory, something which I haven't though about for ages.


This was in Canada, heading from Vancouver to Calgary. We were driving one of those huge clumsy Dodge Caravan joints - my dad hadn't driven on the right-hand side of the road since he was a teenager living in Canada, and to be honest I was a little nervous the whole time. We were cruising along one of those huge, wide, perfectly straight highways that you North Americans have that are pretty much non-existent here. Traffic was not jammed, but constant. Everyone was travelling at the same speed, and the motorway was full, but not overloaded. Clearly it was a busy highway. Then I saw, out of the corner of my eye, a car two lanes over just stop and swerve over two lanes - as if the driver just slammed on the handbrake and wrenched the wheel over as hard as possible. Then we heard a huge bang. I jumped, span in my seat, and saw a white sedan (from what my adolescent brain reported) hanging in mid-air. The bottom of the car was 45 degrees to the road surface, and it was rotated 45 degrees away from where it should have been travelling - essentially, only a front corner was touching the road, the rest was just airborne. My dad said "F*CK" loudly - I spun to face the front, to check that we weren't going to hit anything, spun around again, and saw nothing but a huge cloud of dust... And our car and one other truck were the last cars in a long, long trail for about half an hour until we reached another on-ramp. Absolutely terrifying! Especially the realisation that we were essentially the last people to make it out safely.

Stupid driver stories? May I share some? ALRIGHT!

When I was about 13 my mom, my brother, and I were going down to florida with a group of friends. There were about 5 cars, excluding our own. We were the caboose. We make our way down through Alabama. (Takes an entire day, and it's the most boring stretch of road I've ever been on.) My brother had just got his permit to drive with supervision, and he was soon to get his license. We were heading down back roads in Alabama, or more like a back highway, and there was quite a bit of traffic. The trees on either side were very thick. My Mom had deemed it safe for my brother to drive because a highway is less dangerous than an interstate... Hehehe...

Anyway, traffic was slowing, and we were heading around a curve of which the other side could not be seen through the trees. I had been listening to my CD player, and I had a pack of CDs at my feet. I reach down to change the CD as we come around the curve, and I hear a loud engine pass by my door, passing us from behind. There were a lot of cars coming the other way, so I wasn't sure if it was just a speeder. I look up, through the windshield, and there's a truck flying all over the road, coming within an inch of clipping the front of our Durango, and hitting an oncoming car pulling a boat. The truck went off to the right of the road, kicking up dirt, our party continued without notice for a minute. The truck hit a patch of tarmac, and swerved, flipping. It's wheels touched road again, and it flew across the road, to the left, into trees, knocking down a few saplings.

The only thing I remember is that the driver had had a bad leg, and it slammed on the gas pedal. Without the ability to remove it, he tried desperately to avoid hitting others in the thick traffic. My brother was so shocked by what happened, we pulled the truck over, and he got out and threw up. The rest of our party came back to check on us, and other people that were driving behind us, and on the other side stopped to make sure we were okay.

But, in all, it was a terrifying experience. There was another instance in L.A. where we had a rental PT cruiser with a retractable roof. (Tiny back window. Very hard to see out of.) We had just come through a stoplight where a steep hill was on our left, and a fenced area was to our left. As we passed through the intersection, we heard a loud crash behind us. Again, a guy driving a truck had his leg lock up, and he flew down the hill, and slammed into the car behind us, launching himself over it, flipping the car through the fence, and himself flying into a tree, killing him. (We saw it on the news later. We got the hell out. It had only been a year since our last road incident.)

Yeah. The road is not a safe place. Always be on your guard. Anything can happen. At least you survived it okay. That's all you need. Don't feel guilty for living either, if someone else got hit. It isn't your fault the guy was on the wrong side of the road.

It was nightime... Perhaps he fell asleep.

That's some scary shit guys.

Van_Halen... I don't understand how it could just be a case of a guy falling asleep. I mean, this is I-35 we're talking about here. Like with most of our interstates, opposing traffic is separated by concrete barriers without any crossovers. Someone would have had to either turn around while on the side I was, or enter onto the freeway on an offramp. I don't see either of those happening for someone who fell asleep, and it's a bit hard to fathom for someone who is drunk too. Though it is a possibility.

Was talking to my dad just a bit earlier. He made a point that I hadn't really even thought of before. We're lucky as shit that the other dude, if he realized what was going to happen as well, didn't swerve to avoid us as well, where we would have collided as we were trying to avoid each other. The other dude just completely stayed in his lane as if nothing happened. No honking or anything. Surely a drunk driver would have reacted in some way maybe.

I really just want to forget about this now. In the future if it is my dad driving, I'll be sure to tell him not to drive in the leftmost lane. As he himself said, there is nowhere to move other than right, leaving far fewer options to avoid an accident. Plus, being in the leftmost lane, you have less of an ability to distinguish headlights coming from your lane or the lanes on the opposite side of the median, especially when on a hill.
Its nice to hear you're alive.

*Turn's around and plans another attempt on Raziaar's life*
I've never been in any major car accidents but I've been very close to death on numerous occasions and kinda know what you went through. you'll probably have scary dreams for about a week so I suggest a nightlight or leave a TV on in your room
Jesus god damn Raz, I'm glad you're alright. It sounds to me like the driver was someone who was either insane, drunk, or legitimately suicidal. Either way... you're a lucky guy. Glad you're still here :D
More thanks guys.

I went driving to walmart just now because I had a snacking craze(that running thread made me hungry!), and I couldn't help but feel paranoid and nervous as I was driving. It wasn't the interstate, but it was late at night with drunkards undoubtedly on the road.

I know it sounds crazy/stupid to act as if I had PTSD or something, but I still just feel so... weird. Closest I ever came to potential death before was in a fast moving river without a life vest where one of my older cousins had to swim down stream to rescue me. My head was going under the water and I was grasping futily at overhanging thin branches. But I was young too, like 10 years old. Not aware really sure what death meant on a serious level like I am now.

It's also weird to have some dredged up religious thoughts. When I stopped at that Denny's to take a shit and buy a Pie they ended up not having(posted in the politics section), I saw some scribblings on the stall wall. Other than "FUKC OBAMA" among other things, was the scribblings of "Romans 10:9". Must have been some wacko religious guy in there because above it in huge letters was also scribbled, "GOD KICKS ASS!". I honestly couldn't remember the phrase, though I did look it up after I got home.

It's just weird, you know, not really having any faith anymore and seeing something like that so shortly before a potential near death experience. Feels like my mind is playing tricks on me against my will, telling me things like, "IT WAS A SIGN YOU FOOL, GO BACK TO YOUR RELIGION OR YOU'LL DIE!". I will not be cowed into submission by my own god damn mind!
More thanks guys.

I went driving to walmart just now because I had a snacking craze(that running thread made me hungry!), and I couldn't help but feel paranoid and nervous as I was driving. It wasn't the interstate, but it was late at night with drunkards undoubtedly on the road.

I know it sounds crazy/stupid to act as if I had PTSD or something, but I still just feel so... weird. Closest I ever came to potential death before was in a fast moving river without a life vest where one of my older cousins had to swim down stream to rescue me. My head was going under the water and I was grasping futily at overhanging thin branches. But I was young too, like 10 years old. Not aware really sure what death meant on a serious level like I am now.

It's also weird to have some dredged up religious thoughts. When I stopped at that Denny's to take a shit and buy a Pie they ended up not having(posted in the politics section), I saw some scribblings on the stall wall. Other than "FUKC OBAMA" among other things, was the scribblings of "Romans 10:9". Must have been some wacko religious guy in there because above it in huge letters was also scribbled, "GOD KICKS ASS!". I honestly couldn't remember the phrase, though I did look it up after I got home.

It's just weird, you know, not really having any faith anymore and seeing something like that so shortly before a potential near death experience. Feels like my mind is playing tricks on me against my will, telling me things like, "IT WAS A SIGN YOU FOOL, GO BACK TO YOUR RELIGION OR YOU'LL DIE!". I will not be cowed into submission by my own god damn mind!

well the running theory is that its better to believe in God than not. for sake that he is real you don't want to be ****ed in the afterlife. TBH no one you know that is dead will tell you, so there is a chance there is an afterlife. maybe you can respect life more and just be happy with helping others.

but i bet some good old fashioned FPS online will help you get your mind off things. play something fun you love and time will pass much easier. or hell watch some cartoons like Sponge Bob
I will not be cowed into submission by my own god damn mind!
Oh my did I lol, almost didn't catch it.

Don't worry about this being a sign from God. It's only a sign or a test if you make it. God was never good at explaining existence in the first place, anyway. Even He couldn't explain where He came from.