I didn't download the beta because...

I didn't download the 'beta' because...

  • ... I want to enjoy the full HL 2 experience.

    Votes: 244 59.8%
  • ... its ilegal , I don't want to go to jail.

    Votes: 17 4.2%
  • ... it goes against my personal moral code.

    Votes: 87 21.3%
  • ... the file is too big.

    Votes: 41 10.0%
  • ... I don't want to pick up any virus.

    Votes: 19 4.7%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .
I voted for saving the hl2 experience for the real thing.

I don't like that it was leaked, but I hunted everywhere for screenshots and that satisfied my curiousity enough. I am not interested in the source and I don't think it should have been leaked, but in the long run it actually may be better for the entire gaming community, but certainly not for Valve. We will see better engines with the free flow of information, but it effects leasing of the engine and envites exploits to the game. Other game companies will be more careful as a result too.

I loved the screenshots I found on the net!

I feel that Valves PR is absolutely horrible, so much so that people will steal their content for information. Wake up Valve! You PR dept and QA dept is absolutley terrible. Use your official sites for sneak peaks and updates.

When its all said and done, I just like surprises and I want HL2 to be a true gaming experience.

I also hold Valve partly responsible for the leak.
BTW, on the note regarding Valve's PR.... last I checked, their Job Opportunites page on their site had a listing for a PR representative (and had since about March of this year or so).

So, it may be that their PR sucks because they don't have any PR specialists on staff :cool:
I work in the games industry and am surrounded by unreleased games that are in various stages of development. Knowing what I know I just wouldn't want to play it as I know that it would take away the "magic" bit if that doesn't sound too crap :D
I wish there was an option "BECAUSE I FEEL SORRY FOR VALVE", I would've voted for that :) I guess the moral thing is the closest to that
Why ruin a perfectly good thing?
Its not that difficult to resist downloading, although I'll admit the screenshots look pretty dam sweet.

Aside from that I'm going to buy it as soon as it comes out, as I did with the first game, and its going to be even better.
"it's illegal i don't want to go to jail" and "it goes against my personal moral code"

to all you law abiding citizens and moralists out ther I would like to ask, have you never:

taped a friends LP, ripped a CD, downloaded an mp3?
used shareware when it tells you " you have passed the 30 day time limit, either register or delete the software from your hard drive"?
installed a friends software on your computer?
"borrowed" software from work?

these are all multimedia based questions, i could continue with:

consumed alcohol when under the legal age?
dabbled in banned substances?
purchased fake designer goods?
"borrowed" a pen from work?
the list goes on and on...

I would ask you to think long and hard

and if you are whiter than white, then i take my hat off to you, but for me and for a lot of people (i think), the only reason they didn't (dl hl2), is to enjoy it to its full when it does come out.
279 people have not downloaded the beta. Thats abismal still. Even if it is tempting beyond anything else ever created :P

You people who downloaded it, I kinda feel sorry for you. Your just spoiling the game and the plot for yourselves and even others with all your plot spoiling screenshots that are floating arround on the internet.

:( :'(
Where the option "I didn't downloaded it because I'm a n00b that doesn't know how to get it." I don't know how many people I've talked to that didn't download it because they didn't know where to look, not for lack of trying.
I didn;t touch it because I think that the developers work hard on games we love, and if they suck or rock you'll still just pay for the good ones and not touch the bad ones...I assume
i also think the reason "to enjoy hl2 to its fullest so nothing gets spoiled" is not a good one. heres why. we know the beta has the e3 levels right. well everyones seen the e3 levels, we know whats in them, we know the level layout of phystown and the plinko level, which probably wont even make it into the final game. actually PLAYING those levels will not ruin anything for you because you already know what happens in them.

many people downloaded the beta not to spoil it, but to play things they've already seen. its like buying a gun, some people are stupid, so they refrain from buying a gun because they know their stupidity will cause them to shoot themselves in the foot eventually. while the ones who know exactly the benefits of using a gun, get one and have no problems defending their home with it without any problems.

same kind of thing. the beta has spoilers no doubt, but dont confuse your stupidity that you would go and spoil hl2 for urself if u had the beta, with devotion to valve. you and me have one thing in common which is the only thing valve cares about. we are both buying hl2.
Originally posted by murgh bpurn
"it's illegal i don't want to go to jail" and "it goes against my personal moral code"

to all you law abiding citizens and moralists out ther I would like to ask, have you never:

taped a friends LP, ripped a CD, downloaded an mp3?
used shareware when it tells you " you have passed the 30 day time limit, either register or delete the software from your hard drive"?
installed a friends software on your computer?
"borrowed" software from work?

these are all multimedia based questions, i could continue with:

consumed alcohol when under the legal age?
dabbled in banned substances?
purchased fake designer goods?
"borrowed" a pen from work?
the list goes on and on...

I would ask you to think long and hard

why do warezkiddies have such terrible excuses for theft and always bring mp3's up. How many more times will they use the same tired old excuses
I have it.

but i havent bothered touching it.

its just sitting their taking up space.

im too busy playing Max payne 2 to care about hl2 at the moment.
Really I wont dl it because all of them except,"... the file is too big."
Originally posted by Fenric1138
why do warezkiddies have such terrible excuses for theft and always bring mp3's up. How many more times will they use the same tired old excuses

tired, old, but true, and it seems that it struck a nerve with you
Originally posted by Fenric1138
why do warezkiddies have such terrible excuses for theft and always bring mp3's up. How many more times will they use the same tired old excuses

they are comparing one ilegal activity to another.

and they are making a good point,

the excuses are only "tired" to people who think theyr great then realise they have also commited crimes but dont want to back down from theyre "im better than you" stance.
i dont feel tempted.
There are alot of other great games to play out there.
I´m going to get UFO Aftermath.
That will keep we occupied until half life 3 second expansion pack comes out.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
why do warezkiddies have such terrible excuses for theft and always bring mp3's up. How many more times will they use the same tired old excuses

I'm 38, so not exactly a kiddie.

I have downloaded mp3s and I'm willing to face the consequences should they arrive.

If you though long and hard and found yourself to be lacking that's not my fault.
Why do some many people think that pirated games have a virus on it? IT'S SO DAMN STUPID! Release groups would never, EVER put a virus on a release.
Originally posted by Dougy
they are comparing one ilegal activity to another.

and they are making a good point,

the excuses are only "tired" to people who think theyr great then realise they have also commited crimes but dont want to back down from theyre "im better than you" stance.

yeah but when you here the same excuse every time like they just came up with it, year after year it just gets old.
Originally posted by poseyjmac
tired, old, but true, and it seems that it struck a nerve with you

posey you've had a problem with me from the start, if you can't reply without making it some personal issue trying to get some fight out of it - stalking me from thread to thread intent on disagreeing with me every time, then will you please put me on ignore and don't respond to anything I say, atall. I will do the same cause frankly your becoming creepy and I'm getting tired of it now. So put me on ignore and pretend im not here or take your problems with me to PM.

Originally posted by Solid_Raiden
Why do some many people think that pirated games have a virus on it? IT'S SO DAMN STUPID! Release groups would never, EVER put a virus on a release.

release groups may not, but people who pass it on may. if you're going to dl pirate software why not dl a decent antivirus?
I want to enjoy the full HL 2 experience, coz ...

... I don't wanna bother with an unfinished game. I am more interested in the final product.

Call me what you want, but that's how I look at it.
I played it mainly because I wanted to see if there was something I felt was missing. Something that I thought wouldn't to be in hl2 that I could maybe suggest to valve. I noticed there is proportional movement i.e. analog movement for joysticks, which is great to see. Joystick look seems to be digital, like when your using the keyboard to aim. So I wanted to suggest that they also have proportional aiming for analog joysticks (guess you can call it analog joystick look) for people that want to play with analog joysticks.
Originally posted by murgh bpurn
I'm 38, so not exactly a kiddie.

I have downloaded mp3s and I'm willing to face the consequences should they arrive.

If you though long and hard and found yourself to be lacking that's not my fault.

I never said I was an angel ;). I just think its about time new excuses were used if pirates and such want to have a chance of atleast being listened to.

Problem is, if you use the same reasons the warezkiddies do, your gonna get called one aswell. At 38 I'm sure you could come up with a legitimate reason for stealing software and be able to hold a proper discussion about the legallities of it, surely? I'm not getting at you, just saying, that age you should be able to, instead of using really old reasons that are proven not to work in mature circles, mp3's are a bad excuse, its a grey area and even the industry can't decide if its ok or not, the song writers and groups can't decide on it even. But its unanimous in the software industry that piracy is wrong. See my point. I guess I just expect better reasoning from an adult is all, sorry man :(
Goes against my moral code, I haven't touched and don't plan to.

EDIT: Just to comment on the piracy thing. By DLing games your costing the developers money which means less money to buy resources with which means less time which equals crappier games. Thats how it is people, you want crappy games keep pirating.

Disclaimer: most crappy games aren't because of pirating but they will be in the future. Thats my opinion and it's probably a damn good one too.
I was given several working url's for where to download the "beta" and code. But I didn't download any of it, because its just not right. And besides that, why ruin the game experience with partial BS before I get a chance to buy the entire game.
.. If I had it on a disk and gave it to you, you would install it.
Originally posted by Cooper
Goes against my moral code, I haven't touched and don't plan to.

EDIT: Just to comment on the piracy thing. By DLing games your costing the developers money which means less money to buy resources with which means less time which equals crappier games. Thats how it is people, you want crappy games keep pirating.

Disclaimer: most crappy games aren't because of pirating but they will be in the future. Thats my opinion and it's probably a damn good one too.

um not ture .... last I remember the devs get paided no matter what... and that its the retailers that lose out.
Originally posted by Cooper
Goes against my moral code, I haven't touched and don't plan to.

EDIT: Just to comment on the piracy thing. By DLing games your costing the developers money which means less money to buy resources with which means less time which equals crappier games. Thats how it is people, you want crappy games keep pirating.

Disclaimer: most crappy games aren't because of pirating but they will be in the future. Thats my opinion and it's probably a damn good one too.

um not ture .... last I remember the devs get paided no matter what... and that its the retailers that lose out.

Originally posted by PipeMasterHL
I was given several working url's for where to download the "beta" and code. But I didn't download any of it, because its just not right. And besides that, why ruin the game experience with partial BS before I get a chance to buy the entire game.

to get an idea of how the game will play? and wether or not for sure you want to purchase it? not to mention maybe get a chance to make some suggestions.

I'll be honest and say again that i've played the game and STILL plan on PURCHASING hl2. (especailly after the dune buggy lvl :eek: )

Hell if hl2 was released when valve swore it would of been released or at least given us a demo of sorts I wouldn't of bothered to play the game before it was meant to be played.
Originally posted by Cooper
Goes against my moral code, I haven't touched and don't plan to.

EDIT: Just to comment on the piracy thing. By DLing games your costing the developers money which means less money to buy resources with which means less time which equals crappier games. Thats how it is people, you want crappy games keep pirating.

Disclaimer: most crappy games aren't because of pirating but they will be in the future. Thats my opinion and it's probably a damn good one too.

many people, and me we download games, because we want an extended demo to see if we want to buy it. the act of dloading a full game doesn't hurt anyone, but if i were to keep it and not buy it, then that would hurt someone. dont assume that all people who download full games aren't going to pay for it.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
I never said I was an angel ;). I just think its about time new excuses were used if pirates and such want to have a chance of atleast being listened to.

Problem is, if you use the same reasons the warezkiddies do, your gonna get called one aswell. At 38 I'm sure you could come up with a legitimate reason for stealing software and be able to hold a proper discussion about the legallities of it, surely? I'm not getting at you, just saying, that age you should be able to, instead of using really old reasons that are proven not to work in mature circles, mp3's are a bad excuse, its a grey area and even the industry can't decide if its ok or not, the song writers and groups can't decide on it even. But its unanimous in the software industry that piracy is wrong. See my point. I guess I just expect better reasoning from an adult is all, sorry man :(

no i do not have a legitimate reason for stealing, legitimate and stealing don't exactly go together. as far as i'm concerned piracy is piracy, theft is theft. if you want to do it, you will. all i'm saying is some people seem to be getting so worked up about the theft of someones property, and fail to realise that they might themselves be guilty of such acts, however minor. yes, the party concerned was well liked (by some) and the act has been seen (by some) to further delay an eagerly anticipated release. as you have pointed out to me that the mp3 argument is not decided you can strike that comment from my post, mp3s was one of eight examples i gave. please re-read and re-comment
Originally posted by NeoNight
um not ture .... last I remember the devs get paided no matter what... and that its the retailers that lose out.
Last I checked the developers are not the sole source of expenses for making a game. Last I checked the retailers aren't the only ones who are hurt by a lack of sales. How else do game companies make their money? If sales fall then game companies make less money, when game companies make less money then the number of games and the quality of games they produce drop, and then we all feel the hit.
Originally posted by poseyjmac
many people, and me we download games, because we want an extended demo to see if we want to buy it. the act of dloading a full game doesn't hurt anyone, but if i were to keep it and not buy it, then that would hurt someone. dont assume that all people who download full games aren't going to pay for it.

to true. especially for those that live "across the pond". i get so p***ed that some releases take longer to come out over here. if i've got two options: wait 2 months or dl, i no what i'm going to do. and yes if it's good i'll buy it.
i without a doubt would never dl the buggy ass beta that would potentially and deffinetely ruin the experience of having the box and installing it and then playing fresh

i think its sad when people make threads about how they think the game will suck based on the shitty beta they played. they got what they deserved
Originally posted by poseyjmac
many people, and me we download games, because we want an extended demo to see if we want to buy it. the act of dloading a full game doesn't hurt anyone, but if i were to keep it and not buy it, then that would hurt someone. dont assume that all people who download full games aren't going to pay for it.

Oh, I am sorry. Almost everyone who Dls the game illegaly hurts the company except for the people who buy the game at a later date. Happy? Lets not discuss how many people buy the game at a later date, I can't count that low. ;)
people downloading games dont hurt the companies nearly as much as the people who steal them from the drop shipments, pre-orders, mail centers, etc, and copy the boxes, cds, and pirate them and sell them for profit.
i downloaded the beta, but im just gonna say this anyway- i didnt download the beta because its a buggy piece of shit and i like sliced bread.

Originally posted by Cooper
Oh, I am sorry. Almost everyone who Dls the game illegaly hurts the company except for the people who buy the game at a later date. Happy? Lets not discuss how many people buy the game at a later date, I can't count that low. ;)

im buying it, for sure. I buy games that i think would be really good. For example i saw tons of max payne 2 downloades, but i bought it anyways cause i had a lot of respect for both of the games...im not going to buy some game that might not be good or not. Like delta force: black hawk down, i didnt know if that game was going to be good, so i downloaded it. Turned out the single player was pretty fun, so i bought it.
The only thing that the beta does is basically spoiling the game for you. Which is exactly why I haven't downloaded it and won't download it either. It's also an old and buggy build anyways.
Originally posted by Saltpeter
The only thing that the beta does is basically spoiling the game for you. Which is exactly why I haven't downloaded it and won't download it either. It's also an old and buggy build anyways.

you apparently haven't been reading any of the posts in the thread.
but ill say it again.

you and me both have seen the e3 videos. we know whats in them, we know what some of the enemies are now. the only difference between me and you is that ive interacted in these same sequences. i dont know any more of the plot than you do. understand?