I can't take it anymore...

AgentSmith said:
promises that Valve made for oh so many years.

Hmmmm, as far as I can remember Valve made absolutely zero announcements about the game (HL2) until around E3 2003, hardly "oh so many years" as you seem to enjoy saying so much.

Also, have you any actual networking experience or are your bold claims of inadequate netcode and 56k compatibility just wild stabs in the dark, cos it certainly doesn't sound like you know what your talking about.

I only ask because I experience absolutely NONE of the symptons you're describing and I know a whole lot of other people aren't either.

I think what it boils down to is this - has a patch/new release of CS ever hit, without this mass hysteria about broken hit boxes, faulty netcode etc etc etc....yawn.

Answer - Absolutely not, some people just like to moan....alot
AgentSmith said:
if CS:S was ALLWAYS supposed to be HL2 MP then it would be finished and not something like what we have now which is so obviously unfinished (apart from the larger engine issues).

valve has said there will be suprises when HL2 finally comes out. I think they have something up their sleeve in terms of multiplayer for HL2.

I think CS:S was just a test for the purchase/distrubution system (steam) to put it under the great stress thats going to be needed for a HL2 release.

Right now, valve is paying CLOSE atention to how CS:S is being played, how the netcode is going, etc etc... Its been stated by valve that CS:S started out as a simple test to see how easy it would be to port current mods to the hl2 source.

I think you need to just relax, and wait for the REAL stuff they've been working on to come out, THEN make a judgment. (cs2, tf2, etc etc)
Give me a break, CS:S is a retail product and if Valve is just running some test of Steam then, again, they ripped us off. Why is it so hard for CS people to hold Valve to account as they ould any other game company if they sold the same thing over and over and over or if they sold something that was incomplete or just faulty? Ridiculous.
Minerel said:
If you don't like it, dun play it. You arn't forced it....it technically comes free with HL2 so it's not like you "Bought" it.

CS:S is Hl2's MP.

therefor it is 1/2 of the game you PAY for.

thus ends your excuse.
this is what I read the other day:
CS 1.3 info page said:
- cl_cmdrate is the number of times per second the client informs the server of its actions. Remember that the amount of data in an update depends on how much is going on.

- cl_updaterate is the number of times per second the server tells the client what's been going on in the map. Likewise, more action, more data per update.

- cl_rate sets a maxiumum limit of bytes per second the client can send the server. This value is necessary as the server cannot reliably determine the data transfer rate to the client. This value needs to be set to match the data upload rate of your connection to the server.

- rate is the maximum limit of bytes per second the server can send to the client. sv_maxrate, the server specified limit, is used if rate is higher than sv_maxrate.

rate equals download speed times .9 divided by 8
cl_rate equals upload speed times .9 divided by 8
cl_updaterate equals rate divided by 175
cl_cmdrate equals cl_rate divided by 20

The maximum value for both rate and cl_rate is 20,000.

So knowing this info...I have:
Comcast 3.0Mb High Speed Internet
Down: 2,500Kb/sec (closer to what I really get)
Up: 256 or 384Kb/sec I forget

using that infomation:
(2,500,000b/sec * 0.9) / 8 = 281,250
(256,000b/sec * 0.9) / 8 = 28,800
281,250 / 175 = 1607
28,800 / 20 = 1440

Obviously these settings are not right, or at least THE GAME cannot be set properly for these numbers (if they are still correct since this is old). But if you calculate for 56Kb/sec (33.6 up)modem:
Rate: 6300
cl_rate: 3780
cl_updaterate: 36
cl_cmdrate: 189

These look much closer with excpetion of the cmdrate. But what it seems to me is that the internet speeds have out grown what the game is expecting.

Given this is old information but the fact that we don't get any information from VALVe on how to configure leaves us with just this information.