I don't like water splash in docks video

Firstly El_Chi, #1 granted. #2 contradicts #3. Having a go at someone for whining or "pissing on parade" != a counter-argument or debate. #4, I gotta pay homage to the Simpsons.

Secondly Mountain Man, we are not barking up any trees whatsoever. Nowhere will you find me saying that Valve sucks or is making a bad game or anything similar to that. Facts on the other hand remain facts and the water splash doesn't look good. I don't understand why people take such comments so personally though. It's like if VanGogh showed us a sketch of his work and I made a comment about the grass not looking kosher and everone started saying "How dare you doubt the master and pick on his grass".
OMG THE ERROR ON THAT PLANK, it burns the retina!
I think when I get to that point in-game, and I see the those horrific virtual planks, mere shadows of their real-life counter-parts, I'm going to virtually drown myself in the nearby virtual water, because heaven forbid a jetty that doesn't have perfectly constructed woodwork!

You can never have enough sarcasm :cool:
Originally posted by Llevar
You need to stop whining about people's posts. I see more complaints about people's posts than seing actual posts themselves. Stop crying and start an actual discussion.

I'm getting really sick of seeing people complain about the posts that criticize the demos. We're the only ones being constructive here. There is NOTHING wrong with seeing room for improvement, and there is NOTHING wrong with knowing that Valve CAN (and probably will) do better than the demos we have seen. Properly aligning the dock plank textures and adding some shine to G-Man's teeth are certainly not unreasonable suggestions to make. Is anyone saying that Valve sucks because of these little problems we find in this early version of the game? No! If anything, we are merely taking a guess at what will probably be fixed in the final version.

....so shut the fvck up and stop trying to be so righteous. Either join the discussion or stay out of it.
Originally posted by Llevar
Facts on the other hand remain facts and the water splash doesn't look good. I don't understand why people take such comments so personally though.

You are wrong...these are NOT facts. These are your OPINIONS! Just because you think these effects arent the best does not mean that they are bad for everyone. I think the splash effect is good and i know the green splat is a placeholder. Those are MY opinions and no one has to think the same way i do. My beliefs are not true for everyone and THAT is a fact.

People are offended because you have the attitude that its is "My way or the highway" and if i misunderstand...then its your fault for posting the way you did.
Originally posted by Llevar
..not that there is anything wrong with that.
:D Heehee. My respect for you just went up loads (sorry, that prob'ly sounded arrogant also). I don't actually see, though, how #2 contradicts... Explain?
Originally posted by symptom
I'm getting really sick of seeing people complain about the posts that criticize the demos. We're the only ones being constructive here. There is NOTHING wrong with seeing room for improvement, and there is NOTHING wrong with knowing that Valve CAN (and probably will) do better than the demos we have seen. Properly aligning the dock plank textures and adding some shine to G-Man's teeth are certainly not unreasonable suggestions to make. Is anyone saying that Valve sucks because of these little problems we find in this early version of the game? No! If anything, we are merely taking a guess at what will probably be fixed in the final version.
Okay when people are complaining about things like texture alignment and stuff there is something that they have to realize. IT IS NOT THE FINAL VERSION. Those videos they have been showing us are all really old, also when producing a game the designers will mainly work on the core parts of the game. When it comes to textures being aligned they will often skip that process in the level design so that they can work on the more important parts of the level, once thats done they will then come back and fix up the little details that were missed. Thats why the textures are probably aligned funny. If you were to look at any first person shooter during its design stages then you would probably find a ton of bad and not properly aligned textures.

Most of this critisism is useless since its either something that no one will care about while playing the game, or the reason there might be a problem is because the game simply isn't finished yet.
Originally posted by Dalamari
If the coming release of HL2 alone makes you happy enough, why even bother coming to the forums where the rest of us would like to have discussions about the game?
Originally posted by The Mullinator
Okay when people are complaining about things like texture alignment and stuff there is something that they have to realize. IT IS NOT THE FINAL VERSION.
Did you even read my post? That's one of the things that I clearly showed I realized.
if you look closely in that picture, you will see a fly. his wings dont flap correctly. I'm not buying this game!
Originally posted by eyesore
if you look closely in that picture, you will see a fly. his wings dont flap correctly. I'm not buying this game!
OMG.. look at these forums.. there are so many people trying to make sarcasticly witty insults with posts like the one above, I'm never coming back to these forums again!

Seriously though, posts like that are getting really old.
Originally posted by symptom
Did you even read my post? That's one of the things that I clearly showed I realized.
Yes I read your original post, I wasn't talking specifically to you when I said that. What I meant by my post is that there is simply no point on discussing this, if its going to change anyway and we are all so sure of it then why bother posting about this stuff in the first place. When you start talking about this you give alot of people the idea that you think Valve is doing a crummy job. You are critisizing Valve on texture alignment, all games go through a stage where they don't have all the little graphical details worked out yet. So then why is their even a thread on it? It looks bad now but it will obviously change when its released, so why are you even talking about it?
Originally posted by symptom
OMG.. look at these forums.. there are so many people trying to make sarcasticly witty insults with posts like the one above, I'm never coming back to these forums again!

Seriously though, posts like that are getting really old.

You know whats getting really old? People telling other people what they think is old, and thinking the other people care what they think.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
Yes I read your original post, I wasn't talking specifically to you when I said that. What I meant by my post is that there is simply no point on discussing this, if its going to change anyway and we are all so sure of it then why bother posting about this stuff in the first place. When you start talking about this you give alot of people the idea that you think Valve is doing a crummy job. You are critisizing Valve on texture alignment, all games go through a stage where they don't have all the little graphical details worked out yet. So then why is their even a thread on it? It looks bad now but it will obviously change when its released, so why are you even talking about it?
Oh, well I assumed that you were talking directly to me because you had quoted my post.

Anyway, you can question the reason for any discussion. All we're doing is sharing our opinions on what we think could look better. The only real negativity in threads like this one comes from the people who feel it is their duty to supress any discussions that show any amount of criticism towards Valve's work.
Originally posted by eyesore
You know whats getting really old? People telling other people what they think is old, and thinking the other people care what they think.
So.... why did you even post here if you knew that other people wouldn't care what you think? Just to spam, huh?

worst thread breakdown ever.

(more simpsons homage)
Originally posted by worldspawn
notice the clothing?!

Not only the clothing, but notice the friggin organs. Thats some really nice detail there.
Originally posted by Llevar
Secondly Mountain Man, we are not barking up any trees whatsoever. Nowhere will you find me saying that Valve sucks or is making a bad game or anything similar to that. Facts on the other hand remain facts and the water splash doesn't look good. I don't understand why people take such comments so personally though. It's like if VanGogh showed us a sketch of his work and I made a comment about the grass not looking kosher and everone started saying "How dare you doubt the master and pick on his grass".
First of all, I'm not taking anything personally. I'm just having a discussion with some random putz on the internet. I'm sorry, but I don't get emotionally involved with screennames.

Secondly, you are barking up the wrong tree simply because you are scrutinizing something that was never intended to withstand intensive scrutiny. In your Van Gogh example, he'd most likely bitch-slap you and say, "It's just a rough sketch, moron! Of course the grass doesn't look 'kosher'. I'm not done with it!"

To simplify, judging a work in progress as if it were the finished product is the epitome of barking up the wrong tree.
Originally posted by El_Chi
:D Heehee. My respect for you just went up loads (sorry, that prob'ly sounded arrogant also). I don't actually see, though, how #2 contradicts... Explain?

I believe that #2 contradicts #3 because "quit your whining" is not quite a counter-argument to "I don't like this water effect" nor does it spark any sort of intelligent debate.

Moreover people that diss me, and others who criticize little things in the demos, up fail to realize that we do this not because we hate the game or valve. Afterall, if I hated the game or valve I wouldn't be spending my valuable time on this board. It is because of the high regard that we have for valve and the quality of their work that we pay such attention to all the little details. Anyone read "Great expectations"?

In the end, we are posting our opinions about game related content while others are just flaming. While the first is the reason this forum exists, the second is punishable on most forums out there.

Finally, when I posted this topic I was hoping to initiate a discussion of why valve might choose to use a lower quality water splash effect or of how hard it is to create realistic water splashes in real time or whether companies should strive to create environments as realistic as possible or opt for other solutions. Instead, people whom I personally consider to be the "real whiners" chose to flame and eliminate any chance of a real debate or even semi-intelligent conversation in this thread.
Personally, I can live with the splash effects. They aren't too bad in themselves, but I wish they caused larger after-effects in terms of ripples. I took a couple of snaps from the tech demo. It shows that the initial splash is composed of the same sort of animation, but is good enough to have a fairly convincing 'splash shape':




Maybe Valve decided to scale down on the splash effects, sacrificing them in order to get higher quality water overall - you gotta admit, on its own the water looks stunning ;). Suppose it all comes down to the most effective use of processing power?

- Tommmo
symptom tell the true you guys no everybody but many guys here say i don t like that or that or this isn t good designed bla bla bla and bla bla bla.

Come on you not happy don t buy the game the 30 september and that s all you said i don t like the splash effect, but can you do it better than the valve developpers can you make those effects, do you know how much time they need to make something like that and you all you can tell is i don t like.

Before tell something like that shut up cause you can t do all they can do, they working on it since 4 years and what you say is a insult for them so when you will be able to do that then you can talk.

All yuo can do for the moment it s have some respect for them and shut up.
Originally posted by ulukai
symptom tell the true you guys no everybody but many guys here say i don t like that or that or this isn t good designed bla bla bla and bla bla bla.

Come on you not happy don t buy the game the 30 september and that s all you said i don t like the splash effect, but can you do it better than the valve developpers can you make those effects, do you know how much time they need to make something like that and you all you can tell is i don t like.

Before tell something like that shut up cause you can t do all they can do, they working on it since 4 years and what you say is a insult for them so when you will be able to do that then you can talk.

All yuo can do for the moment it s have some respect for them and shut up.

Actually I'm a developer myself and yes I could make those effects. Uhm, anything else you want to say?
Originally posted by ulukai
symptom tell the true you guys no everybody but many guys here say i don t like that or that or this isn t good designed bla bla bla and bla bla bla.

Come on you not happy don t buy the game the 30 september and that s all you said i don t like the splash effect, but can you do it better than the valve developpers can you make those effects, do you know how much time they need to make something like that and you all you can tell is i don t like.

Before tell something like that shut up cause you can t do all they can do, they working on it since 4 years and what you say is a insult for them so when you will be able to do that then you can talk.

All yuo can do for the moment it s have some respect for them and shut up.

I like your posting, especially the ending.

There are few another ways to end the post.:flame: :borg:
yeah, why don t you join them to make the game better send your cv etc...
and make some change.