I am waiting for...?

Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
(BIG SARCASM)...Okay so again, I am Waiting for the new movies because...?

Actually what I meant to say was, WHERE THE ***** ARE THEY!!?

Very dissorganized over there at valve. They release a movie on steam, then its like every other day, then every other 2-4 days and then its like every other week. Wtf I ask of you.

This is ridiculous:angry:

I have nothing against anything except and only except for the way they are releasing the videos. Very unnorganized and randomly. And now its like I'm waiting for the dune buggy scene right? But ****** when does it come on steam already?!

Its even more dicouraging to know the fact that the videos are never released on weekends anyways so I am waiting for tuesday? Thurday? Next ****** week? NEVER!?
Let's see Chris_D march in here with a pro-valve rant...
Soon my friend, the remaining videos and some other stuff, just after they'll release Steam (not beta)
I here they are making a game also, hmm which will top priority :p
Originally posted by CptTrips
LOL! This moron acts like he deserves them or something...

18 yr old film-maker my ass!

And oh, an excuse something along the lines of "making the game is more important" is ridiculous.
who actually cares bout videos ? is ur world revolving around the net and getting more hl2 media if it is i sugest u get a life im just waiting for the game jeeeeeeeeeez
Originally posted by cyborgguineapig
18 yr old film-maker my ass!
I'm ignoring that comment since you have absoloutly no idea what you are talking about.

Originally posted by cyborgguineapig
And oh, an excuse something along the lines of "making the game is more important" is ridiculous.
Please quote me where I said that.

Your post implied that you somehow "deserve" the right to download these movies, with no other reason other than "I want them NOW."

Originally posted by cyborgguineapig
They release a movie on steam, then its like every other day, then every other 2-4 days and then its like every other week. Wtf I ask of you.
Typical child-like behavior. When he's given a small toy to play with, he is satisfied for a day or two and then wants more, more, more.

You are a sad addition to these boards.
Well okay, actually this is all quite humorous as I tend to be a hypocrite sometimes. See, like several months ago I was like telling everyone to be patient ext ext... Look at me now, I am a hungry wolf and I'm just dissapointed that Vlave can't get the movies out on a uniform basis.

For example, A movie every tuesday at 4:00 pm.

But its been anything but a straight schedule.

Like I said, it was originally a movie every other day. Then the next movie slipped to like every other 4 days. Then a movie a week. And now its like been 2 weeks or something. Its more like they didn't pace the movie releases or something.
look dude. you dont know anything about the scedual of the team. you dont know when they need to finish certain parts of the game. you dont know anything. I am sure they are way to busy atm to not do anything with the movies. If I would make a game I would not set it top priority. But they have said that there will be 3 new movies (all 3 at once) soon.

so STFU please. I cant stand these threads.
The remaining three movies will be out after Steam Beta finishes. I think the team have been more concerned with finishing Steam.

There was no schedule, they were just releasing them as they saw fit. Maybe they were going to do it every day or so but then people got the movies early out of the Cache file, so they had to deal with that.

They don't owe you anything, be patient.

Chris_D isn't pro Valve. He's just sensible (albeit, slightly irritated with people demanding movies).
Argh, muppet, they have already stated roughly when they will release the remaining movies, they ARE VERY busy at the moment, they are in crunch mode getting the game finished.
You'd love it if they pissed around getting movies out to you when they could be concentrating on getting the last touches in the game.
Well, they can take their sweet time with the movies as long as the game comes out on time. If the game is delayed too, then I will be a sad panda.