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Aug 9, 2013
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Guys. I never thought the day would come when we get another game designed like the old FPS games like Half-Life, Quake or Return to Castle Wolfenstein. There were some games which got close like Metro Last Light, Bioshock Infinite and Wolfenstein The New Order, but they chose different approaches to some things which are very important for me.

Today Wolfenstein The Old Blood came out. And I really like The New Order, I think its the best FPS in years, but I still wasnt 100% happy with it. The Old Blood fixes almost everything. Level design is even better, sound design is even better and enemy design is also a little bit better. But they changed the 2 things which I didnt like, and that was that in The New Order you had no connected world, you jumped from level to level and had to collect all your weapons again. That changed, now its just you, no one talking to you over radio or some shit. Its just you and the level. And the levels are more open now, there are more secrets and exploration is much more rewarding. The second thing is they changed the weapons. In the New Order they were too similar imo, but I still miss crazy weapons like the Tesla gun :(
For only 20 bucks the Old Blood is crazy! 10/10
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Yeah, it's really incredible for a 20 dollar standalone game. Good to see expansions to IP not be shitty useless DLCs like skin packs.
Your post sounds like a typical FPS noob one for me. Wolfenstein The Old Blood has Call of Duty mechanics, so in that aspect it is not like Half Life, Quake or Return To Castle Wolfenstein at all. Game mechanics apparently are not important at all for people who "just play for fun".
I mean, is it the best FPS in years? Might actually be, because all FPS with a singleplayer have Call of Duty mechanics nowadays. But is it good? No, because it blindly copies popular gameplay mechanics. Why would you want to sprint in a castle? It is the ideal place for close quarters combat. The developers obviously just thought about making as much money as possible when developing the game.
Your post sounds like a typical FPS noob one for me. Wolfenstein The Old Blood has Call of Duty mechanics, so in that aspect it is not like Half Life, Quake or Return To Castle Wolfenstein at all. Game mechanics apparently are not important at all for people who "just play for fun".
I mean, is it the best FPS in years? Might actually be, because all FPS with a singleplayer have Call of Duty mechanics nowadays. But is it good? No, because it blindly copies popular gameplay mechanics. Why would you want to sprint in a castle? It is the ideal place for close quarters combat. The developers obviously just thought about making as much money as possible when developing the game.

What the **** are "Call of Duty mechanics"? lol terrible post 10/10
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"Call of Duty mechanics" are in this case Sprint and ADS (Aiming Down Sights). Both were made popular by Call of Duty and since about Modern Warfare 2 are found in almost all FPS. Sprint has large impacts on map layouts (among other things) and ADS eliminates movement while shooting, this is what they do explained in short terms.
Your post sounds like a typical FPS noob one for me. Wolfenstein The Old Blood has Call of Duty mechanics, so in that aspect it is not like Half Life, Quake or Return To Castle Wolfenstein at all. Game mechanics apparently are not important at all for people who "just play for fun".
I mean, is it the best FPS in years? Might actually be, because all FPS with a singleplayer have Call of Duty mechanics nowadays. But is it good? No, because it blindly copies popular gameplay mechanics. Why would you want to sprint in a castle? It is the ideal place for close quarters combat. The developers obviously just thought about making as much money as possible when developing the game.
Look out guys, someone is looking to resurrect the dumbass elitist POV of the forum's older years.

Wolfenstein plays nothing like COD, this sounds like some regurgitated horse shit you'd see from Reddit threads. Everything in your post indicates you've never played The New Order or The Old Blood.
Neon wtf man.
the things that make Call of Duty shitty aren't aiming down sights and sprinting; The things that make Call of Duty shitty are gameplay elements, lack of enemy variety, poor storytelling, stupid spoon-fed shitty story telling, stuff like "Press F to pay respects", stuff like that.

The thing about ADS in Wolfenstein is that you can lean to the left or right of walls/barriers that you're hiding behind. Also it's just cool. It's not a CoD thing, it's an FPS thing!

Wolfenstein is such an amazing game. I mean, why not get mad at Valve for putting sprinting in Half-Life 2? You're being a bit too cynical here mate
i defend pedophiles, homosexuals, and all others who would be ostracized by gender/sexual preference only because of my condition and my time here has taught me a bit about the fine line between aggressive manipulation and honest to god sexual confusion
you can run while shooting in Wolfenstein, you dont even have to use ADS at all, weapons are still 100% accurate with hip-fire, genius.
You need ADS for those sick head shots you shit lord, and running is impractical because you have to steady your aim. Learn2guns, newbie, and don't talk to me about games until you have jacked off to Bejeweled 3 as much as I have.
sorry, I dont understand your humour :S
Your post sounds like a typical FPS noob one for me. Wolfenstein The Old Blood has Call of Duty mechanics, so in that aspect it is not like Half Life, Quake or Return To Castle Wolfenstein at all. Game mechanics apparently are not important at all for people who "just play for fun".
I mean, is it the best FPS in years? Might actually be, because all FPS with a singleplayer have Call of Duty mechanics nowadays. But is it good? No, because it blindly copies popular gameplay mechanics. Why would you want to sprint in a castle? It is the ideal place for close quarters combat. The developers obviously just thought about making as much money as possible when developing the game.
I am your run of the mill Counter-Strike master race COD hater but you are just wrong here. The recent Wolfenstein games are some of the most decent (not perfect but VERY DECENT) singleplayer FPSes to come out in ****ing ages. I don't finish 95% of singleplayer FPS games because they are all trash but Wolfenstein kept me pretty entertained and I don't find the mechanics to be very COD-esque at all with regards to the modern FPS spectrum.
I am your run of the mill Counter-Strike master race COD hater but you are just wrong here. The recent Wolfenstein games are some of the most decent (not perfect but VERY DECENT) singleplayer FPSes to come out in ****ing ages. I don't finish 95% of singleplayer FPS games because they are all trash but Wolfenstein kept me pretty entertained and I don't find the mechanics to be very COD-esque at all with regards to the modern FPS spectrum.

Yes, it might be a good game in comparison to other shooter nowadays, but it still uses Call of Duty mechanics even though there is no reason for it to do so (meaning the developers just implemented them to stay "modern", which is just a bunch of money making bullshit and shows they are a bad developer in that aspect) and therefore is not to compare to the first Wolfenstein games and especially not to Half Life. Again, if Sprint and ADS are in a game nowadays, it is (almost always) because they were made popular by Call of Duty, and they are bad gameplay mechanics by themselves.
Yes, it might be a good game in comparison to other shooter nowadays, but it still uses Call of Duty mechanics even though there is no reason for it to do so (meaning the developers just implemented them to stay "modern", which is just a bunch of money making bullshit and shows they are a bad developer in that aspect) and therefore is not to compare to the first Wolfenstein games and especially not to Half Life. Again, if Sprint and ADS are in a game nowadays, it is (almost always) because they were made popular by Call of Duty, and they are bad gameplay mechanics by themselves.
you are f*cking dumb as a sack of rat shit
No, I just take playing video games seriously. I also had two 50s in Halo 3 (if anyone knows what that is), so I know what I am talking about in regards to gameplay mechanics.
It was the only relevant FPS for me with a skill-based Ranking System at the time. Have you ever reached a high skill-based rank in an FPS?

Yes. In many.

Look man I'm just saying, give Wolf a chance. It's a great game at it's core. It's nothing like CoD.
It was the only relevant FPS for me with a skill-based Ranking System at the time. Have you ever reached a high skill-based rank in an FPS?

Wtf man? Being good at a game does not reflect on how well you understand design theory, or in this case, gameplay mechanics.
Attempted derailments aside, I regularly visit this site for video game "reviews". I'm a fan of FPS games, and wasn't sure about Wolfenstein, but it sounds like I may give it a spin? Borderlands 2 has largely ruined other FPS games for me (which is all I play, so besides TF2 for my multiplayer fix, I haven't been off Pandora for literally years). Convince a grizzled FPS player to get Wolfenstein, and I'll buy it today.
Attempted derailments aside, I regularly visit this site for video game "reviews". I'm a fan of FPS games, and wasn't sure about Wolfenstein, but it sounds like I may give it a spin? Borderlands 2 has largely ruined other FPS games for me (which is all I play, so besides TF2 for my multiplayer fix, I haven't been off Pandora for literally years). Convince a grizzled FPS player to get Wolfenstein, and I'll buy it today.

It has it's flaws here and there, but it is certainly not the worst Wolfenstein game either. Quite opposite, if I say so myself.

The New Order offers a fantastically executed storyline combined with great and fast paced gameplay. The level design is varied and challenging and you can choose different approaches aswell if you so desire. The gunplay, movement and fluidity of the game right of the bat is palpably great. The New Order is, in short, just a pretty damn good experience. It's a well designed game which I would immensely recommend to FPS lovers.

The Old Blood was a different story for me... I didn't like it as much as The New Order. The story is not as engaging as the one in The New Order, and there are some dreadfully boring sections of the game. It offers great characters, great level design and great gunplay. What you would expect out of an extension of The New Order; I'd think twice before buying it though, as I stopped playing it half way through.
Attempted derailments aside, I regularly visit this site for video game "reviews". I'm a fan of FPS games, and wasn't sure about Wolfenstein, but it sounds like I may give it a spin? Borderlands 2 has largely ruined other FPS games for me (which is all I play, so besides TF2 for my multiplayer fix, I haven't been off Pandora for literally years). Convince a grizzled FPS player to get Wolfenstein, and I'll buy it today.

It's captivating and exciting. Gameplay wise, it's fun, arcade-y, and can be diverse. You can choose to be stealthy or guns blazing. There's as much variety in mechanics as there are in HL2 (vehicles, level themes, enemy variety).

It's very similar to HL2 imo, character wise, story wise, and gameplay wise. I really cared for the characters in this game. If someone died, it hurt. The cutscenes are crucial and you'll actually ENJOY watching them. I never skipped one.

And the game even starts out with something incredibly unique... let's just say you get to make a choice that changes the entire game.

It's my favorite campaign I've ever played. And yes, enjoyed it more than HL.
I like The Old Blood more than the New Order. Its more focused, more consistent, has better weapons and enemies and unique locations rarely seen in other games. And I mean I LOVE the New Order, both are ****ing awesome.
I like The Old Blood more than the New Order. Its more focused, more consistent, has better weapons and enemies and unique locations rarely seen in other games. And I mean I LOVE the New Order, both are ****ing awesome.

Potential spoilers to anyone who haven't played the game, be warned.
I enjoyed The Old Blood as much as The New Order for the first half of the game. Then those boring Nazi Zombies were introduced, and I just couldn't enjoy the game anymore. It was the most tedious enemy I have ever fought in a game.

> turret sections

I also think it falls victim of it's own length. If it was a 20 hour experience, then you could get time to care about the characters that got introduced halfway through the game, and when they died, I didn't really care.
Potential spoilers to anyone who haven't played the game, be warned.
I enjoyed The Old Blood as much as The New Order for the first half of the game. Then those boring Nazi Zombies were introduced, and I just couldn't enjoy the game anymore. It was the most tedious enemy I have ever fought in a game.

> turret sections

I also think it falls victim of it's own length. If it was a 20 hour experience, then you could get time to care about the characters that got introduced halfway through the game, and when they died, I didn't really care.
who said you should care about them? I agree on the Nazi zombies though, they are wasted potential.
Attempted derailments aside, I regularly visit this site for video game "reviews". I'm a fan of FPS games, and wasn't sure about Wolfenstein, but it sounds like I may give it a spin? Borderlands 2 has largely ruined other FPS games for me (which is all I play, so besides TF2 for my multiplayer fix, I haven't been off Pandora for literally years). Convince a grizzled FPS player to get Wolfenstein, and I'll buy it today.
you eat dog food for health and I hate video games
this dude got PWNT. thanks guys i was too lazy to explain why it's literally stupid as **** to complain that Wolf New Order is littered with "CoD" mechanics. the guy speaks about games like it's 2008 or some shit.

also **** you guys

Alright, I may be down. I just got Dead Space and DS2 on a Steam sale and am working through these now. I do see it for sale for $15 for another few hours.