I am building a headcrab!!!

permanent paints would have trouble washing off and are usually toxic, the paint ment for skin comes off too easily and makes a mess

fake blood looks really good but to make it i need corn syrup and red food coloring. it would also make a big mess
Yast spotted this page, thougt ya all should sheck out this dudes mad drawings
yeah zlak thats a great artist, I found it a while ago, PHL had something on that Gordon Freeman pic.
the front end of the mask has a small area thats got lots of little holes in it. its hard to see but better than nothing
Dang that looks awesome. Are you going to wear the Lab-coat along with the headcrab? If you do I think the coat would look a little better if you take it out and tear it up, run it through mud, and just make it look overall real old and mangled.

But excellent job nonetheless.
Can you actually see when you have the headcrab on your head?
That zombie suit is bad ass! Valve should give you a free copy of HL2 for your work. How long did it take for you to finish it?
If Valve gave him a free copy of anything, it would lead to the mass production of millions of costumes across the globe. Gotta dream though.
took about 3 weeks to finifh.

i emailed valve, no they didn't offer any free halflife 2 :( , gabe did however say my costume kicked his headcrab costumes's ass
really good, makes me want to bash your head in with a crowbar. :D
That's just awesome. I bow down to your skills, sir.

I think the arms look just fine. Good enough to scare people, anyway.
Wow. It's kinda cool to see how much detail you put into the jaws in your chest. Btw zlak, I was going to say how bad your english was but then I saw that you were from sweden, one of the hardest places to convert to english from. You speak english really well considering all that.
looks like great things happen when i'm not there.
awesome costume
but the blood should be darker i think
i can't wait to see the HEV ^^
thanks i've thinking of maybe covering up the existing costume with fake blood instead of adding it directly to my skin. guess i better start mixing up a jar of the stuff or something
I just don't have the patience to do something like that. I work with other things. I make models for stuff in 3d, very fun once you see what you've done. This is my latest model Nitto grapplers
HAAYY!! i dont think my English is that bad. is it? :P
BTW. the hardest people to spekae English whit is Germens!
the only time i met a German while playing counter-strike that actualy speaked a lite english was a guy using OGC (Famus CS Cheat) and even he couldent speake properle.
ps. awery one knows germens suck on english, name 10 English/Amercian movies they havent dubed to German? :P
Im allso realy looking forwords to se the HEV-Suit.
BTW. is it realy supose to be teeth/jaws sticking out from the zombies cheast? isen it yast his cheast-ribs opend upp wide, i think i can see the lungs in there...?
zLaK said:
HAAYY!! i dont think my English is that bad. is it? :P

Nah, but the triple posting may be an issue.

On topic:

Awesome costume!
Next, be security barney!
nice job man, Valve is cheap not to send u anything for making that, also is that suit forsale? I'll give u 650 bucks for it.
Wow! That is awesome! Get yourself a willing friend, a gun that makes some noise, and have a zombie vs. combine fight at the convention! (might get you thrown out, but it would be so cool!) How good are you at making zombie sounds? ;)

Cant wait for the HEV suit! Will you be going helmet or fake beard/glasses?
sorry for the triple posting, it was onley to be to bost but i screwed upp when i tryed to edeting my secend poste by puting up the picture, so i had to wait aider 25min ore poste a new reply,
btw. in sweden it was 6am ond i havent slept for 15houers, så i was in hurry to get tp slepp.
Where's Slepp?

zLaK said:
Im allso realy looking forwords to se the HEV-Suit.
BTW. is it realy supose to be teeth/jaws sticking out from the zombies cheast? isen it yast his cheast-ribs opend upp wide, i think i can see the lungs in there...?

zLaK said:
look at this picture!

In the original game, it was a mouth that the headcrab was making from the ribcage (I think the Zombies were even called "Mawmen" somewhere). It was even more obvious in the Gonome.

I've seen two sorts of zombies in the screenshots and vids: The "Fresh" looking ones, that have bloody hands (As if the skin's being sloughed off.) and no visible chest split, and the older looking ones, like the one you posted, which have a split in the chest/abdomen, and hands that look like they've healed up (No blood, just pasty skin). I still think that the split is forming into a mouth, and that we'll probably see the more familiar mouthed Zombie later in the game.

If they weren't, you'd have to ask yourself why all the zombies had half their chest missing...
i kind of agree that its teeth, but it could be the ribcage and that would make more sense..., well as much sense as a headcrab zombie could be.
Like I said, it always looked to me as though the ribcage was becoming teeth.

Sort of like what happens to that mutant dude in Resident Evil 2.
I think we all can agre on that the zombies are allwas evolving. but to what?
I reckon they hijack the body and turn it into/use it to become a Gonarch, which then makes more headcrabs.
Brian Damage said:
I reckon they hijack the body and turn it into/use it to become a Gonarch, which then makes more headcrabs.

hehe. thats a prity big change, it would explain the opening of the cheast of the zombies, thats were the big dangly thing would com out? but it dosent explayn the zombies claws.
Brian Damage said:
I reckon they hijack the body and turn it into/use it to become a Gonarch, which then makes more headcrabs.
Actully the Gonarch is an evolved Headcrab, it had no host. Now the Zombies evolve into god knows what. Although as we saw in OP FC they eventully become more intelligent, faster and are able to throw some kind of stomach matter, that happens to be quite corrosive. You also see that the chest swells and the "jaws" extend outward. In addition to this there is a strange green growth on their backs. Sorry for ramblin I just played OP FC again.
And how do you know where the Gonarch came from? It was never explained.

I've always imagined that perhaps the headcrab fuses with and mutates its host's body into a gonarch, or perhaps just uses it to collect food in order to get enough bodily mass to complete the metamorphosis of it's own body...

I reckon they go to the Gonome stage, then further mutate from there into a Gonarch.
Hmmm... I've just realised; another thing which indicates that the split is a mouth is the way that there were two zombies feeding on a corpse in one of the original games.

BTW, I think that the claws are an adaptation of the host's body to facilitate feeding and hunting.
Hay Flyingdebris cant U poste some more pictures of youre Zombie outfit, make a second persen take the shots, i dont think that the picture youre self made did youre suit yastis.
Brian Damage said:
And how do you know where the Gonarch came from? It was never explained.

I've always imagined that perhaps the headcrab fuses with and mutates its host's body into a gonarch, or perhaps just uses it to collect food in order to get enough bodily mass to complete the metamorphosis of it's own body...

I reckon they go to the Gonome stage, then further mutate from there into a Gonarch.
But the Gonarch was already on Xen. Do we see a gap here? There are no huminoid life forms on Xen. The Gonarch evolution and the Zombie evolution are two different things. :naughty: A little birdy told me so. :naughty:
Yes, Chainer, what about them? No one ever said that the host has to be humanoid, anyway.

And I hope you aren't basing your arguments on the stolen build, Mr Eyebrow McWaggle.
The Gonarch doesnt make headcrabs...
It makes lil' Gonarches (small, grey, upside-down headcrabs)