I am worried about my Country.

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That's true, I was just refering to how Germany invaded France through neutral Belgium... twice.
Stern The Police don't arrest minors in Germany,mostly its just a sitation,
Certain things are happening lately that are worrying me in Germany.
for example the coming ban of "Killer Games,"
the rising support for the NPD and basicly that all the old farts that still have this VERY self hating OMG we started a war attitude,are in power.I have to admitt that I have a strong dislike for "liberals" here in the U.S.But I admire the PDS and green party of Germany because they seem to be the only ones that understand todays problems.The only important Politician that didn't go on a "OMG ban Video Games" rampage was this Lady.She is member of the PDS.a almost Communist party.yet I support them because they just have a better understanding of problems that young people have cope with today.Ok back to the Neo Nazis.I was head of a student group at my School in Germany that tryed inforce certain laws about Nazi Symbols being shown by neo nazis in our school.
And unofficialy I would organize "gang beatings" on such people that called them selfs "real germans".I have to admitt doing that might have been extreme and also was dangerous for us.One of the guys allegedly carried a gun with him.But at the same time I never wanted to have something to do with the so called "Punks".They would say they are against Fascism.But I saw that all they cared about was getting drunk,stoned.And wearing dirty old cloths.I hate Punks and Nazis.Even though I consider myself to be a person that is more right then left.killing people won't solve anything.I want Democracy.Not a Dictatorship.But remember I am a person that thinks nothing of political correctness.I will say things when they have to be said.This is basicly a Political Testament.nonetheless I am worried that
Germany with rising unemployment will suffer the same fate as the
Weimar Republik.I can feel that Germany would fall for the same promises again that Hitler made.I am not saying that Germany will go do a Blitz Krieg again.I am afraid that Germany some day will be in a position as North Korea.flexing Muscles that aren't there.And we all know what will eventually happen to NK.

Please no flaming.If you find a spelling mistake point it out I will correct it.:cheers:

Credit goes to Que-Evar
support a more leftist Government in germany,before it 1933 all over again.

Liberate Germany! Go frontline infantry! Ensure that the plague of leftism does not destroy the free world!
I don't see this thread going in any positive direction, tbh.
Certain things are happening lately that are worrying me in Germany.
for example the coming ban of "Killer Games,"
the rising support for the NPD and basicly that all the old farts that still have this VERY self hating OMG we started a war attitude,are in power.I have to admitt that I have a strong dislike for "liberals" here in the U.S.But I admire the PDS and green party of Germany because they seem to be the only ones that understand todays problems.The only important Politician that didn't go on a "OMG ban Video Games" rampage was this Lady.She is member of the PDS.a almost Communist party.yet I support them because they just have a better understanding of problems that young people have cope with today.Ok back to the Neo Nazis.I was head of a student group at my School in Germany that tryed inforce certain laws about Nazi Symbols being shown by neo nazis in our school.
And unofficialy I would organize "gang beatings" on such people that called them selfs "real germans".I have to admitt doing that might have been extreme and also was dangerous for us.One of the guys allegedly carried a gun with him.But at the same time I never wanted to have something to do with the so called "Punks".They would say they are against Fascism.But I saw that all they cared about was getting drunk,stoned.And wearing dirty old cloths.I hate Punks and Nazis.Even though I consider myself to be a person that is more right then left.killing people won't solve anything.I want Democracy.Not a Dictatorship.But remember I am a person that thinks nothing of political correctness.I will say things when they have to be said.This is basicly a Political Testament.nonetheless I am worried that
Germany with rising unemployment will suffer the same fate as the
Weimar Republik.I can feel that Germany would fall for the same promises again that Hitler made.I am not saying that Germany will go do a Blitz Krieg again.I am afraid that Germany some day will be in a position as North Korea.flexing Muscles that aren't there.And we all know what will eventually happen to NK.

Please no flaming.If you find a spelling mistake point it out I will correct it.:cheers:

So you consider yourself somewhat right, for democrary, but at the same time organize gang beatings of people you dislike, and don't like punks because they dont share your vision and dress code. You sir, are part of the problems in your country.
So you consider yourself somewhat right, for democrary, but at the same time organize gang beatings of people you dislike, and don't like punks because they dont share your vision and dress code. You sir, are part of the problems in your country.

In the UK people who beat up punks because they dont agree with them are called chavs......yeah.....

Oh and btw, i know most of my opinions on Britain are similar to the Daily Mail's opinions but i've never read it in my life....I read "The Sun" for god's sake...lol page 3 ftw =D. and no, i have no stats to back up my opinions and i know some of them were complete bullshit, i just wanted to let my rage out on something. But i must admit i am sticking to my guns about immigration running wild. I'm fine with asylum seekers, people who really have seen things beyond beleif in their own country and i welcome them, i'm happy to pay for their food, shelter and healthcare. What i really hate though is people coming into this country expecting the easy life and just "sponging" off the state sitting down watching TV all day.

And about the single mums trying to get more money from having more children, yes that is true in some areas. I've seen on a few occasions, NOT in the Daily Mail, with some mothers who have actually admitted to having more kids to rake in extra money from child benefits. I know it sounds stupid, and i know you're all gonna say, "Don't believe in what tabloids say, they're all bullshit" , but I've seen some people in real life like that.

And by the way,

I applaud the new immigration laws passed by the EU that let more immigrants here. I welcome them with open arms.

You do realise that people are going to eventually find a way to abuse these laws to gain easy access to our country and become lazy fat bastards stealing tax payer's money? I'm not racist, I hate all lazy people who won't work for a living.

Back on the topic of Germany,

I went there for two weeks on a German Exchange, and I know i was probably only shown the best parts of the country but I really couldn't imagine Germany being as bad as you say it is....oh well.......guess I'll have to take an opinion from someone who actually lives there anyway...but yeah i have heard about the "ZOMFG BAN 'KILLER' VIDEO GAMES" shiz going on in Germany. I feel quite sorry for you guys having Dead Rising banned, lets just hope they don't ban upcoming Half-Life titles

By the way, Solaris, I had a look at that "Youth Parliament" website you linked in your sig. Pretty impressive. It just shows that some of today's youth are civilised people with proper political views and not just idiotic stereotypes.
Funny, in Holland we're not allowed to "object" immigration (cause then your a bad bad racist, and connections with Nazism are made). Yet at the same, the average waiting time to get a house is 4,5 years.... 4,5 ****ING YEARS!
WE'RE FULL! ok? i don't care what religion, color or whatever anybody is, we're ****ing full, close the gates and lets work on getting the people who are in Holland now, a house.
Also, i generally believe in helping people abroad, rather than solving the problem by bringing them into an alien country. Its not much fun for immigrants being dropped into a strange country anyways.
In the UK people who beat up punks because they dont agree with them are called chavs......yeah.....

Oh and btw, i know most of my opinions on Britain are similar to the Daily Mail's opinions but i've never read it in my life....I read "The Sun" for god's sake...lol page 3 ftw =D. and no, i have no stats to back up my opinions and i know some of them were complete bullshit, i just wanted to let my rage out on something. But i must admit i am sticking to my guns about immigration running wild. I'm fine with asylum seekers, people who really have seen things beyond beleif in their own country and i welcome them, i'm happy to pay for their food, shelter and healthcare. What i really hate though is people coming into this country expecting the easy life and just "sponging" off the state sitting down watching TV all day.

And about the single mums trying to get more money from having more children, yes that is true in some areas. I've seen on a few occasions, NOT in the Daily Mail, with some mothers who have actually admitted to having more kids to rake in extra money from child benefits. I know it sounds stupid, and i know you're all gonna say, "Don't believe in what tabloids say, they're all bullshit" , but I've seen some people in real life like that.

And by the way,

You do realise that people are going to eventually find a way to abuse these laws to gain easy access to our country and become lazy fat bastards stealing tax payer's money? I'm not racist, I hate all lazy people who won't work for a living.

child benefits never amount to more than $100 a month (on high end, it's closer to half that ) ...so you'd have to have in the number of half a dozen kids to make it worthwhile ..and even then the grocery bill alone woulld probably use up most it ...the "poor are having more kids for mo money" justification against mother's allowances is by far the most retarded notion ever when it comes why would should do away with social programs ..usually supported by people without children or those who have never had to fend for themselves
Funny, in Holland we're not allowed to "object" immigration (cause then your a bad bad racist, and connections with Nazism are made). Yet at the same, the average waiting time to get a house is 4,5 years.... 4,5 ****ING YEARS!
WE'RE FULL! ok? i don't care what religion, color or whatever anybody is, we're ****ing full, close the gates and lets work on getting the people who are in Holland now, a house.
Also, i generally believe in helping people abroad, rather than solving the problem by bringing them into an alien country. Its not much fun for immigrants being dropped into a strange country anyways.

Come over to Belgium, we have loads of space left :D

I do dislike people that think the Belgian population is like 60% immigrants. (It's 10%) :| They think we let immigrants barge in like mad with the tens of thousands. In reality, about 8000 immigrants come into Belgium per year. Knowing your facts ftw
Solaris, It's great that you have an opinion, but do you have to quote a post, split it into syllables and reply with "Racist" "idiot" "bullshit"?

It just seems a bit pointless, as well as extremely annoying.
I vote we all stop cpmplaining. It could be alot worse. And one things for sure, it will get alot worse too.
Solaris, It's great that you have an opinion, but do you have to quote a post, split it into syllables and reply with "Racist" "idiot" "bullshit"?

It just seems a bit pointless, as well as extremely annoying.
Someones never entered the politics forum :laugh:

Come over to Belgium, we have loads of space left :D

I do dislike people that think the Belgian population is like 60% immigrants. (It's 10%) :| They think we let immigrants barge in like mad with the tens of thousands. In reality, about 8000 immigrants come into Belgium per year. Knowing your facts ftw

hehe, thats what most Dutch do :P immigrate to Belgium -> lower taxes ftw :P
So you consider yourself somewhat right, for democrary, but at the same time organize gang beatings of people you dislike, and don't like punks because they dont share your vision and dress code. You sir, are part of the problems in your country.

I don't like these people becuase they suspise Democarcy.And Punks want Anarchie something I cant agree with either.
I wondered how Lemonking got himself unbanned again, until I checked the date and saw it was 06.
I heard a rumour that he's manifested himself unto another form.

wish and you may receive ....

I'm worried about the sorry state of libraries, the high cost of mortgage lending and how no one is overly concerned that passanger pidgeons became extinct last century <me bites nails, pees pants in fear>
My country needs to ditch the TV license. ><
Problems in Germany? Kill any hitler 2 before he rapes minds.
BAHH I didn't notice the thread was old until I read the post saying it was old, and he was the one that resurrected it for no raisin! >_<'''
Thread revival what?

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