I don't like water splash in docks video

how about they just flop a person in, same idea, same effect.

Well i see 2 things wrong w/ that.

1. you would goto jail after murdering some one and seeing the effect of a dead body fall into the water.(but officer it was to show valve how to improve their game HL2).

2.Seeing how nit picky people on these forums can be they wouldnt think a human body fell into the water properly opposed to an alien body,seeing how it is impossible to get an alien body i guess it will never be perfect.:cheese:
I think the splashes look great, actually. In the hydra vid, they look relaly incredible from the side, where you can see that their height varies by the force of the impact. Gabe also said that it's NOT particles, but I'll be damned if I can figure out what else it could be.

I'm a little surprised tho: it doesn't look like Valve used a later build of the engine: looks like they used the e3 build. Which is... pretty odd. I guess they want to really wow us later on.
It isn't particles... I dunno about that. I'm pretty sure that even pre-rendered water splashes use particles...
real time

I think that may be the point...pre rendered = not real time particles, (no matter if they were used to generate the effect or not)

anyway I thank the splash is fine...sure a longer duration would be great, but either way I am impressed....this is REAL TIME people.
Good Lord. First the teeth were crap, now water splashes that don't look perfect and NOW there's TEXTURE ALIGNMENT PROBLEMS WITH PLANKS!? What the bloody hell have Valve been DOING these past five years? God almighty this game's shoddy. After all these disappointments I'm on the verge of not buying this game. Possibly even setting entire shipments of the game on fire.
rofl. I don't care how good the game looks really. I dont think it is going to look much better than ut2k3, but thats not what makes a game great. I dont care if the game sucks big time, for me its pretty much all about multiplayer and gameplay.
It'll look loads better than UT2k3 IMHO, but you're right, it's more about the gamplay and the story and to be perfectly honest it looks like it's going to blow everything else away.
Originally posted by 0zz0
Well i see 2 things wrong w/ that.

1. you would goto jail after murdering some one and seeing the effect of a dead body fall into the water.(but officer it was to show valve how to improve their game HL2).

2.Seeing how nit picky people on these forums can be they wouldnt think a human body fell into the water properly opposed to an alien body,seeing how it is impossible to get an alien body i guess it will never be perfect.:cheese:

how are the zombies alien bodies? notice the clothing?!
Originally posted by Mac84
omg how could you like that cheesy geen blood effect?
it seems so half assed, i feel they could have done something better, more realistic looking than that for hit detection. its so outdated imo. hopefully its just a 'replacement sprite' as it seems this is the theory for a lot of things in the e3 vid (ie the weapon models in 3rd person view, etc)

somewhere in that thread where people post their letters to Valve...Gabe says that the green blood effect was just a placeholder...so I'd expect a better effect in the future...not sure about the water splash though...
I'm still in terrible shock over the whole texture alignment thing. I mean, do Valve not realise that they are making a movie, not a game?!!!
Originally posted by Peks
its broken:

Umm... look again? It's not broken, it's a seperate plank! Or at least it's supposed to be...
Originally posted by worldspawn
how are the zombies alien bodies? notice the clothing?!

Just to be a pain, I'll respond to this. With the headcrab attached to the head and te disproportioned arms. The splash could be very different.

Anyways, people should have too much problems withthe splash effects, Water or any liquid is extremely hard to predict how it will move once someone comes into contact with it. No one splash is the same. The effect to me actually looks pretty good.

I would have never noticed those planks of wood, but now that you've pointed them out to me they are very strange. I can't help but focus on how wierd they look. But it's a very small detail that I can still overlook. 45 seconds of walking and that bridge means nothing to you.
great water effects and sound but did anyone think some of the background buildings looked slighty bitty? is that because AA isn't turned on or something? i think i'm being too picky
Originally posted by worldspawn
< Worldspawn accuses El_chi of being bi-polar>
Was that a comment on the burn stuff aspect or did you simply fail to see the irony? I'm guessing the former.
Originally posted by El_Chi
Was that a comment on the burn stuff aspect or did you simply fail to see the irony? I'm guessing the former.
irony != sarcasm
One thing i thought of in the Docks Video is that it doesnt get any splash when godron falls into the water. or im i misstaking? :eek:
just for the record, the green blood splat is a placeholder...gabe said it himself.
Yeah, I think there's a lot of placeholders. The blood splat looks like the splat in HL1...
so could you break those planks you're walking on? or are they set to "unbreakable"
There are some detailed equations that can be used to model water realistically (don't know the name) and cut down versions have been used in cg films (like antz). The problem is that they are just too computationally expensive to implement in realtime.

Tweaking the splashes in hl2 might be all they need to do to get it just right :)
i hope you can break all those planks! then the boat, then the beach, then the poles holding the planks up... then a bunch of other stuff.
I heared a interview with gabe along time ago.
There was said, that the planks will react phisicly correct.
Keep in mind, too, these may not be actual levels from the game but simply proof of concept levels. Given the misaligned textures and what not, this is a distinct possibility, because if this was actually from the game, I can guarentee you Valve would be anal about making sure all the textures line up right.

As for the splash, it's most likely a placeholder, but if not, who really cares. At least there's a splash whereas most games you just slip into the water with hardly a ripple.
In a project as large and detailed as HL2 it would be ridiculous to require 100 % aligned textures throughout, they'll do it as much as they can but in a case like the planks on the docks? I doubt it sincerely.

It would require an insane number of assets and textures to accomodate evey possible thickness of plank, size of rock, width of post etc. Even with texture scaling which no doubt the hawk eyed critics would deride.

The fact is that in a scene as complex as that with an environment so detailed you've never had it so good, you wouldn't have minded 2 unit misaligned textures before and you shouldn't care about them now.

People are setting unrealistic standards of perfection upon HL2 and it's getting daft. Valve are fast becoming the new id, bashed for not perfecting/recreating the genre with everything they do and bashed simply because they're at the top of their game.
Originally posted by worldspawn
irony != sarcasm
Irony, sarcasm - sorry, my brain's not on form today.
Besides, you can say something like that and mean it ironically, thus being quite similar to sarcasm.
Keep in mind, too, these may not be actual levels from the game but simply proof of concept levels.

I would be surprised if more than 2 of those sections are going to make it into the final game. Maybe the booby trap section, and the vehicle ont he beach. not much else
To the people that complain about misaligned plank textures and the color of Gmans teeth.

Do the GAMING community a favor and don't buy Half-Life 2. We want to enjoy the game. Not nitpick over silly stuff.

What do you want? To leave HL2 running on your computer for 2 weeks to see if the grass in the game grows realistically? Have at every 16 hours of gameplay Gordon Freeman get 8 hours of sleep where you stare at a black monitor for 8 hours timing it with a watch to make sure it is "realistic"? Shhhhhheeeeeesh!
Originally posted by alehm
To the people that complain about misaligned plank textures and the color of Gmans teeth.

Do the GAMING community a favor and don't buy Half-Life 2. We want to enjoy the game. Not nitpick over silly stuff.

What do you want? To leave HL2 running on your computer for 2 weeks to see if the grass in the game grows realistically? Have at every 16 hours of gameplay Gordon Freeman get 8 hours of sleep where you stare at a black monitor for 8 hours timing it with a watch to make sure it is "realistic"? Shhhhhheeeeeesh!

I think it is good to be very critically.
Not everyone sees his own mistakes.
It means, if we say all this critics, valve may be thinking:"Hmm...maybe they are right, we should make it better."
Originally posted by dscowboy
HL2 uses particles for the water splashes, which is much better looking than some stupid 2D sprite. Still, it's true that it doesn't look quite as good as most of the effects in the game. Anyone have ideas on how it could be improved? Bigger ripples would help I guess. And maybe having part of the splash made of geometry instead of particles... I don't know, that might make it look worse.

How do you know it uses particles? It sure as hell looks like a decal.

Also, the guy that said that realistic water has never been done is wrong. I haven't seen it done really well in real time but as far as renders go, go watch "Finding Nemo" :cheese:
To the people that complain about us complaining about misaligned textures and water splashes, I need you to perform the following procedure:

Raise both your hands and place them on the top of your head. Now vigorously rub and massage your scalp. The idea here is to create some friction heat so that you can unfreeze your good old pal The Neuron from his lethargy. Once you get him warm and out of bed ask him this simple question. Why the funk are you in this thread? The rest of us are mostly here to share our critique of the way that the environments have been made. We like talking about the things we have noticed in the videos, both good and bad. You, however, are just trolling and are flaming us for being observative.

As you have nothing useful to add to this thread I would like to ask you to kindly escort yourself to the menu bar and leave yourself on the other side of the Back button.

P.S. Oh, and eat my shorts.
Originally posted by alehm
To the people that complain about misaligned plank textures and the color of Gmans teeth.

Do the GAMING community a favor and don't buy Half-Life 2. We want to enjoy the game. Not nitpick over silly stuff.

What do you want? To leave HL2 running on your computer for 2 weeks to see if the grass in the game grows realistically? Have at every 16 hours of gameplay Gordon Freeman get 8 hours of sleep where you stare at a black monitor for 8 hours timing it with a watch to make sure it is "realistic"? Shhhhhheeeeeesh!
Seriously, people need to stop whining about stupid things. Boohoo that texture isn't aligned properly. Boohoo that splash doesn't look realistic enough. I hear more complaints about HL2 than what it should be getting, praise.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
Seriously, people need to stop whining about stupid things. Boohoo that texture isn't aligned properly. Boohoo that splash doesn't look realistic enough. I hear more complaints about HL2 than what it should be getting, praise.

You need to stop whining about people's posts. I see more complaints about people's posts than seing actual posts themselves. Stop crying and start an actual discussion.
Originally posted by Llevar
To the people that complain about us complaining about misaligned textures and water splashes, I need you to perform the following procedure:
Raise both your hands and place them on the top of your head. Now vigorously rub and massage your scalp. The idea here is to create some friction heat so that you can unfreeze your good old pal The Neuron from his lethargy. Once you get him warm and out of bed ask him this simple question. Why the funk are you in this thread? The rest of us are mostly here to share our critique of the way that the environments have been made. We like talking about the things we have noticed in the videos, both good and bad. You, however, are just trolling and are flaming us for being observative.
As you have nothing useful to add to this thread I would like to ask you to kindly escort yourself to the menu bar and leave yourself on the other side of the Back button.
P.S. Oh, and eat my shorts.
1.Your procedure's stupid and not funny.
2. We're not having a go at you for being "observative", we're having a go at you for whining about this game that will quite clearly be fantastic, pissing on its parade before it's even finished. And they're not even massively important things plus they're all things that will either be rectified or you won't really notice unless you're LOOKING for things to complain about. Which, it seems, you will be.
3. We have nothing useful to add to this thread? And of course complaining about trivialities is an incredibly worth-while thread. Besides, what's the matter? Don't you like a little bit of competition? A counter-argument to balance out the debate is all healthy and necessary to any forum to stop debate stagnating.
4. Eat your shorts... Are you serious? Are you actually using that phrase for real?

I realise I probably sounded more arrogant than I meant to in this post so please bear that in mind and I apologise. However, I stand by my points.
You misunderstand, or at the very least mischaracterize. We're not complaining about your observational skills or desire to hold Valve to high standards, we just think you're barking up the wrong tree. You're griping about a demo, a proof of concept beta that is only meant for demonstration purposes. Those videos are most likely based on a build of the game over six months old and Valve has undoubtedly improved things since then.

As for the guy saying that Valve won't obsess over every detail, they most likely will. That's what makes them so good, they sweat the details. I can all but guarentee you that misaligned textures will be a rarity in the shipping version of the game.
Originally posted by Llevar
To the people that complain about us complaining about misaligned textures and water splashes, I need you to perform the following procedure:

Raise both your hands and place them on the top of your head. Now vigorously rub and massage your scalp. The idea here is to create some friction heat so that you can unfreeze your good old pal The Neuron from his lethargy. Once you get him warm and out of bed ask him this simple question. Why the funk are you in this thread? The rest of us are mostly here to share our critique of the way that the environments have been made. We like talking about the things we have noticed in the videos, both good and bad. You, however, are just trolling and are flaming us for being observative.

As you have nothing useful to add to this thread I would like to ask you to kindly escort yourself to the menu bar and leave yourself on the other side of the Back button.

P.S. Oh, and eat my shorts.
Uhhmmmm... I wasn't really complaining I was trying to get my point accross, and I happened to notice that you have done the same thing in the post I quoted.
Originally posted by Llevar
How do you know it uses particles? It sure as hell looks like a decal.

Also, the guy that said that realistic water has never been done is wrong. I haven't seen it done really well in real time but as far as renders go, go watch "Finding Nemo" :cheese:

Gabe said it wasn't a sprite. Besides, you can see the individual particles, and when you look at the splash from different angles (tech demo verses docks), the spashes look different.