I found something(Second Test Solved?)

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Wildhound said:


I'll point out that they didn't solve it either. I'm just surprised that it wasn't solved here - as stated in my previous post.

I don't see how I've implied I'm superior to you in any way, since I consider myself a regular in neither community and I had nothing to do with solving the test.

Your post in unnessecariy offensive and unfounded. The point of my post was to express surpise and be informative.

You might now head off back into your little hole and perhaps hang yourself while you're there.

Sorry for the delay power went out at work so I went home.


Lets see:
"I can't believe this wasn't solved here."
Appears to note "shock and disbelief", could be you were making point that "we" should have figured it out first.

But since you followed it up with a:
"This was posted on HLSource yesterday."
Tends to soud like you are being a pompous jackass.

You then follow up with a:
"You might now head off back into your little hole and perhaps hang yourself while you're there."
Which makes me believe I was correct in my first assesment of you. See it would have went over much better if you would have stated something to the effect that "I didnt mean to sound like a pompous Jack Ass" and I would have then also apologized in kind.

But you didnt so I can only acertain that you are.
I say someone develops some 3rd party program to enter then entire dictionary into that field box--maybe we'll discover something that way...
Ahh man! That is oh so cool!:thumbs: I saw that picture in PCG issue a few months ago, I thought that it was some new freaky creature, not a barnacle.:dork:
The picture is awesome, haven't seen it before...

Has anyone noticed the 'shots' page is gone!???

Kiva128 said:
The only one we haven't seen yet, is an ascii g-man.
I don't know if that was Gman, looked kinda weird, but I'm pretty sure that I saw a third ASCII picture, and it wasn't Alyx nor Gordon...
I can't remember the url of the page where I saw it!!! :(
has someone emailed valve that the concept art was about it, to the second test, or is there more?
would someone look at coordinates (596,778) and (665,798) in the picture. The areas that look like an eye are exactly an same to a T.


  • eye.bmp
    26.3 KB · Views: 501
yeah, bird i think is todo with someone called Greg Comber or summin, anyone else heard/seen taht someonewhere?
Has nebudy found the face between gordons legs in the Barnacle pic? look right between his legs right under his penis and right above the water a (old man's) face..... hmmm
OOhhh gatts666 - don't click on those tripod links! I just saw your spoiler posting.. ccrrraaapppp! I'm going to have to just leave the forums forever before I find out anymore (although why bother.. I've already seen them now.. hehe). (sorry this is off topic for this thread).

Anyways to keep this on topic - has there been any other REAL revelations about the second test after finding the barnacle high res image? Or is the test just done?
u kno that pic with barnacle and gordon at bottom right it says dhabih
Malkith said:
u kno that pic with barnacle and gordon at bottom right it says dhabih

Dhabih Eng - Senior Artist
(pronounced ZA-bee)
Dhabih, who’s been playing games since he was six years old, has a degree in Interdisciplinary Art from the University of Washington. He started making a name for himself by doing freelance design work for gaming magazines (Electronic Gaming Monthly, Official Playstation Magazine, PC Gaming World) while still in school. Dhabih has also done web design and worked on the Quake2 TC pack Zaero from Team Evolve. He started at Valve by doing freelance work in mid-1998, and signed on full-time in early February of 1999. Dhabih is truly a world citizen, having grown up in six different countries (Australia, Macau, Canada, China, Taiwan, and the USA). You can find out more about Dhabih and check out some of his work by visiting his website, http://www.sijun.com/.

He use to go by the name Doc Holiday, b4 he went full time at VALVe.
Ya know, there are some applications out there that can encode text into image files. Though I'm too lazy to sort through them all and run that picsture though them.

But just a possible hint for you guys.
Im not sure if this is of any significance but if you right click on the Gman Image (its a gif) its called GMANSECONDTEST.I suppose this is confirmation that it is the second test.
Just thought I'd post it
(SOrry if this has been posted already but 18 pages!)

EDIT:Had a look at the Gif itself,Its a Screenshot of HL2 ingame with the pick of Gman and the Lambda symbol imposed over it.U can see the crowbar clearly and in the corner(Bottom Left) you can make out the health/armor and possible the squad lead yoke(Not sure its undecernable but its larger then just the Health/Armor stuff)
that concept art is old it was in the pc gamer a couple months back. and i've seen it at that high res before from a different site.
the question still hasn't been answered
is the second test done?
if it isn't, will VALVe give us clues to bump us ahead.
Here's that sound me and a few others get when typing into the black space. Don't know, sounds sorta wierd. Actually, a bit like the HUD switching weapons on very low sound quality. ???

-Well, I can't get it to upload. But it sounds like a HUD switching weapons. -
OK, listen.
There is a Second Test FAQ up. Read it before posting. A mess of people have posted things over and over again. It is getting very annoying for every other post to say "Where'd you get nova/prospekt?"
Also, Don't post things that have already been in this thread that have no relevance to the topic athand; in this case, how to FINISH test 2.
Thank you.
- UD
Analyzing data in 'Barnacle.jpg'

For what it's worth, there is XMP (previously called XAP) metadata in the 'Barnacle.jpg' file.

This is an Adobe specification for embedding metadata into images and other files.

I used the handy dandy UNIX program 'strings' to look for anything interesting.

So far I don't see anything terribly useful.

But here is the snippet of XMP:

<?xpacket begin=' ' id='W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d'?>
<?adobe-xap-filters esc="CR"?>
<x:xapmeta xmlns:x='adobe:ns:meta/' x:xaptk='XMP toolkit 2.8.2-33, framework 1.5'>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#' xmlns:iX='http://ns.adobe.com/iX/1.0/'>
<rdf:Description about='uuid:1cfd1be0-fae9-11d8-9c71-c1800850299f'

(( Here is a bunch of binary code - a series of 0x20 with occasional 0x0a's thrown in - use 'hexdump' on it. 0x0a is the ASCII code for 'line feed' ))

<?xpacket end='w'?>

Again, probably nothing, and most XMP readers I found showed nothing here, but some enterprising person with more time might want to hack on that.

I also found no evidence of any steganography being used (the art of hiding 'data' in image, sound, or other media files for covert communication purposes).

Being a security analyst makes you nuts, see? :)
Aknot said:
See it would have went over much better if you would have stated something to the effect that "I didnt mean to sound like a pompous Jack Ass" and I would have then also apologized in kind.

But you didnt so I can only acertain that you are.

It's entirely possible that I am. Though I don't know how that assessment can be made based on one thread where you actually misinterpreted what I had to say. I'm no angel when it comes to making first impressions myself so I suppose I can't comment.

Regardless, you've come across the exact same way in my estimation so it's all moot really.
UnwantedHero said:
I think the things in the lower left hand corner are weapon selections
I zoomed in and the first one looks like the gausses gun.

weapon selections are on the top and left side (if you pick a weapon up) of the screen

not on the bottom left
Here is something a bit odd. Click this link


There is an error at the top of the page. Right clicking is disabled , but if you go to View on the tool bar, and click source. There is another bird there on the page.

A web search of the error "CanonicalVector: Degenerate" found it to be related to something in the Half-Life SDK.

If its related to any test I don't know. Maybe they just like adding the bird to everything?
Wildhound said:
Regardless, you've come across the exact same way in my estimation so it's all moot really.

Which would have made me wrong IF you would have handled it a little more "lighter" like my refrence to "children" one upping each other.

But you had to suggest self infliction of bodily harm. Which was a little off kilter if you will. So it didnt really come off the exact same way.
CanonicalVector: Degenerate may of found something

After searching the net for CanonicalVector: Degenerate I found these intresting things


tjunc.c | CanonicalVector: degenerate
This warning should include some coordinates. Go there, and simplify whatever complex objects are in the area.

Source: http://www.valve-erc.com/content/resources/zhlt/zhltwarn.html

Maybe we have to look into the HLBSP or this tjunc.c business to find the answer we have been looking for???

I also found other sites regarding the error!


Have a dig around and see what you can find!
Error:CanonicalVector: degenerate The great mysterious error. Several people have had the misfortune of seeing this error and yet none of gotten a clear answer of what the problem might be. I've talked with a number of professional editors and they are all stumped. It's been said that John Carmack, when asked about this error, would get a scowl on his face, mutter something under his breath, and stalk off.

Source: http://www.planetquake.com/worldcraft/errors/errors.shtm
maybe there are some co-ordinates for something in the source code of the page, or maybe in the web link for it.

also in the source there is a link for the right click thing.

//Disable right mouse click Script
//By Maximus ([email protected]) w/ mods by DynamicDrive
//For full source code, visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com
I don't know if this has been said before but that picture of Gordon being attacked by the barnacle is NOT new. I have seen it before. I was just wondering if anybody has done an image compare with the original picture.
Hey everyone... I'm new to trying to solve these tests (I just startedlike 5 mins ago) but I think I might have found somehting in the Barancle.jpg picture... I used Windows Picture and Fax Viewer and zoomed on the picture of barnacle.jpg and found this...

here is the normal picture

(the black circle is what I zoomed on in)

here is zoomed in pictures at liek every level (foryou peopel to see it come in... in case you can't all see it in one pictyre)


I tried to center it in the middle of the page... its like a yellow background with a green monster with liek a brain... it looks kind of familiar... I dunno though... I hope I helped guys!!! Please e-mail me at [email protected] or contact me on AIM at soccerdude21490 if you see it too and think its a clue :LOL:

Edit: I'm looking at it more... and it kinda looks like a fish maybe... so I dunno if its supposed to be there like part of the picture ;(
soccerdude21490 said:
Hey everyone... I'm new to trying to solve these tests (I just startedlike 5 mins ago) but I think I might have found somehting in the Barancle.jpg picture... I used Windows Picture and Fax Viewer and zoomed on the picture of barnacle.jpg and found this...

here is the normal picture

(the black circle is what I zoomed on in)

here is zoomed in pictures at liek every level (foryou peopel to see it come in... in case you can't all see it in one pictyre)


I tried to center it in the middle of the page... its like a yellow background with a green monster with liek a brain... it looks kind of familiar... I dunno though... I hope I helped guys!!! Please e-mail me at [email protected] or contact me on AIM at soccerdude21490 if you see it too and think its a clue :LOL:

Edit: I'm looking at it more... and it kinda looks like a fish maybe... so I dunno if its supposed to be there like part of the picture ;(

Nice effort, but I really think some of you people are starting to see things...
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