I am tired of these mother%*)@#&$*# stingrays...


The Freeman
Jun 12, 2009
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...on this mother$(*#$*&%ing boat!

Associated Press said:
LIGHTHOUSE POINT, Fla. - An 81-year-old boater was in critical condition Thursday after a stingray flopped onto his boat and stabbed him, leaving a foot-long barb in his chest, authorities said.

"It was a freak accident," said Lighthouse Point acting fire Chief David Donzella. "It's very odd that the thing jumped out of the water and stung him. We still can't believe it."

Full Story

Docile creatures my ass. Ever since the Croc Hunter they've been getting gutsy. The first incident was just a test. Now they're brazen. Soon, it'll be war.
Harsh, they have experianced the thrill of the kill, now all humans must be barbed. What have you unleashed Steve!?.
F*ck.... it used to be sharks, but now motherf*cking stingrays? What next!? Sponges attacking!?
They've been planning this for centuries......Haven't you seen the signs? Look at the signs! LOOK AT THEM!
World War 4, The War Of The Rays, October 2006???

Depthcharges ftw!!

Its a ****ing ray for god sake. People say snakes are 'dangerous', and that 'more people are being attacked by sharkes'...ffs you retards, its because our populations are increasing and therefore more people are wandering into their territories as we expand outward. Its the same with hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes etc etc etc. Yes they ARE occuring more frequently due to global warming, but the other reason is simply that people happen to be living in the area these 'disasters' happen. Its only classified as a natural disaster if it does damage to property and kills/injures people.

A snake wont bite you if you leave it alone, act like a ****ing tourist and get close to take its picture however, wtf do you expect? Dont come crying to mumma saying a snake bit you for no reason and you feel slightly woozy.

Same with sharks. Swim in their waters, you get bitten. Thats the food chain. Its a predator. Youre a piece of dumb-ass flesh on the surface. Tough **it biatch. Lost a leg? Shouldnt have been there in the ****ing first place moron!!!!

The guy probably slipped over in his boat and landed on the barb, or deliberately stabbed himself to start a revolution against the rays (hahaha) OR it was a completely coincidental accident.

We arent on the top of the food chain and we never will be. Humans having guns is like giving a snake an AA gun to use on birds. The snake can then kill the bird that comes to kill it, but the bird is still supreme.
The guy probably slipped over in his boat and landed on the barb, or deliberately stabbed himself to start a revolution against the rays (hahaha) OR it was a completely coincidental accident.
It said the thing flopped into the boat... it's not like he hauled it up or anything. The bastard went after this man!
How can a stingray flop out of the water a good 2-4ft and LAND in a boat and then shimmy across the floor, heading straight at a guy, jump AGAIN and stab him in his chest? Come on!!!

Unless he was one of those rare breed of rays with slinkies on their stomachs that let them jump in boats to attack humans, of course...
How can a stingray flop out of the water a good 2-4ft and LAND in a boat and then shimmy across the floor, heading straight at a guy, jump AGAIN and stab him in his chest? Come on!!!
They've obviously evolved.... DUH! :farmer:
This is obviously linked to 9/11. You can't tell me these are all coincidences. The odds against both 9/11 and stingray attacks in the same decade is 2353252e42, which is essentially impossible!
*predicts ray deaths by humans increasing by 500%*
Going to get some military kevlar+helmet on and mess with those bastards. I should stay alive with combat gear on heres hoping to me!
Whatever Bertakis and the boat captain try to do resulted nothing. They had to eye their stingray flying to the boat. They even couldn't escape by emergent kit because they lost control of the boat.
And they shunned me when I said we needed to exterminate all the stingrays! I warned them! Now whos with me?!
"The stingray just flew out of the aquarium, and stabbed the party hostess, WHO WAS 20 FEET AWAY, in the chest. That was a very rare occurance!"
Heck, it is just natural selection

Sting Rays are just going to keep picking us off until there's only one human left, who's still saying "Sting Rays are normally docile creatures! The extinction of the human race to them was just a freak accident!"
****....stingrays are going to kill us all and take over the earth.
Tommorow, you look outside, and there will be stingrays flying through the skies in a massive battle with Ari Force fighter jets. Anti-aircraft fire will go up in strings and sheets, implementing an oddly beautiful glare to the heavens above. Blood and wrecked aluminum plating will rain down upon you on the fateful day, when the stingrays decided to fight it out with the human race.
Tommorow, you look outside, and there will be stingrays flying through the skies in a massive battle with Ari Force fighter jets. Anti-aircraft fire will go up in strings and sheets, implementing an oddly beautiful glare to the heavens above. Blood and wrecked aluminum plating will rain down upon you on the fateful day, when the stingrays decided to fight it out with the human race.
I think Numbers is officially batshit insane.

Being so close to Kim Jong Il probably got to him.
It's all part of their plan...Drive mankind bat**** loco one person at a time! Damn you, you...you....fishy...skate...thing bastards!

Run for your lives!!!
I bet they'll still say that they are normally docile even if a few thousand people die. They say the same for elephants even though they run out on the road and murder people by the hundred.

It's funny.
How can a stingray flop out of the water a good 2-4ft and LAND in a boat and then shimmy across the floor, heading straight at a guy, jump AGAIN and stab him in his chest? Come on!!!

Unless he was one of those rare breed of rays with slinkies on their stomachs that let them jump in boats to attack humans, of course...

When I was snorkeling in Cancun, we were getting back onto the boat and saw a stingray jump a good 4 feet out of the water...
They're just giant wings, all they would have to do is angle themselves and get some speed.

I think Valve were quite prophetic in this, does anyone remember the giant flying Sting-Rays from Half-Life 1?
We've got to use Stinger missiles!

(Hur hur hur.)
How can a stingray flop out of the water a good 2-4ft and LAND in a boat and then shimmy across the floor, heading straight at a guy, jump AGAIN and stab him in his chest? Come on!!!

Unless he was one of those rare breed of rays with slinkies on their stomachs that let them jump in boats to attack humans, of course...

Because this tray was EXTREME
its a new kind of stingray...

wait for it...
