I am building a headcrab!!!

If Valve has any compassion whatsoever, they'll give FD a free copy of HL2(and maybe throw in a Radeon 9800Pro to boot). Seriously, how much more hardcore can you get? The guy isn't even doing it for some contest, he's doing it for the hell of it! If anyone on this board has Valve's ear, please make the suggestion. HE'S WEARING A RUBBER TURKEY ON HIS HEAD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! :)
There is a D3 poster in the background however. Valve may frown on that!
I would make stuff too if I could, but I don't have any skills like that...I can't make art, vidoes, weapons, clothes or anything lol. I am worthless :p
Jet jaguar im gonna ask that in the Interview Questions for Doug Lombardi cause he deserves it for that.Perhaps u should mass market them.(One with each copy of HL2 or Hand them out a E3)
Flyingdebris said:
new pic of the headcrab

things left to do

1 finish the tips of the legs and bandibles
2 paint it up
2 cover it with epoxy gel
4 paint again

Haha, If would have to wear that thing I would shoot myself and blaim the neightbours dog in the form of a poisoned bone
Oooooh it's so lifelike.
Too bad it won't be bendable, then you could do your own ragdoll demonstrations! And record them! And post them! Who needs HL2!! ;)
no one probably cares anymore, but awhile back somone mentioned the headcrabs and seeing the skull... and i was bored and like doing pointless photoshopping so here...

Hey, thanks for the pic, dude. That was in a debate a while back. Could be useful.
is very good

good dam job

my tallent is in clay,I can make a headcrab in real size whit clay, but your mask is more dificult to made,so I admire your job
Oh man, i would give big money for that thing, even though i would crash to everybody, i wear glasses you know... :LOL:
Wow, the stuff that goes on in these forums when i'm away. Nive to see people have been busy! FD, I thought your combine outfit was as good good as it got, but I was wrong. The headcrabs looking great so far, keep it up? Are you going to wear it or do you prefer the combine outfit (for comfort)? All your ensemble needs now is plenty of fake blood, and some zombie hands. BTW, I always thought the 'chest full of teeth' was just part of the hosts ribcage. Can't wait to hear some of the comments people give you when you go the shops wearing your 'new hat'!
they probably would expect a voice out of nowhere to say:"smile, you're on candid camera!!!" :E
haven't gotten much work done since the last pic exept to do both mandibles, i'm gonna have to hurry if i want to have it done by the time the megacon convention rolls around at the end of this week.

Heh, if i could get hl2 for free that would be totally sweet. I'm glad i have people like you guys cheering me on
ReZeroX said:
no one probably cares anymore, but awhile back somone mentioned the headcrabs and seeing the skull... and i was bored and like doing pointless photoshopping so here...

yeah, that was me. thanks for putting that up. ive never seen that, and it looks like valve didnt pronounce that very clearly, so maybe its not as big of a deal as we think. probably just a little touch they added that they thought would be cool.
Why is it so big?

well fact of the matter is that this is the smallest i can make it and still be able to fit it over my head. The headcrabs in hl1 looked small because through the screen its hard to get a good sense of proportion, but where they to be real, they'd each have a slightly larger than a basketball sized body. there was no way i could make it any smaller
I wish i could make stuff like that,
Then I would make a lifesise working Manhack and relese it in my schools facilty room :D
Keep up the good work ;)
I hope we get to see more pics with the paint on it for the next few weeks....But we cannot push you, just keep up your own speed... ;)
well my speed is just fine, i'm currently waiting for some epoxy to dry within the next 20 minutes to apply more, wait another 20, paint it and finish up the mask.

after the mask i'm going to make a chest full of teeth out of left over supplies, not too sure about claws though. last time i wore arm extensions to a convention it was a severe pain in the ass to do anything, open doors, sign my name, reach for my wallet.... Screw it for gameplay reasons over realism i think i'll just paint my arms blood red
okay i underestimated the amount of time that epoxy stuff takes to dry.

aparantly 20 minutes in the directions translates into for freaking ever in real life

anyway here's what i have now, this is the base coat with half dry epoxy all over it

it should be finished tomorrow


  • headcrab.jpg
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that's a really good job you've done there, now invade the mall, and show people who's the man :afro: :naughty:
I suggest you paint very faint blue veins on some places. Or go look for some sort of goo that will give your crab some gloss. Other than that it's not bad.
I agree, you should paint some veins on it. I also have a question, what are you going to do about the parts where it sags down?
Dragonslayer said:
I agree, you should paint some veins on it. I also have a question, what are you going to do about the parts where it sags down?
wow. if you weren't talking about painting a headcrab..........eeeeewwww!!!

on the other hand, Good Job with the Headcrab FlyingDebris!!
well my head filling up the inside of that thing will push up most of the areas so i'm not too worried

right now i am waiting for some recently applied epoxy to dry before i go in with a brush for the smaller details.

also i am working on making the chest-mouth the zombies have. i'm half way through stitching it together.
okay the headcrab is still wet but i managed to do the chest mouth in the meantime as well as spray down a labcoat and pair of pants to look all bloody. the chestpiece is also drying but its really wet. i'll take a picture of it when i get back from class in 2.5 hours
looking very cool :) keep it up.
BTW can you still see anything when you wear it?
I am taking a ceramics class next trimester, I bet I could make all sorts of cool HL stuff...and get my ass kicked at the same time lol.
there is a small area in the front made out of sheer material instead of vynil, it isn;t easy to see, but better than nothing