I don't want to play Ravenholm. Scary.

Just get a mod or something that changes the zombie skins to teletubbies and the headcrabs to bunnies or something. After that, no fear. :)

I tell you, id definetly shit in my pants when seeing po or lala throwing bunnies at me.

Ravenholm is one of the easiest levels, but it's definately a level you are wide awake during, and on the edge of your seat, I love jumping when a fast zombie attacks me, or a poison crab
bunch of pussies.

it's got the whole horror-movie thing going, but headcrab zombies are pretty ridiculous.
bunch of pussies.
It would be nice to watch your language. If you can't say anything valuable, don't say anything at all. This is a forum, not a place where everyone writes the first things that come in their head.

No offence
nothing said on these forums is valuable, though it can be funny sometimes.

for example:
... This is a forum, not a place where everyone writes the first things that come in their head ...

funny because you weren't being sarcastic.
Ravenholm is scary, best play it with no sound.

I rememeber holding the door against the fast zombies only to have them burst in through the ceiling.
That took years off my life.
Just get a mod or something that changes the zombie skins to teletubbies and the headcrabs to bunnies or something. After that, no fear. :)

That would be scarier! Just imagine it, teletubbies throwing spiders at you
i don't think i could handle that.
...Aren't you the guy who can't tell the difference between Episode One and Half-Life 2? Or fails to tell that Pink-checker-board textures around him is evidence of some sort of corruption in your game files?

I had the impression you hadn't finished Half-Life 2, to be honest.
you know something??

every time jesse posts here, he is going to be flamed for not playing and finishing hl2 and ep1. im like wtf...
...Aren't you the guy who can't tell the difference between Episode One and Half-Life 2? Or fails to tell that Pink-checker-board textures around him is evidence of some sort of corruption in your game files?

I had the impression you hadn't finished Half-Life 2, to be honest.

He played the demo. And he thought that is the whole ravenholm.

Or he lies. He likes being flamed. He is a masochist.
He likes being Flamed, and even worse...


God, that kid is slow, 'Ep 1 comes after HL2' 'wait, which comes first?' '-_-'

'Don't double Post' *thinks to himself* 'I think I'lld double post'

Notice his avatar *thinks to himself* I think I'll copy that guy's avatar

there is no point flaming him anymore, i mean i visit every thread with him and when he makes a small point on hl2, he starts to burn so its getting kind of irritating, so stick with discussing the thread...

this is becoming like tf2. everyone has chosen pyro while jesse has chosen medic..or smth

Nice Metaphor...
and last time I checked, this thread was dead, some one bumped it
dudes if u got scared of HL2 than u never played DOOM3(or tried to play)

Ravenholm isnt that scary untill u meet superzombie. Well thats scarys shit out of you. Their screams and shit. Generaly i dont think game is horror. Its fun game with good graphics and great storyline.
"prepares for (no doom 3 is not scary at all and sux response)"

although i completely disagree........
Doom 3 is like, it scares you by poping something up.
Half Life 2 is you fear that something may pop up.

The level is different. (Doom 3's lower)
i like HL2 more than doom3 but about horror stuff doom3 is way scarier than HL2. +doom3 has scary sounds and some kinda whispers htat makes you to turn off the sound.
ravenholm wernt scary at all hl2 aint a scary game best game eva made dow but not scary i prefer doom 3 4 horror shit but half life 2 overall best game.
I'm surprised so many people are saying it's scary... I thought it was a cakewalk. Now, the first time you see the snipers-that's different. You're walking along and suddenly... CRAP!.
yea me too. I agree that HL2 best singleplayer shooter game ever made. NOT HL1
I found Prospekt a little more scary too. Mainly the Entanglement areas, where the Combine had simply abandoned various segments of the under-levels and you just knew you'd rather be elsewhere.

yes, true at first, but once you realized the cause for all that was the outbreak of antlions, and that those antlions were your little friends, it wasnt so bad.
yes, true at first, but once you realized the cause for all that was the outbreak of antlions, and that those antlions were your little friends, it wasnt so bad.

Naw, those bits had been left like that for years. Looked that way.
Naw, those bits had been left like that for years. Looked that way.

well, yes, I thought Nova Prospect has probably been a terribly "morbid" place for years. But the recent abandonment of combine soldiers looked recent, like within the past couple of days. There were freshly dead combine soldiers laying around.
Naw, those bits had been left like that for years. Looked that way.

The Combine did no repairs or anything anywhere and that part was probably not even used looking at what was just there
well, yes, I thought Nova Prospect has probably been a terribly "morbid" place for years. But the recent abandonment of combine soldiers looked recent, like within the past couple of days. There were freshly dead combine soldiers laying around.

Some of the areas are complete abandoned. Some are almost fully abandoned, but there are a few guards hanging around for security reason. The fresh dead combine soldiers are killed by antlion when they were on their post watching the un-used area. You can see they have their post since there are maintained combine monitor on the wall, but most of the areas beyond the security post there are forlorn and badly damage.
I remember playing Ravenholm using headphones. I never got used to the sound of the fast zombies as they got close to me. I was really impressed by Ravenholm. But Ravenholm was more like a "jumping-scare" level, it wasn't exactly psychological fear.
There's nothing to be scared about...Except maybe Father Grigori...

Just Playing.

But all you have to do is play the game with the speakers turned up full volume, in total darkness (apart from your monitor) and have the doors locked (if they don't lock close them). That way you can ask your Mom to buy you 15 new pairs of Tightie Wighites and you'll be so used to it that nothing in the world could scare you.

Watch out for those poisonous headcrab throwing Zombies, if you don't kill the headcrab quickly and it hits you again, you're screwed. If it has a brother and it attacks straight after, you're screwed.
I've been bitten plenty of times by poison headcrabs, but the only time it proved fatal was when I backed into a fire shortly after being bitten (zombie barricade area in hospital, Ep. 1).
Yeah, I've only been killed because of them once or twice. I remember one in Ravenholm, when a Fast Zombie got me right after I got bitten.
If only they had put a poison zombie or two in the climactic battle of Lowlife. Now that woulda make things pannicky.
I don't like poison headcrabs. To me at least, they seem a bit tacked on TBH, as though Valve just wanted to have three different headcrabs for the sake of it. I don't think I've ever been killed by one, seeing as they hardly ever seem to appear in battles like nokobi3byo said.
So to me, they look kind of pointless. You tend to find poison zombies on their own guarding some supplies, and while it's fun to have a seperate enemy for that stuff, they still could have come up with something better. IMHO.

Kleiner, I wish I was as scared of Ravenholm as you. It would have made it so much more fun.:(
I agree, an addition of a poison zombie or two in the battle in front of the elevator in Lowlife would've made the battle a lot more stressful and difficult, and therefore challenging and interesting. Oh well.

Valve's mistake is not the poison headcrabs, but where they put them. They put them where you are unlikely to find other enemies that could take advantage of your weakened state after being bit by one. They're relatively easy to kill and it's impossible for them to kill you by themselves. Even when there's a poison zombie present, it's pretty easy to get out of its way.

In that sense, poison headcrabs are a bit of a failure not because of their qualities, but merely their location.
But it would be frustrating otherwise, right? Imagine getting bitten by it, and then suddenly some fast zombies come after you.

Or even worse, your above ground, and then the slightest spray of bullets form a soldier/ cop gets you!

Unless you have alot of suit power.
Which is why people would prioritize their targets. In the presence of other dangerous enemies, a poison headcrab would be more of a threat than a Strider.
Which is why people would prioritize their targets. In the presence of other dangerous enemies, a poison headcrab would be more of a threat than a Strider.

Alternatively, as the poison headcrab is the slowest enemy, you could just avoid them until all other enemies are dead or you are sure there are no other enemies in that area.