I am stuck on Water Hazard. plz help...



I can't get passed the toxic water after the first ramp...I go, i get on the tube, sprint on it, jump, and sprint through the water, and I die. What do I do? Please help.
You're in the wrong board you idiot. This is for people who can't get the friggin game to start. Pee off
rinoflow said:
You're in the wrong board you idiot. This is for people who can't get the friggin game to start. Pee off
The description of this forum is:

"If you're stuck in the game or can't get it to work, come here."

Stop being a troll and start helping people.
I am also stuck here. I'm starting to think perhaps I should be on the hovercraft.. but.. I didn't see it anywhere passing around here.

Someone help or have guidance?
but how?

I can only get the hoverboat up to the area with 2 crashed boats and 2 tanks up high with the pier that you can run under. No matter how i try, I can't catch enough air off of the ramp to make it into the pipe. This is right after the part with the pipe that has the tentacles and zombies in it, and right before the part with the huge area and the helicopter.

u have to get the floating blue things in the cage at least 3 so the ramp is alined run back thru tunnel or jump ramp get on hover ride over

robocop said:
I can't get passed the toxic water after the first ramp...I go, i get on the tube, sprint on it, jump, and sprint through the water, and I die. What do I do? Please help.

Let's solve this problem first, please.
u never sprint thru toxic u ride over it either straight or ramps ok?
me stuck too

hey guys, i'm stuck at water hazard too, a litter further ahead at Gate 5, here is a pic of where i am. i think i'm supposed to get on the cat walk right above that sewage drain?? thanks :cheers:
iLLiCiT said:
hey guys, i'm stuck at water hazard too, a litter further ahead at Gate 5, here is a pic of where i am. i think i'm supposed to get on the cat walk right above that sewage drain?? thanks :cheers:

WTF?! how do u get a flippin airboat?!