I found the easteregg (definately)

I bet there is no easter egg. Gabe probally said it to watch everyone go crazy looking for it. Pretty funny if you ask me. =D
Jesus those close ups of the G-mans eyes are just freaky. Scared the shit out of me. I hope Gordon doesn't try to make out with 'ole G (try to find his g-spot), cause if I see one more close up of his eyes again I'm not sleeping.
did anyone ever find the picture in blue shift of the guy's head inside one of the vents? I saw that a laughed a lot, easter egg from waaaay back.
Originally posted by PLas
Jesus those close ups of the G-mans eyes are just freaky. Scared the shit out of me. I hope Gordon doesn't try to make out with 'ole G (try to find his g-spot), cause if I see one more close up of his eyes again I'm not sleeping.

His Government spot?
Nice find Lambda. And yes, i would call this an easter egg.

Originally posted by SilentKilla
1 post Kami? and you know that it isnt the Egg? Are you Gabe???

You'r not better because you have more posts. There's people in this forum with over 500 posts and like 99% of the posts is totaly crap.
Originally posted by DaLys

You'r not better because you have more posts. There's people in this forum with over 500 posts and like 99% of the posts is totaly crap.

The wasn't what he meant. He meant that someone signed up just to say it wasn't the Egg. And that person seemed to know what the Easter Egg was. So, it could've been Gabe or someone from Valve.
ok this thread shouldve ended at the posting of the 2 enhanced pics.

great find lambda, incredible.

and good job on the enhancing, phis.

now can we please move on?

it IS an easteregg. now everyone plz shut up until someone finds THE easteregg with some enhanced pics.
dunno...isnt there any reason for that guy to put his name there...
Dammit I bet the real easter egg is going to be something lame. Else we would have found it by now. Alot alot alot of people have been looking for this thing, watching the vids over and over and over and over, and they haven't found anything spectacular. The next best thing on my list is the stained glass theory. Anyone fancy mailing Gabe for it?
Ask Gabe if it's the G-Man reflection in kleiner's glasses.

He won't answer me :/
I can't really see any reflection in kleiners glasses, get us a screenie!
The eye glint for G-man and Alyx remind me of the old pistol crosshair for HL 1...

EDIT: Well I thought it was, but it appeared to be just some polys....
About the eye glints, they were mixed up with the Easter egg topic, they probably don't have anything to do with eatch other. Gabe said you can see some new info about the game in the eye glints, if that's not a joke then he perhaps meant that you can see that the eyes actually have corneas.
About the easter egg itself, I still think we're looking for a persons name here:
Originally posted by Banana
9) Metal Gear Solid 2 (and maybe 1 i dont recall) had name tags for dead people and those names were the names of some selected fans. Have you ever thought of doing something like this (incorporating fan names) into the game somehow? If so, can i be Dead Scientist # 42 ?

There will be some surprises in the games. There's at least one Easter egg in the videos that no one has noticed yet.

So, perhaps it's the name of a certain fan, hidden somewhere in the game... I know this wouldn't be very spectacular, actually I don't even think it would qualify as a brilliant Easter Egg but for example the washing machines in the traptown video say "Venturini" as branch, and on http://www.domainofgames.com/?display=member&handle=FearlessG1 there's a certain HL player named Venturi, perhaps he is a friend of Gabe or something... (by the way, there's a vote on that site, go vote for hl2!)
Well ok I know it doesn't sound very likely :/ I just think we're still looking for a name here, perhaps it are the Flàvia paint buckets, who knows...
damn attachment got lost after preview :(


  • vent.jpg
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it seemed like in the g-man video, his pupils were mostly green, but they had some orange in them too. they looked like lambda symbols to me.

its probably not the egg, but i thought it was kinda cool.
Originally posted by Thadius Dean
it seemed like in the g-man video, his pupils were mostly green, but they had some orange in them too. they looked like lambda symbols to me.

its probably not the egg, but i thought it was kinda cool.

Yay, Im not the only one that thinks they saw orange in the G-Man's eyes!
About the light reflections in the NPC's eyes, what if it were a reflection of Gordon's eyes? Maybe Gordon is a rogue combine...

That doesn't make sense though, on the concept art pictures he was clearly human.

Gratz to Lambda for the find :)
THIS IS THE REAL EASTER EGG, GUARANTEED (or your money back!) It's in the Kleiner video, so it was out when Gabe made that comment. I noticed this before, but didn't say anything.

the box over on the right says:



  • kleiner_egg.jpg
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Para, that is unacceptable - remove it if you can. I don't care if it's photoshopped or not.
No the letters are just unclear, in fact it says:

And that finger-pic is fake :)
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
No this is the real easter egg!

oh man, i cringed when i saw that. *shiver* gawd its giving me phantom pains! MY EYE!!! OWW!!! DEAR GOD IT HURTS!!! MAKE THE PAIN STOP!!!
Errr sorry admin, can't edit the post: if you have the time and the will you could maybe possibly do it for me :)

My apologies to the sensitive folks :P
awesome md87! great find! :cheers:
I'm still don't think it's 'the' egg but that is really cool.

Well, this is the most clever one i've heared so far. This has to be the easter egg. Can't be any different. So stop searching people.
Originally posted by AlCapucci
Well, this is the most clever one i've heared so far. This has to be the easter egg. Can't be any different. So stop searching people.

Gabe already said it wasn't.
i thought the easter egg had something to do with eyes i yhink Gabe talked about it in a follow up question to thje easter eggs in one of the mails
Again, the eye glints have nothing to do with the easter egg, it got mixed up:

posted by papa jake in http://www.halflife2.net/forums/sho...=&threadid=2681
4) (a new one) are the hacked videos the easter eggs?

5) Can you give me any kind of juicy information about the game you haven't said yet so all my friends will think I'm bad to the bone?

Keep up the good work. The game's looking sweet!


4) Nope.

5) Look really really close at the eye glints of the characters.

The 2 questions have nothing to do with each other.
About the do xot drop, how could this be a easter egg, it's not refering to anything. Additionally, it says "DO NOT DROP", the N is just printed like this:

\ |
| \

when you rotate and blur it it can look like a X.
(EDIT: I cant insert spaces here to make the N look right, but I hope you get the picture.)
i stilll cant believe we have sooooo many dedicated fans that still cant find this thing. i will try again later today. But i get the feeling we might need the high res version of the strider or buggy sceene.

I suggest you look at the buggy vid again. There are some billboards and things in that vid, But i cant quite make out the words or even the picture.
maybe you lot could enhance it or sumthing :)