I am stuck at the very begining


max killen

I am stuck at the very begining of the game. My character gets pulled aside by an Alien and taken to a room with various torture devices in it, plus some computer stuff. The alien pulls of his mask and turns out to be a friend. After some dialog with man on computer screen, there is a banging on the door outside. Friend in Alien Costume tells me to go through storage area door and climb out window. I climb up ladder in storeroom, pull a crate over and jump out of the window that doesn't appear to have any bars around it. I land on some crates and break them. There is an oil drum in this little area plus some beer bottles and a door that is partially open. I go up to door and it won't budge.There is a downspout on a wall, but don't know how to climb. Either I jumped out the wrong window (can't find another) or I don't know how to open doors. What did I do wrong?
Er... Press "E" to open doors...

Umm....press the use key at the door? (Default is "e")
this is just so simple that i can't believe you. spent quite a lot of time writing up a post to take the piss too- just sad.
people like him are not worthy of playing hl2 in my opinion...
wow you people are nice.. ever thought that maybe, just maybe, as weird as it sounds, he/she has never played a FPS before or have any clue what to do.

Course it could just be a pisstake in that case it'll get locked :p
at the very start and already stuck??

I think we will be seeing ALOT more posts from this guy!
i suppose i can almost believe that he/she doesn't know about the 'e' button, but coming off the train (and, for that matter any other time you need to use a new key) it tells you on the right of the screen what to do. (e.g. 'e' pick up object)

not possible to be that much of a mung, im afraid
Max Killeen: Don't let the lil' 10 year old whiners bother you. Post any questions you have. We will help you.
i don't normally 'whinge' as you put it, skyjack, but this person had to use 'e' to stack boxes to get out the window about 5 seconds earlier. It is common sense that the 'e' button would then be one of the first you would try as an alternative to opening this door
i agree. in the time he took to write that post he could've solved that problem twice over
If one has the facilities to compose a post, then certainly they can figure out that 'e' will open the door!
I did not use the "e" key to stack the boxes, I only used one box and jumped on it. My computer game playing time is very limited, I played the game for a little while several weeks ago, stopped and started playing again yesterday. In between those times I forgot that "e" was the default key, it certainly doesn't mentioned it on the little 2x3 inch manual. It is very nice to know that this board is full of pleasant and mature people that welcome a new person with respect and give him the benefit of the doubt.
it is just very hard to fathom thats all, sorry if you were genuine and actually did forget that 'e' was the key needed.
Yeah, just ignore the anti-newbie people. It's actually a fair problem. Anyway, good luck with the game. :)
yeah sorry bout that. I guess after playing games like HL so long you take being familiar with the controls for granted.
It's a very fair question. That door actually gave me a moment's trouple, and I'm a long-time FPS player. The reason it's annoying is because in a game with a realistic physics system, you'd expect to simply be able to push through a door that's ajar, and not have to press 'use'. That was one little thing that annoyed me about the game, actually-- the doors don't obey the physics laws, they simply open and close automatically like in HL1.
Jenga said:
yeah sorry bout that. I guess after playing games like HL so long you take being familiar with the controls for granted.

Somebody.... apologizing?? On an internet forum?!? What universe did I wake up in??
Hey, to the the absolute MORONS that flamed this guy:
STFU and quit being anal jerks.

5 bucks says maxkillen didnt play hl1, which is fine, always like to see new people to the lifestyle
10 bucks says miccy has a pole up his ass about the size of the citadel
Hercules331 said:
5 bucks says maxkillen didnt play hl1, which is fine, always like to see new people to the lifestyle
10 bucks says miccy has a pole up his ass about the size of the citadel
50 bucks says you have the IQ of a retarded cow.

MiccyNarc said:
50 bucks says you have the IQ of a retarded cow.

Considering its impossible to give a cow an IQ test, I see it quite impossible for a cow to have a measurable IQ. Especially if this cow is retarded, which I believe to be also impossible because Im pretty sure cows cant be diagnosed mentally retarded by any doctor or veterinarian, since they are animals. Plus my IQ is about 140, so it looks like you owe me 50 bucks. bitch
Plus my IQ is about 140

And I'm the king of France!
Considering its impossible to give a cow an IQ test, I see it quite impossible for a cow to have a measurable IQ.
I think we can all assume that's it's somewhere around 0. :)
Especially if this cow is retarded, which I believe to be also impossible because Im pretty sure cows cant be diagnosed mentally retarded by any doctor or veterinarian, since they are animals.
Never been around animals much, have you...

Anyway, you missed the cute smiley at the bottom of my post.
That makes all things good.
Thats a smiley? I thought it was some bunny doin backflips and shit.