I don't want to start a bad rumor but...

Half-Life 2 release date is currently November 12th 2004 due to the source code leak according to Valve Software
?? According to Valve software? Since when did they ever say anything about November 12th 2004? I'd be inclined to say that date is Bs in it's purest form.
Ask 30 different retailers when Half-Life 2 will be released and you'll get 30 different answers.

Where are these retailers getting their information from anyway? There's another thread where it says that Half-Life 2 isn't on the Vivendi release date list for 2004. They can't both be true. Either it is on Vivendi's list or the retailers are making it up.

Ha "Year of Hype"? Weren't people calling Half-Life 2 Vapourware a few seconds ago.
im so sick of half-assed release date claims based on "store dates" I could puke... they make those dates because they wont YOUR pre-orders and attention... not because they got some 1337 developer info...
Amazon 6/1/2004
Compusa 6/1/2004
EBGames: 6/30/2004
Walmart 7/2/2004
BestBuy 8/26/2004
Gamestop 9/1/2004 (eek)

http://www.half-life2.org.uk - 11/12/2004

I'm still hoping for a summer release, looks like most of these retailers think so too. That 9/1 Gamestop date scares me a bit, but I have been telling myself 9/30/2004 for months now, so that I wouldn't excited. But this 11/12 crap.. it's just way out there.
I remember them saying that those dates were not solid dates but were only place holders so when they got the actual date they would post it.
I just checked a few UK retailers websites.

I saw a range of TBC, September and even one that said 3rd December 2004. Any one of these could be true, but I suggest we believe none of them until it's officially confirmed.

Moved to Rumors and Speculation btw.
What you need to think about is that Valve most likely CANNOT AFFORD for this game to be anything other than a huge hit. If that means delaying the game to make sure it's phenomenal, then they are going to delay it. After so many years of development, plopping down millions on bandwidth for things like steam and such, they are most likely facing a do or die situation here. So they understandably want HL2 to be perfect.

Almost assuredly, the devs do not really know when they will be done. That's because there never any real "done" point. It's all going to come down to a meeting when they decide "ok, we reached our goals for release.... but is it really good enough as a game, or should we take another two months and polish it more, add new stuff?" And maybe the answer will be yes, maybe no, but we won't know until it goes gold.
I dont want that to happen. If the release date for HALF LIFE 2 is delayed then I got to wait some more . But to perfect the game some more could be good Half Life 2 because a lot of people are expecting a game that is really good , I mean a really good game to cherish . well thats all i gotta say for this . Peace
They probably copied that date from amazon.co.uk, the only place I've seen November 12th as the release day.
I wouldn't get all panicky about it.. these release dates are about as reliable as that unicorn I saw yesterday..
think about it, im sure Valve are going to be watching People purchasing Farcry and Doom3 before their game is released, but what sense is it to hold back till end of the year when they can be the final next gen game to strike after these two releases. Summer is on the ball if you ask me, and PC gamer have given it a green light, and they usually know a few things that we dont.
Rumours are just spam. If it were the medievil age, you would be dunked in water several times.
Burnt at the stake if you told christians what the Internet was.
Yep, it would be no nonsence back then
That date is not so bad really!

:dork: I've been predicting April 2005 for the release since October!

What I really want to know is when is Gabe going to issue the "ban Keeson" order if I say the wrong thing. :LOL:

I know too much and Valve is out to get me!!! :thumbs: I hope there is no conflict of interest now that Valve helped this site out!

But I am so happy this wonderful site is back!! :bounce:
they got their dates confused that was VU games realease date, for 2003! not 2004...valve was going "of course we'll be done by september!", and VU said "yeah, right. november 12 is the date"
These threads do get painful because all we have heard is wait for E3....then every so often someone finds a little gem of misinformation and posts it making people get all pent up.

I doubt anyone knows 100% when it is being released right now, even people working at Valve depending on what they have in store at E3.
i remember when retailers had dates. . . but they expired. . .
so dont trust, besides listed reasons
from what I've heard , games presented at E3 don't get released soon after . so I'm thinking atleast a few months after the E3 show. :(
games shown at E3 may no release immediately after but then for one thing this isn't the usual one stand and then it's out before the next E3.

My predicition which may well be woefully inaccurate and a source of humiliation in the time to come is that E3 is a good platform to launch the SDK from, either then or announce it maybe with a demonstration of some mapping being done, putting a model into the environment they create all this stuff.
i heard Gabe Newell saying (in one of the emails sent to valve) that half-life 2 will be released 2004 for sure....im guessing maybe December 30th 2004