I didn't download the beta because...

I didn't download the 'beta' because...

  • ... I want to enjoy the full HL 2 experience.

    Votes: 244 59.8%
  • ... its ilegal , I don't want to go to jail.

    Votes: 17 4.2%
  • ... it goes against my personal moral code.

    Votes: 87 21.3%
  • ... the file is too big.

    Votes: 41 10.0%
  • ... I don't want to pick up any virus.

    Votes: 19 4.7%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .
i want to enjoy the full HL2 experience. dont want to spoil myself. plus i have other things to look forward too *cough*VERYFIRSTBRANDSPANKINNEWBASSGUITAR!!!!!*cough* :D
Stealing source code and demo builds is where I draw the line. I write code for a living, so I can completely empathize with Valve. There is no way in hell I'm going to be a part of this shit. I don't care if it takes another year, forget it, I'll wait.

-Mr. Bildo
It goes against all moral codes... Not just my personal one. Things like discipline and integrity.
i don't download beta due to no one posting where to get in my questionare thread. But i make friendlies there. :):):):):):):):):)
Originally posted by Sn7
It goes against all moral codes... Not just my personal one. Things like discipline and integrity.

excuse me o righteous one. but, the event happened, there's nothing we can do to undo it. now, there are equally unjust things happening around the world every day. do people watch/read/listen about these events? do they want all the gory details? do they slow down at road traffic accidents and cause more problems? human nature is what it is. if something is available to be looked at then people want to see it.
supertrooper my friendly, can you cut the smilies down a little please?
Originally posted by Chris_D
supertrooper my friendly, can you cut the smilies down a little please?
yes siree! Moderators are my friendlies. i deduct less you see: :):):) only a numbering 3
I couldn't be arsed looking for a link, downloading it, trying it. Well if I could be arsed doing those I still wouldn't because I aint a sad git who has to see it fast fast fast.

1 more thing, go WATCH HAPPY TREE FRIENDS!
It goes against my moral code in so many ways. It's stealing from valve in more ways than one (their game, their secrets, their 5 years of work), it's devaluing to the work that Valve has done (again, 5 years of work and now it's available everywhere, and something you want tends to be more valuable if you have less access to it, as to the pre-leak case), it's personally insulting the people at Valve (I know that curiosity may be gnawing away at you, but it would be like your best friend peeking through the window when you're in bed with your wife, a serious violation of privacy and little remorse for it).

What irks me even more are people who try to use this against Valve. To those people, find another game. If you don't like the way Valve is doing things, no one's asking you to stay. I'll gladly show you to the door if you are going to beat up these guys over the way that they went about making this game.

As a developer myself, I can personally vouch for the fact that deadlines are like shifting sands. Things that I thought I would finish by March I end up finishing in July because of a bug or something. To hold that against them or to build up nasty conspiracy theories is petty and narrow-minded. Do you want a good game or do you want a quick game?
Originally posted by plasmax000
It goes against my moral code in so many ways. It's stealing from valve in more ways than one (their game, their secrets, their 5 years of work), it's devaluing to the work that Valve has done (again, 5 years of work and now it's available everywhere, and something you want tends to be more valuable if you have less access to it, as to the pre-leak case), it's personally insulting the people at Valve (I know that curiosity may be gnawing away at you, but it would be like your best friend peeking through the window when you're in bed with your wife, a serious violation of privacy and little remorse for it).

yes the initial act is all of the above, but, it's now there, in the public domain. why can't people look if they want to!
I downloaded it.

The only thing that would have ever stopped me is filesize, but I am a very patient person.

I'm still going to buy the final game.

My interest lies in seeing the Source code in action, interactively.

Some people do care about next generation graphics, and don't care whether or not Half Life 2 is a good game.
I haven't bothered reading the entire thread, I just wanted to give my 2 cents.

I didn't download the beta for all of the reasons given above, but more so however, I didn't download it because I wanted to support Valve. I know people who have downloaded it say they will pay for it when it comes out, but actions speak louder than words. I know that if I were in Valve's position, I wouldn't want people cheapening their game experiance by going over every little aspect of it before it's released. I would want them to be competely pleasently suprised by the game.

Unfortunately, they won't get that statisfaction now.
you still keep forgetting the fact that the e3 video was seen by all of us. thus part of the game was 'spoiled' already. playing those portions of the game reveals no more than watching them. its just more fun.
That's all good and well posey, but it's not just that reason that everyone gets so annoyed about.
no but people literally think that if you download the beta and play it, you are spoiling something. but thats not true, its a matter of what maps you play whether or not you spoil it. thats what im trying to say
Holy shit, I have been gone to long, I didn't know you were a Super Moderator Chris_D! Belated Congradulations!

Oh, and Poseyjmac, I am not just talking about the beta content itself, but partly about the source code also, as I have heard you can find out what all the weapons are, what vehicles are in the game, etc.
Thanks ACII. Only happened this morning :D

Yeah, I do hear there are spoilers in the leak. Some freak in an IRC channel decided he'd like to spam it with a spoiler until someone banned him from it. I left straight away. Still, I know too much.
i wanna get the full experence out of the game i don't want any spoilers i wanna go WOW COOL right when i first step into the game that's why i steered clear of the "beta" that and....i...uhh....i can't really find it i admit i did look for it but i came up with endless articals. Please don't kill me.
Originally posted by murgh bpurn
excuse me o righteous one. but, the event happened, there's nothing we can do to undo it. now, there are equally unjust things happening around the world every day. do people watch/read/listen about these events? do they want all the gory details? do they slow down at road traffic accidents and cause more problems? human nature is what it is. if something is available to be looked at then people want to see it.

Well, you go on and keep acting that way.. It's your personality. Mine is completely different.
lol....the beta dosnt spoil anything for you...unless your worried about finding out how fast you can fire the usp, or how high you jump or something stupid like that....

the beta spoils nothing, if anything, it made me want hl2 even more without giving anything away.

The e3 levels don't really spoil anything. You've seen it all before. You can explore of course, but there isn't much to be seen.

Certain other maps do contain spoilers in the form of:

a) Dialog


b) The events happening around you
the source should have never been released. people should act more responsible than that. use the effort, knowledge, and resources for something beneficial - this only prevented everyone from enjoying the game sooner.:flame:
i did not read all 10 pages but you need the option of 'you could not find it so you cant dl it
I did DL the hacked version. I enjoyed it for what it was, and i don't feel bad or ashamed at all. I had already paid my preorder in full, and am still eagerly awaiting the game. It's not like I stole money from valve or anything. I've bought multiple copies of HL1, so if anything I helped fund what DLed in the first place.
I didn't read other posts but I'll just say I didn't get the beta cause
1. I have too much respect for Valve, even though I don't know them I respect what they've done
2. I'm not really that interested in an incomplete, buggy build with no real content. I don't care for the physics, graphics, sound, etc so much as for the story/experience.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Hmm, this thread blows. I'll just go back to HL2 ;)

Yeah me too.

I think I'll go ahead and kill ****** at the ****** with that awesome gun. You know, the *********. It's really too bad what happens to ***** too, you know? Just when they were about to ***** the ********, all hell broke loose. The physics in that part were amazing.
Originally posted by poseyjmac
you still keep forgetting the fact that the e3 video was seen by all of us. thus part of the game was 'spoiled' already. playing those portions of the game reveals no more than watching them. its just more fun.

There's a huge difference between watching something and playing something.

Not to mention I refrained myself from watching some of the E3 videos and all of the post-E3 vids. So I just want the best experience.
Valve has put a lot of effort into Half-life 2 and didn't for one second deserve what they got with the source and content leak. I wasn't about to indirectly support the "hacker's" actions by downloading any part of the stolen content.

I suppose my reason more closely resembles "moral code", so that's what I voted for.
I voted #1 above the rest, but it's really all of them :P
Obviously because that type of behavior is forbidden and illegal.

I also don't feel like downloading 2 gb worth of junk. :p
Me? I didn't download it because I respect valve and I'm not about to go ripping off their game before they publicly release it. :cheers:
Hmmm, time to be honest me thinks

1st off, I have not downloaded the beta, allthough I have thought about it, but not gone ahead for a many reasons, I DO download warez, I have alot of mp3s etc etc and videos, games, and I have been waiting for hl2 dearly, planing to buy it when it comes out, but the reason I have not got the leak are these, its no way a full game, and I dont think stealing sorce code is right at all...
Well it seems I can't vote on the poll becuase I did download it. the only thing it actually did was highten my wanting to play the game. But if Valve did manage to change some of the physics, like able to rotate objects to your likeing, and fixing the huge bugs with the sticky stuff (2ndary fire with the Physgun) then HL2 is so much more than i've been anticipating. But if they don't, it'll still be as good, just some aspects i'll be disappointed. A game being this great you can't help but to buy it. Plus to play it online you have to buy it of course! Even if there was a Pre-gold release I would still have EVERY intention in buying it.
I kind of feel that downloading the "beta" is almost saying "gg hacker, thanks for this game" He wants people to download this. Even if you think it's wrong that he stole it, by downloading it you are giving him the attention he desires. By not downloading it, I'm saying "FU hacker", and I know it won't make a difference but at least I know that I was 100% against this loser. That's just my own thoughts.
I haven't downloaded it. It's just wrong to take something that they have worked hard on for 5 years. It's not like they actually did anything to you except lie to you. People lie all the time. It's nothing new and to go off and screw someone over completely over a little lie is just wrong.
downloading the beta isn't 'screwing' them over. it's not even disloyal, there is no loyalty to a person who lies to you.
I can't vote. I've played it... Really, you learn nothing more about the game than you would have if you watched the E3 trailer. There is LESS in the beta than there was in the E3 videos. Those of you saying you don't want to ruin anything for yourselves, did you watch the E3 videos? If so, you've ruined the game for yourself just as much as you would have by playing the beta.

Granted, there's a few maps with a bit of storyline in them.... but they're so incomplete that you really can't make anything out of it. The only thing really worthwhile in the beta is the physics room. That is all. Many of us were expecting to play the ENTIRE game by September 30th, so what's the harm in having a play around with some of the stuff we've already seen almost 9 months ago?

I can safely say that I will pay for the full version when it comes out - my interest in the game hasn't dwindled in the slightest. And that is all it is, A GAME. Calm down people. No one's going to fry for eternity because they played the beta. Stop trying to make out you're a saint. I bet you've all downloaded mp3's at some point in time.
when did they lie, they missed a release date, big deal every game does that.... if its about scripting though i will scream lol ;)