I found something(Second Test Solved?)

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the ilovebees.com thing turned out to be nothing unfortunately :(
I know ppl say this test isn't finished, but erm..dumb question: is there a /thirdtest folder..?
OMG I knew there was something to do with Nova Prospekt! It jumped out at me when I saw it... but couldn't imigine why. I never knew why, but its cool that it actually was used for something!
When you do a search for "secret" on the media page's source code, there are references to a /secret/thumbnails/lambda.gif and a /secret/thumbnails/lambda.jpg in addition to the mouse-over image and the link to the second test entry form.

I couldn't find these images on the site but after looking through the code a bit, I have a feeling that they were thinking of using one of these images as the mouse-over for the 6th image rather than the G-man that we see now.

Can anyone else make anything of this info?
Same here razzier. I wanted to know what it was... i wanted to love it...gently
I found some new stuff.

I was watching some things and came across a couple of things, they might not have anything to do with the secrets but i felt like pointing em out.
First one:
In the Tenements Video, there is a part where you come across this black guy in a room where theres BREEN talking on the tv.
the black guy sais OH I TOUGHT YOU WERE A COP! and look out the window. there is a man beside him, hes the one that SAIS dont drink the water in the trainstation movie.
what ive noticed is that in the BINK VIDEO CALLED :
hl2_2004trailer_1024_q01 not sure if its the real name or was modified by the site i got it from but in that video, there is that same SCENE where the black guy sais, oh i tough u was a cop,
only that ITS NOT THE GUY BESIDE HIM its a woman this time.!?!?! thinking they probly changed this stuff dunno but its the same sceen

The second thing i noticed, may have a relation with the secrets tests. Weve been seing these Ascii codes of a BIRD in many of the viewed sources of some pages.
Well i noticed that in the Trainstation movie, theres alot of POSTERS on the walls that have a white bird theres alot of those posters of a bird and some symbol beneath it when the trainstation bink starts.

well dunno what this means not saying at all that it has anything to do with the tests but these i noticed.
Hey Guys

That "Nova Prospekt" thing is actually the main shopping street in St. Petersburg in Russia. That could actually be a clue about CITY 17 = St. Petersburg.

Hmm why not?
So Bird might be the sign/calling card of a Resistance (stands to reason there should be one), name of resistance might be
correct(?) password...
Hi guys,

this is my first post, but i've been reading here for a long time now.
I don't know if anyone has seen this picture before, but after looking at the source code of the page of the second test, is noticed this img url: http://www.half-life2.com/secret/Barnacle.jpg. This got me thinking, are there more pics there?

i found this picture, but i don't know if we've seen it before.

Has anyone seen this one before?
aye that's an old pic. But there may be others keep looking!
GungSeng said:
Hey Guys

That "Nova Prospekt" thing is actually the main shopping street in St. Petersburg in Russia. That could actually be a clue about CITY 17 = St. Petersburg.

Hmm why not?

No it's not. It's "Nevskiy Prospekt".
Sorry to disappoint you...
Keen_swe said:
So Bird might be the sign/calling card of a Resistance (stands to reason there should be one), name of resistance might be
correct(?) password...

That's very intersting,
Note that they used a bird in one of their white boards, and in every jpg of their tests.

A bird usually represents FREEDOM.

I think it might be some employee's signature , maybe a even a clue, as you said, or it might be just an addition to show the "mood" of the game (e.g. we all would want to be free after visiting City 17, thus we would fight with the resistance?)
dunno mate but the more i look at it the more it bugs me.
anyone know any bird names?
ManiacB said:
... I think it might be some employee's signature ...

If you are referring to the ASCII bird in the page source: Greg Coomer once posted that same bird here on the forums a while ago.
:D So I guess Greg made it :)
maybe youve already seen it but look at the yahoo_hl2-trainstation when a combine hits freeman - there is the text "nova prospekt" on the wall.
I don't know if this should be useful, but...here's the background image file from the first test's congratulation page....

here it is:

...I've checked the CSS file of that page and found the url. :dork:

unfortunately, the second test page's CSS file does not contain any similar file reference in it.
Bla bla bla , test test test. It seems they can keep people busy with those so called tests. They are doing a good job :p Honestly i dont care about that, we want to play a game, and thats called HL2.
everyone is saying that the barnicle is NEW art pic??

i saw this barnicle pic about 2 weeks ago... maybe more!

STILL WOW second test done :D nice one man!
The first time we saw the bird it had had "jgs" underbeath, it was speculated that this means wtf in ROT13 but later discovered that it was initials of Joan g stark

EDIT: hmmm cant seem to find the pic with jgs underneath
Wow - it's a concept art that I already have since 3 months. :dozey:

You call this a test? :| - at least they should have showed a new screen with the barnacle or the new barnacle in-game model - what's the point of a concept art?
Wesisapie, please show some respect...

BTW, as Dracontopes said, it might be that Greg is responsible for all those tests, so.. I think we figured out what is the meaning of those birds... It's just a signature.

(BTW, can you check why did he post that bird on the forum? Maybe he said something that might change the whole conclusion)
Um anyone know who the little alien dude to the left of Alyx in the ascii picture is?
Yeah maybe the little aliean is second part of second test? I mean surely thats not it?
ManiacB said:
(BTW, can you check why did he post that bird on the forum? Maybe he said something that might change the whole conclusion)

He just posted the ASCII code in that topic, I think it was some art contest or something. He posted that before we knew about the two tests.
I use google to search for specific words in the Half-Life2 Site. I just searched for secret and all it came up with was that.
Dunno if you guys got this one. Awesome an airboat.

-EDIT- It's 7 AM and I already got a reply! I love IT
I still dont get which picture turns into a gman when the cursor is over it
http://www.half-life2.com/media.html i tried the sixth screenshot, and concept art, but nothing turns into a gman, and when i click it i just get an enlarged picture of the same thing
can anyone explain please?
jmmahon1224 said:
I use google to search for specific words in the Half-Life2 Site. I just searched for secret and all it came up with was that.
Dunno if you guys got this one. Awesome an airboat.

Greg put these up then posted the url on here

Nice work on the test, that's my favourite piece of art and now it's all high res and pretty.....but the wrong dimensions for a desktop ;(
be patient and put it over the sixth screenshot, it changed for me.
Rupertvdb said:
be patient and put it over the sixth screenshot, it changed for me.

when its enlarged or not?

edit: nvm just got it
apperantly i had to use the mouse scroll to get it showing
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