I finished it! (SPOILERS!!!!)


Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
This game is the best game I ever played,not even HL2 can beat this game imo
The boss was very hard,but I made it after a few tries,the ending cinematic was very touching and I shed a few tears ;(
This game should be GOTY.a big **** YOU Bungie,these guys that made this game have some serious programing skill and,this game will stomp the living shit outta Halo3,those bungie ****ers probably still haven't learned how to design maps.
BTW I think this would make a good movie......

PS:I played on Medium:cheers:
the game is pants, its like doom3 with extra features. over rated over hyped.
You've posted that same thing like three times already but have you actually played the game? O_o


Would you kindly!? Ha, I never noticed Atlas/Fontaine says it every god damn time. That really threw me for a spin.
I wasnt cheating,I started a day before release :)
I think it would be cool if they made a movie. And also im tired of waiting for halo 3 soz Bioshock pwns bungie and so does the company that made bioshock. I don't even know what im sayen.:devil:
Boss was pretty easy with upgraded weapons. I used a fully upgraded shotgun with regular buckshot and didn't die once. Threw in a little telekinesis too to catch his attacks.
I'm currently at the start of Arcadia. Should I slow down? I'm worried I'm rushing through it.
This is a spoiler thread so WATCH OUT FOR SPOILERS! Ok now that's out of the way I'm doing my review! :E :E Just beat the game and I gotta say, HL2 looks small in comparison to this game. Games have tried over the years since HL to create the feeling of scary environments and basically making you jump out of your seat. The sounds are pure brilliance. Once you hear a big daddy you just know that you have to kill it for that little sister. Or you can just kill it for cash or a buddy. I never died once. The big daddies get easier with upgrades. I really can't put in everything I wanna say in this review. There are virtually no flaws in this game which is saying a lot. The only bad thing is some unfair puzzles and if you hit the big daddy while he's friendly with you, he is on your butt. Also the ending video ended very fast without any credits which is odd. Also the weird authentication thing. Those problems aside everything in this game is good! FEAR tried to make the whole "your part of the experiment" story but Bioshock nailed it. Just wow, it's a really, really, really good game. *Oh don't worry Antipop, there are many levels. Also the boss is a huge, jacked up Atlas and changes his powers each time you suck out adam. I saved all the sisters btw. It's highly recommended you save them... I never trusted Atlas from day one either. One more thing, the entire protect the VIP at the end was perfectly done. No dumb AI or anything. Never played a game that is this good except for HL before.
Well The first ending is nicer then the second. But I don't understand the first it looks like your guy takes all the little sissters to the surface and has em as daughters? or something like that.
Well The first ending is nicer then the second. But I don't understand the first it looks like your guy takes all the little sissters to the surface and has em as daughters? or something like that.
Well yea that's what you do. You become an old man though and on your death bed they are there for you. They are like an extended family. The other one just depicts you as a power hungry mongrel and then you take over the world. Probably die by some other splicer trying to gain power seeing that Ryan nor Fontaine lasted long. Tbh I liked the ending I just wish they showed the credits. You gotta show who made this excellent game lol. *I kinda think the gene modifications aided in your death too.
SPlicers are just drug hungry freaks. I still havn't beat the game but now i know how it ends but I still don't know what I wanna know.
Um i need help. I got to fort frolic and im helping some weird freak do wutever. I tryed to enter the theater but that glass door is sealed shut it won't open. What am i supposed to do?
I was stuck there for a few minutes, too. To your left theres a lift, and to the left of the lift is a button. I didn't see it either.
I got past the part of killing ryan and im in the sewers. What I don't understand is how is your family related to rapture and stuff?
I got past the part of killing ryan and im in the sewers. What I don't understand is how is your family related to rapture and stuff?
Your dad is Ryan and your mom is that woman I think. You are an experimental subject just like FEAR. In fact one of the photos that flash in front of you is yourself as a baby, but with stitches and stuff all on your head. Idk how you got out of Rapture in the first place though but they did get you back to Rapture by splicers taking down the plane. Btw is it an all volunteer service being a Big Daddy? The process to become one is like becoming a combine.
Splicers didn't take the plane down, you did. The present has a revolver in it and instructions on the gift start out with "Would you kindly." I think the woman was McClintock or something. She found out she was pregnant so she sold the egg to Fontaine who along with Suchong and Tenenbaum did crazy shit to your mind and body. Ryan wasn't pleased. I imagine Ryan doesn't kill you because he figures out you're his son by time you finally meet him and tries to give some good ol' fatherly advice before he passes on, "A master decides. A slavey obeys."
Eventually Jack makes his way to Ryan, who has stopped putting up any resistance to Jack's efforts. Instead, he reveals to Jack why he is here: Jack was actually born in Rapture (and revealed in an audio diary from another character to be Ryan's illegitimate son and sold for scientific experiment, presumably prenatally), trained to be an assassin by Fontaine to perform and kill on verbal commands. Before being put into the surface world by Fontaine, Jack was further subconsciously embedded with instructions to hijack a plane and crash it near Rapture's surface entrance, and to seek out and assassinate Ryan. Ryan calmly demonstrates this by ordering Jack to kill him, using the trigger phrase "Would you kindly...". Jack realizes that Atlas has been using the same phrase since he arrived in Rapture, and after Ryan is dead, Atlas reveals himself to Jack as Fontaine. With Ryan dead, Fontaine no longer needs Jack, and lets him to the security system of Ryan's residence, though Jack is saved by Dr. Tenembaum.
From wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioshock
aww thats sad u beat the crap outa ur dad with a golf club. But why did he want jack or watever his name is to kill him? So you cause the plane crash and everything went black cause atlus or whatever his name is hypnotized you?
My brain is scrambled but I understand the story better. I hope they make a second bioshock cause games like these make me wish there was a sequel:(
aww thats sad u beat the crap outa ur dad with a golf club. But why did he want jack or watever his name is to kill him? So you cause the plane crash and everything went black cause atlus or whatever his name is hypnotized you?

To drive the point home of deciding and obeying. Ryan decided to die. You obeyed.

And also perhaps, because Ryan would be reborn in a vita-chamber...
Yeah, Ryan isn't dead, so I'm thinking sequel. Suchong said the Vita-Chambers are calibrated to Ryan, and from one of the logs (about Bathysphere keys) you know those DNA keys are pretty vague and so any family member can use them (You).
If there is a sequel I don't see Jack being the protagonist again, they'll have to graft in some other unsuspecting dope. Since we've already been introduced to rapture they could even do a prequel, where you play a citizen of rapture trying to survive after the initial trouble starts.
or a maybe one of the little sister that Jack saved?
Yeah, Ryan isn't dead, so I'm thinking sequel. Suchong said the Vita-Chambers are calibrated to Ryan, and from one of the logs (about Bathysphere keys) you know those DNA keys are pretty vague and so any family member can use them (You).

The vita-chamber in his office is turned off, so it's definately implied that he's dead for good.
Some are saying that he turned off the vita-chamber in his office so that he resurrects in another location so that he can escape.
A prequel would be great. Were you gota play as a citizen of rapture to survive the mess. Good idea for that. Or make it were a boat wreck or something were some other idiot ends up at rapture(has nothing to do with the family or city) but either way i want a sequel.
Playing as someone other than a Ryan-bloodline character could open up new problems versus security (for more enemies and such)... But along the same thread Vita-Chambers would have to be hacked first or something.
Bioshock 2

* play as ryans brother comeing to get the money ryan owes. (the money ryan used to build rapture)

* discover rapture a city thats a hellhole full of drugheads.

* hunt ryan down until he pays you off.

* collect wut little is left of adam to survive and buy useless junk

*new combat style smack the crap outa splicers with a breifcase.

COMEING 2008 rated m for mature.
Bioshock 2

* play as ryans brother comeing to get the money ryan owes. (the money ryan used to build rapture)

* discover rapture a city thats a hellhole full of drugheads.

* hunt ryan down until he pays you off.

* collect wut little is left of adam to survive and buy useless junk

*new combat style smack the crap outa splicers with a breifcase.

COMEING 2008 rated m for mature.

Apart from the whole money and breifcase thing, that's pretty much the basic story to Bioshock.
WEll what do you want? what another plane crashes into rapture and another moron ravages threw the city killing splicers and bds? I just said that cuz it was my opinion lol. The best thing to have is a prequel or something. Play as a citizen surive the whole mess blah blah blah. IT be cool though.
just finished myself
fantastic game
can't wait to play through again on hard

have you guys watched the CG intro? the one that starts when you wait for it during the main menu? it's awesome!!
WTF....I just got done with this game and I got an ending that confused the hell out of me. From the looks of it was a bad ending, showing those spheres coming up and bunch of splicers jumping out and killing people....with Tenanbum saying all this bad stuff about me.

How did I get a bad ending? What didn't I do, or what did I do to deserve that?

Nevermind...turns out if you even harvested ONE little sister you get that ending.

I'd also like to mention that the last boss was easier than even some encounters I had with Big Daddies.
I just beat the game as well (on medium), and even though it was easier, especially Fontaine at the end, I really enjoyed.

I'm convinced the Electrical Gel + Ammo Conservation/Damage Upgrades is the best weapon in the game. Even for Fontaine at the end, as long as you keep the beam focused on him he's stuck in his tracks.

Great game.