I can't complete 'Our Mutual Friend'

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Firstly I'd like to say this is the greatest game I've played in a long time...secondly, I'm done with the task of defending the base from the Striders.

One, even two at a time is a pain in the arse, but at the moment, my last loading point...I have three Striders, one almost at the base itself and a bunch of hunters beating the crap out of me.

Now, I've tried again and again and it always ends with my death.

I focus firstly on the Hunters, I can take out one (with rockets) and manage to fall one of the Striders, but by then there are two more Hunters on me and two Striders very close to being at the base itself. Not to mention a lack of ammo to take the Hunters out with...I've resorted to trying to kill them with those balls (which works, but it's really hard to do that when they're pounding the spawn points and blowing them up before I can grab them...)

It just seems impossible...especially since I'm doing all the work while whatshername and the pegleg sip tea...and what? Dog has better things to do?

I'm desperate here...I haven't skipped anything before...but this...just isn't fun...is there a way to skip this particular task...y'know, I type something in and voila the grumpy professor man thanks me for a task well done?

If not then, well, that sucks...guess I'll just ditch it and play the main game again...

There's some command to list all the maps. I think it's map * or something. Then use map <mapname> to load the last one.

Although you'll miss one of the few genuinely challenging gaming moments of last year.
No, no no, all WRONG, lol. Try running over the Hunters with the car. Or, pick up logs with the gravity gun, let the hunters shoot it with the flechettes, then punt it back at them. When you time it just right, they vaporize. It's very rewarding. :) Also, grenades for the AR2 (the combine gun) vaporise them.

It can be frustrating at first, but it's all about strategy. When you get it down right, it's one of the most fun and rewarding moments in any video game ever.
Reload, and then use the 'ball things' to take down the striders. They're not very difficult to use.
No, no no, all WRONG, lol. Try running over the Hunters with the car. Or, pick up logs with the gravity gun, let the hunters shoot it with the flechettes, then punt it back at them. When you time it just right, they vaporize. It's very rewarding. :) Also, grenades for the AR2 (the combine gun) vaporise them.

It can be frustrating at first, but it's all about strategy. When you get it down right, it's one of the most fun and rewarding moments in any video game ever.

I've been reading through the other threads about this...guess I made two fundamental errors...1) I wasn't using the car (didn't think it could hurt the hunters and I like taking cover) and 2) I wasn't using the G-Gun enough...all I was using it for was to launch the balls.

By the way why don't they stick when the Hunters are around? Are they shooting it off? Shouldn't that trigger the detonation?

Anyway, I'll try again tomorrow.
By the way why don't they stick when the Hunters are around? Are they shooting it off? Shouldn't that trigger the detonation?

Anyway, I'll try again tomorrow.

I belive that they don't explode simply because the the fletches don't explode until a few seconds later.
Hunters are best taken down in three ways.

1) AR2... it kills hunters, see.
2) Car. It runs them over quite nicely.
3) Gravity Gun: Logs and heavy objects do wonders. Hunters get wasted by blunt force.
4) Difficulty easy that could help
If it is still too difficult with the striders that close to the base, use the seconadry autosave, it should be about a minute behind the other one, giving you time to change your strategy.
And one other thing to remember, try and keep a Magnusson device (explosive ball) on the back of the car (remember the little bracket the rebels installed on there for you?) Try running over some of the hunters, then picking up the MD from behind the car and shooting it at the strider with the cover of the car so the hunters can't get to you.

Best advice really is - run Hunters over with the car.
My strategy for beating the battle is to ride ahead, running over and killing as many Hunters as possible while ignoring the Striders. Once most of the Hunters are gone, you can take your time and focus on the Striders that are now easy prey.
My strategy was-

Drive around and stuff in the attack before all the dropships come in. Use the Gravgun to kill Hunters if you're stuck in a building with them. (Or the AR2 energy balls). If you're outside, turbo and run them over. Always keep a magnusson on your car. Then, when the dropships come in with the massive assault, camp at the silo, there's a magnusson generator which will never get destoyed, and there should be some medics. Park your car like a barrier for the Hunters, then Gravgun logs into them when they come (again, you could use the AR2). If you're lucky, the logs will get Flechettes stuck in them so you will vaporise the Hunters. The striders shouldn't be too hard to take out.

Thats how I did it, I think.
You're only troubled because you're trying to kill Striders without the Magnusson device. See.
Hunters will shoot fletchettes on the device if they see you carrying it and shooting it, which disables and destroys it. You need to kill the hunters first, then shoot a single orb at the strider and make a single shot from your weakest pistol on it, to kill the strider.
So all ammunution you need to kill a strider is one pistol bullet.
I just completed the Neighborhood Watch achievement and let me tell you, beating that part of the game was one of the greatest moments of my whole HL experience. It sure it's a little difficult but you can always use previous save states to correct anything you've doing wrong... that's the good point of games.

As many people has told you already, logs are great for taking the Hunters down. My strategy was focus mainly on the Hunters to have enough time to take the Strider when it's all by himself and not have to worry about them when the fast walking Striders appear. I personally had some problems running the Hunters over with the car (killed only some of them that way) so the logs were very important for me. One way or another you have to move quickly and, above all, remain calm so you can be precise on your driving and your shoots (logs, slinging HD's at Striders or blowing the HD's up)
Heres my advice:

There are 2 waves to the Strider fights, the 1st one shouldnt be a problem. Just dont use all your weapons ( I completed the battle with only the shotgun and gravity gun, I hate the AR2). So basically use the car and grav gun against hunters. Kill the striders normally and you'll complete the 1st wave

2nd Wave:
I find this technique useful as I get lost while driving in the forest.
Basically, camp nearby the silo where there r 2 MD device spawns and 1 slightly further. Park your car with an MD in it at the gate. Then take 5 MDs and drop them around a certain area. When the 1st Strider comes, kill it as per normal. Now for the remaining hunters, you'll have the dead Strider's legs to use via Grav. Gun. Once the hunters are dead, pick up a random MD on the ground (Taking from the spawn area is longer) and kill the striders.
Run over one hunter in an open area with your car. For the second one, throw logs or use a weapon that fires a powerful shot one at a time, like the magnum. The secondary fire from SMG and OSIPR are extremely effective. If one tries to charge, hide behind a tree. The dumb hunter will ram right into it, and take damage. If you get overwhelmed, remember they will not tick around to argue with you. They will keep moving to defend the strider. That's the perfect time to catch them off guard.
Most of the time i'd just drive at them and only run over one Hunter since trying to turn around repeatedly and hit them all was a pain, and after that get out and use the alt fire on the AR2 to desitegrate the other hunters, and if there was any left a rocket never hurt, after that i'd head to the nearest supply station, load up, and repeat.
I'll never forget the first time I ran over a hunter and killed it. I was like "where did that hunter go? Hmmm, there's a dead one behind me but where's the one that was shooting at me?"
The bomb is not that easy to stick to the strider's body. A lot of time it just rolled off its leg. I had problem aiming it, too. Not sure about the target when the whole bomb is blocking the aiming.
Well nibwoodle, he could still be stuck. In which case he went to play Gears of War or some other mediocre game.
I'm afraid you got outclassed G(ordan) by his crappy game wit.
thanks for the video clips, officer combine. how come those hunters there seem so easy to take out with the gun, and the bomb can stick to the strider so easily? Not the case in my game (xbox - normal). the hunters take so many shots can still run around and attack my and the bomb. the bomb always tend to slide down the strider instead of "pinning" to its belly like on the clip. would that be the difference between PC and console games?
I don't know. If you're asking me, remember I'm not the guy who did all that. I don't even own the orange box...yet.
Fiend.. It's fiend, not friend... Our Mutual Fiend...

And no, I don't have a life...
If you still can't do it, i recommend downloading Synergy and find a server and do it co-op style, not only is it easier, it's a hell of a lot funner than single-player.
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