I am tired of these mother%*)@#&$*# stingrays...

They're just giant wings, all they would have to do is angle themselves and get some speed.


The fact you knocked that up means you have too much time on your hands :P

Wait there was a World War 3!? ;(

Guess it wasnt official, but it practically was.

Come on people. Dont give the world an excuse to wipe out ANOTHER species. We're all ****ed as it is. Dont speed up the damn process lol!
This pisses me off. Steve Irwin gets killed by a stingray and now it becomes a noteworthy event?
I'm pissed off that the media can be so fickle as to trivialise this man's death by forcing it into the public eyejust because it was similar to a celebrity's death. Six months ago, that man's death might have made it into his local paper.
I've got ideas for a movie!
Staring Samuel L Jackson!
Sting Rays on a Plane