I found out what happened to Lamarr


Jul 7, 2003
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Sorry if this is old, but when I was just replaying HL2 I noticed what happened to Lamarr and why he is missing later on. When the teleporter in Kleiner's lab is malfunctioning in "Red Letter Day" Lamarr leaps at you just as the malfunction occurs. Then, you and Lamarr are both teleported to a beach somewhere. You see Lamarr leap at a few seagulls and then you are teleported elsewhere.
TriggerHappy said:
Sorry if this is old, but when I was just replaying HL2 I noticed what happened to Lamarr and why he is missing later on. When the teleporter in Kleiner's lab is malfunctioning in "Red Letter Day" Lamarr leaps at you just as the malfunction occurs. Then, you and Lamarr are both teleported to a beach somewhere. You see Lamarr leap at a few seagulls and then you are teleported elsewhere.

I think most people saw that. You also see Lamarr at the end after the credits.
You also see her next to shotgun-weilding Kleiner, budged to the door at the end of Entanglement before she suddenly dissapears.
The question is, how did Lamarr get back to Kleiner's laboratory after being transported to the beach?
Lamarr probably went through the same thing as Gordon, being teleported everywhere. He probably ended back up in Kleiner's office.
Darkside55 said:
The question is, how did Lamarr get back to Kleiner's laboratory after being transported to the beach?

New expansion pack :E ??
Lamarr had a week to return from wherever she was, so maybe she just has an innate sense of direction to guide her on her incredible journey? :p
"It seems as if you've only just arrived. You've done a great deal in a small timespan. You've done so well infact, I've received some interesting offers for your services. Ordinarily I wouldn't comtemplate them but these are extraordinary times.

I do apologize for what may have seem to you an arbitrary imposition, Miss Lamarr. I trust all will make sense to you in the course of...well, I'm really not at liberty to say.

In the meantime, this is where you get off."
The Mullinator said:
I get the feeling headcrabs don't have a sex.
Same here, since all the headcrabs are created by the Gonarch(s), and thus there's really no need for two sexes, as Headcrabs wouldn't breed amongst theirselves.
Isn't it weird to anyone else that lamarr gets teleported with you, yet later on when you and alyx return to klieners lab hes back? How did he get back there so fast?
Well, it has been a week and three days since the incident, but, he most likley appeared again like Gordon did.
yeh maybe, or possibly kleiner got him back with the teleport.
neverless, hes safe now, and isnt that the real important thing to remember?
Lamarr is a she because she is named after Heady Lamarr, an actress I gather. (She doesn't need to be female to be feminine, like a boat)
The thread's title got my hopes up in learning new information. Oh well.
sfc_hoot said:
Same here, since all the headcrabs are created by the Gonarch(s), and thus there's really no need for two sexes, as Headcrabs wouldn't breed amongst theirselves.

Yeah but bees and ants are all created by Queens, but there are still males and females as well as drones. It could be the same with headcrabs.
Lamarr got teleported into the expansion.

In which she stars.
I just heard on the radio. Heady Lamarr was convicted of shoplifting in the 1966. Bad Lamarr, bad!
she was hit by a school bus then sent to the hospital, they asked for family so some1 could pay the bill so she said kleiner, they contacted him he picked her up and you can fill in the blanks :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Guybrush Threepwood's a pretty weird yet cool name. Lamarr rocks, i'm gonna me one of them. During the teleport I actually tried running after Lamarr but I couldn't move. I was so depressed that I didn't run when Barney told me to and the scanner kept taking my picture, blinding me again and again. There was just no reason to go on....
there, there... there are lots of other Lamarrs in the world... like the one behind the crate. See that one? Look he's waving! He's jum--AAAAAAAAGGGHHHH OH GOOOOOOOOOD!!!
Too bad Lamarr is debeaked....or else I would gladly let her headcrab me :p
Llamar went on her own adventure, killing Striders along the way and maybe a citadel or two.
Mechagodzilla said:
Lamarr had a week to return from wherever she was, so maybe she just has an innate sense of direction to guide her on her incredible journey? :p

if lammar did go on a girly quest as a headcrab she was probly killed by you as gorda freeman. probly encounted eachother at the coast since she was left on a beach