I Demand Restitution

Should they have reduced my post count to 0?

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I'm surprised this got re-opened. I guess the only reason why they caved in and gave bvasgm his posts back was because he was a first time offender.

I wonder when the warning system will return?
A True Canadian said:
I wonder when the warning system will return?

I've been wating for ages to get it back and have my warnings expired. :|
I still don't even see why it was such a big deal...woopdie doo your postcounts are lost. Nobody remembers you because you had 1000 posts..they remember your name..sheesh, people nowadays.
cyberpitz said:
I still don't even see why it was such a big deal...woopdie doo your postcounts are lost. Nobody remembers you because you had 1000 posts..they remember your name..sheesh, people nowadays.

I think that many people (including me) judge a fellow member by their # of posts.
15357 said:
I think that many people (including me) judge a fellow member by their # of posts.
Would you still have sex with me at 50 posts?
cyberpitz said:
Would you still have sex with me at 50 posts?

If you had 323trillion, I'll think about it.
cyberpitz said:
I still don't even see why it was such a big deal...woopdie doo your postcounts are lost. Nobody remembers you because you had 1000 posts..they remember your name..sheesh, people nowadays.

What if you could change your name to match the number of your postcount :eek:
I remember Zeus making a thread about his 1000th post back when i'd only been here a little while, and i remember the big argument about big Z's one as well, even though his was tongue in cheek. Zeus was a first time offender and he never got his posts back, either bvaorgasm whatever should be reset, or Zeus should get 1000 added surely? I see no justice for Zeus' sake, he just got picked on it seems. Surely this...which is a tradition if someone makes a post count thread, should apply to everyone (which is why Zerminski had his reset too!) and not just given up upon because he cries. When people do that, it could be time for starmonkey to do some coding so you can give people a minus post count hehe.

15357...if you judge people by them you better think again. I remember seeing angry lawyer when he had a low count and i thought he was a real amazing member, same with moonquake who is a great mapper. Some people who post less, doing productive things like mapping or helping the community, and have bigger balls than us all! Numbers...just numbers....
Hectic Glenn said:
I remember seeing angry lawyer when he had a low count and i thought he was a real amazing member, same with moonquake who is a great mapper. Some people who post less, doing productive things like mapping or helping the community, and have bigger balls than us all! Numbers...just numbers....

Angry Lawyer FTW!

BTW HG we used to have idential post counts :eek:

Hectic Glenn said:
15357...if you judge people by them you better think again. I remember seeing angry lawyer when he had a low count and i thought he was a real amazing member, same with moonquake who is a great mapper. Some people who post less, doing productive things like mapping or helping the community, and have bigger balls than us all! Numbers...just numbers....

there are some exeptions, but when I see a member for the first time, I usually look at his postcount :eek:
See, thats the thing, for the first time. But if you see their names all the time, you just forget postcounts exist o_O After that it's join dates ;D
I just know that when people see my posts, they know that they are getting a high quality, incisive post that makes them wonder about their place in the world with wit and laughter. Right?

"crickets chirping"

Greatgat said:
I just know that when people see my posts, they know that they are getting a high quality, incisive post that makes them wonder about their place in the world with wit and laughter. Right?

"crickets chirping"

I love you!
Hectic Glenn said:
I remember Zeus making a thread about his 1000th post back when i'd only been here a little while, and i remember the big argument about big Z's one as well, even though his was tongue in cheek. Zeus was a first time offender and he never got his posts back, either bvasgm whatever should be reset, or Zeus should get 1000 added surely? I see no justice for Zeus' sake, he just got picked on it seems. Surely this...which is a tradition if someone makes a post count thread, should apply to everyone (which is why Zerminski had his reset too!) and not just given up upon because he cries. When people do that, it could be time for starmonkey to do some coding so you can give people a minus post count hehe.
Then they should get their posts back. For God's sake, the mods should just close the thread, reset their counts by one and PM them saying something along the lines of "Do it again and it gets set to zero." Also, they need to add it to the forum rules. Nowhere does it say "if you make a thread about your post count it gets reset"...they just assume people know about the Zeus/Zerimski/me incidents.

Fixed btw.
The rules don't mention any punishments. They just tell you what the rules are. Which you broke. So we acted appropriately and as we do with any other member.
It says don't spam. People spam all the time. Either punish all spam the same way or get rid of the rule.
Why is this thread still open? So bvasgm can keep whining?
Well he got what he wanted.
bvasgm said:
It says don't spam. People spam all the time. Either punish all spam the same way or get rid of the rule.
I don't understand why you care so much about a nonexistant number.. It serves no point in your daily life.. If the mods reset everyone's post count, I am sure no one would care. It is not like you get special benefits once you hit 10,000 posts. Sure everyone will probably know who you are, but why the hell should you care about that? Everyone know's who I am by my Will Smith avatars and Tr0n by his flag/dude from Dilbert motiff. Get a good avatar and everyone will know you.
bvasgm said:
It says don't spam. People spam all the time. Either punish all spam the same way or get rid of the rule.

You don't run the forum, you have no say in this, the "if I do this, same with everyone else" rule doesn't apply on user owned websites. Too bad for you, you had it coming and are complaining about it.
joule said:
Why is this thread still open? So bvasgm can keep whining?
Well he got what he wanted.
So we can all keep making fun of him. Its fun!

I suggest you change his name to borgasm, since it seems to bother him so much. :D
I really don't care about the number of posts I have or how many people here know me. My entire point is this: People here spam all the time. Not once have I seen somebody get their post count reset because of making one post. Chris_D just said he punished me the exact same way he would have punished anybody else. That's not true at all. Every time you see a thread turn into spam, it gets closed. That's it. Not a single person who was spaming gets punished. I spamed. The nature of the spam is irrelevant. The rules say do not spam, not do not spam about your post count. Like I said, either all spam should be punished in the exact same way, or the rule should be removed.

By the way Erestheux, piss off.
bvasgm said:
I really don't care about the number of posts I have or how many people here know me. My entire point is this: People here spam all the time. Not once have I seen somebody get their post count reset because of making one post. Chris_D just said he punished me the exact same way he would have punished anybody else. That's not true at all. Every time you see a thread turn into spam, it gets closed. That's it. Not a single person who was spaming gets punished. I spamed. The nature of the spam is irrelevant. The rules say do not spam, not do not spam about your post count. Like I said, either all spam should be punished in the exact same way, or the rule should be removed.
Is it just me, or do all I hear is, "WWAAHHHHHH"?

*sigh* give it up christ. Nobody wants to hear to piss and moan about how its so UNFAIR that your posts were DASHED to bits, then returned. This isn't a democracy as previously stated, its a dictatorship run with more than one dictators, and a king dictator..*Oh where is my lover Munro!?*

*EDIT for stupid spelling/grammar mistakes*
You're absolutely right. This is a dictatorship. They didn't have to do anything. They could have left my post count at zero.

If you don't want to hear me complain about their horribly inconsistent punishments, then click on another thread.
bvasgm said:
You're absolutely right. This is a dictatorship. They didn't have to do anything. They could have left my post count at zero.

If you don't want to hear me complain about their horribly inconsistent punishments, then click on another thread.
Or you can just end it!


seriously, give it up.
Give what up? I'm right.

I'm not saying they have to change the way they do anything. I'm just saying that they should punish all spam the same way. Which, obviously, they don't.
bvasgm said:
By the way Erestheux, piss off.
Learn to take things a little lighter. Otherwise you might stroke out, borgasm. Give it a rest, its an internet forum.
bvasgm said:
By the way Erestheux, piss off.
Hey asshole you leave Erestheux alone. I bet you're the kind of guy that masturbates to foot cream commercials and sniffs your socks after you take them off. Then you have the nerve to bitch at my friend Erestheux for giving you real life advice that you can use at 3rd grade gym class. IT IS YOU WHO MUST PISS OFF YOUNG MAN.
bvasgm said:
You're absolutely right. This is a dictatorship. They didn't have to do anything. They could have left my post count at zero.

If you don't want to hear me complain about their horribly inconsistent punishments, then click on another thread.

If you don't like our "horribly inconsistent punishments" then click on another site.

Also, when we reset someone's post count (which we do fairly often for spammers), how would you know?
You broke the rules and you got punished.

Deal with it.

bvasgm said:
Good point. I've been spending too much time here lately anyway.

Who's postcount have you reset (besides mine) lately? How do you define 'spamer'? If you post one piece of spam, are you a spamer? That's what I did. That's what nearly everybody does at some point or another. Do you reset all of their post counts too?

Excuse me? Do you even run the site?

If you don't like what we're doing then leave.
Good point. I've been spending too much time here lately anyway.

Who's postcount have you reset (besides mine) lately? How do you define 'spamer'? If you post one piece of spam, are you a spamer? That's what I did. That's what nearly everybody does at some point or another. Do you reset all of their post counts too?
/me looks at poll results.

I believe the people have spoken.

/me heads off to the admin CP.

Also, our punishments are actually quite consistent. For example, everyone who has posted a milestone thread has had their postcounts reset. Even me. Does this not strike you as fair and consistent? Also, does the irony of having your postcount reset after publicly celebrating a milestone completely elude you? We don't usually reset postcounts for general spamming, we tend to ban for that, so technically you're getting off lightly. It's not the fact that the thread fits in the general category of "Spam" that dictated your punishment. It was the nature of the spam that did. To give you more examples, if someone posted a spam thread saying how great they think the Holocaust was, they'll be permanently banned and never heard from again. If someone posted a spam thread containing a link to a warezed porn video, they'll be permanently banned and never heard from again. There are different types of spam, that are dealt with in different ways.

If your postcount is so important to you, I suggest you take this opportunity to start again, and contribute even more positively to this community. After all, it's quality over quantity.
He now has 1019 posts.

Has he spammed so much in the time since his postcount was reset or did you give him a 1000 posts for his whining?

Edit: Oh, sweet irony. I just see that this is my 1000th post. Well, at least I'm not going to start a new thread about it :p
I don't understand why he's complaining still... he got his postcount back, where many others, including Z, have not.

Everyone has been aware of postcounts being reset for spam milestone posts. That's why it doesn't happen very often. Everyone knows what happens to those who do, that's why lots of people were warning you in your thread after you posted it and before it got reset.

Fair, I think.
The staff is setting a wrong precedent for other people who get their postcount reset.

They will also think that if they start a thread about it and whine against everybody, they will have their normal postcount back.
Insane said:
He now has 1019 posts.

Has he spammed so much in the time since his postcount was reset or did you give him a 1000 posts for his whining?

Edit: Oh, sweet irony. I just see that this is my 1000th post. Well, at least I'm not going to start a new thread about it :p
hehe a damn fine 1000th too, welcome to senior membership. EXACTLY what big Z said. And as i've mentioned before to get his 1000 posts he spammed the newbie central forums with the same post on every thread in the last month. So many mods warned him too, but the spam rolls on :( Can't say you didn't see it coming. Hopefully this opportunity will give you a chance to start fresh, add some good discussion and be a valued member. For Zeus and Big Z's punishments in the past...you must also feel wrath. ah well!??!?! hehe
Hectic Glenn said:
hehe a damn fine 1000th too, welcome to senior membership. EXACTLY what big Z said. And as i've mentioned before to get his 1000 posts he spammed the newbie central forums with the same post on every thread in the last month. So many mods warned him too, but the spam rolls on :( Can't say you didn't see it coming. Hopefully this opportunity will give you a chance to start fresh, add some good discussion and be a valued member. For Zeus and Big Z's punishments in the past...you must also feel wrath. ah well!??!?! hehe

QFT, I can't believe he's got his posts back, considering 90% has gotta be spam lol!

I don't care about post counts; it's reputation, input into the community, and your general attitude that helps to get along round here :D
Looks like his posts are back at 0. Or is that just me?
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