I got attacked from behind this morning :(


Oct 8, 2004
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So there i was, walking to work like usual... when my old best friend is walking the other direction. (bear in mind, he now hates me for no reason). He stopped asked me how i was and clearly had a grudge against me.
Alot has happened... It all started in Benidorm 2007 where he knocked out one of my other friends, and ever since hes beein 'losing his mind'. Its all the marujana hes smoking. He's getting paranoid thinking im 'spreading rumours about him'.

I seen him in a local bar about 4 weeks ago where he said he hopes i crash my car. I replied to him by email and then blocked him, saying i thought he was out of order and asked him what had happened as we used to be such good mates.

A few weeks later after he had actually read my email he phoned me and abused me and said he'd been tempted to put a balaclava on and bat me over the head with a baseball bat.
At this point i tried to stay as much as i could away and it has been successful....until this morning.

He knows my route to the train station so i can go to work and there he was, on his own waiting for me. After a few words and me saying 'look, lets just forget about it and move on' he said no lets sort this out 'man to man... now'.

Then he jumped me from behind, punched me butted me and kicked me on the floor.

I had to make my train so as we walked off abusing me, i ran the other direction to the train (not to miss it) covered in blood. Got on the train and a few people that i talk to was making sure i was ok.

I have gone to the police... worried that he'll do something else now...lol
had to go down the hospital and have an xray and have stitches all over my eveybrow... ffs

/long winded story over. lol
in before buggery jokes

unlucky dude, hope you're ok
See, if you lived in America, you could get a gun and shoot him! Problem solved!

Glad you're okay, though. That really sucks.
Sucks. At least you're not seriously injured.

I'm surprised you were so mindful of getting on the train in that situation instead of just saying "Hell with trying to make it into work, I'm being assaulted. Time to fight back."
I thought you were tlaking about anal surprise

oh and the pot didnt make him crazy. I smoke pot and I dont have bouts of delusional paranoia

there's an element to this story that you're not telling us ..no one plans to assault someone without some sort of reason .."drugs made him do it" is not a reason
Was he tall? Was he black?

That's rough sh*t to hear, good thing you didn't sustain more serious injuries.
I got attacked from behind this morning :(

butted me

After Eejit's buggery comment, this made me lol.

Hope you're all right though, mate. I've had to deal with two mates who turned against each other whilst trying to stay mates with both of them and I saw how high the tensions could get.
There's no espace, you will die.
there's an element to this story that you're not telling us ..no one plans to assault someone without some sort of reason .."drugs made him do it" is not a reason

Yea, and especially not pot, of all drugs.
Sssh, pe patiant guys, the anal rape will be in Pt 2.

In all honesty he sounds like a mentalist, don't back down when it comes to prosecuting him.
You should have ran covered in blood
Then show up at work and act pityful so its an offday.

I'm surprised you were so mindful of getting on the train in that situation instead of just saying "Hell with trying to make it into work, I'm being assaulted. Time to fight back."

this. but still that sucks man, get the cops on his ass before he runs you
over or something. who knows what evil he is plotting as we speak.......
I thought you were tlaking about anal surprise

oh and the pot didnt make him crazy. I smoke pot and I dont have bouts of delusional paranoia

there's an element to this story that you're not telling us ..no one plans to assault someone without some sort of reason .."drugs made him do it" is not a reason

Anyway some unlucky shit dude, hopefully the cops will beat his ass.
It's not like he smokes pot in front of his kids...
Yea, but it's Stern, so he'd be going ON AND ON about George Bush, gun laws, etc, etc. I don't think it would be very good. Especially for little kids.
You should have lured him under the wheels of the train.

"Alright. Let's sort this out, man to man. Now you just stand there for a second."

It's not like he smokes pot in front of his kids...
My old politics teacher.
We already have an anal sex thread from yesterday, no need for duplicates.
Im sorry, I couldnt help but laugh at this. Seriously, who says "he abused me"? And then all the anal sex innuendos in that post, all the wimp-ness. Damn, stick up for yourself and stop being such a pansy. And stop saying the word "abused"

Anyways, the situation wasnt funny, and im glad you're relatively ok. Good that you went to the police, just make sure you're with someone you trust when going places for awhile until the police sort it out.
Im sorry, I couldnt help but laugh at this. Seriously, who says "he abused me"? And then all the anal sex innuendos in that post, all the wimp-ness. Damn, stick up for yourself and stop being such a pansy. And stop saying the word "abused"

Dude he was attacked by a psycho!
oh and the pot didnt make him crazy. I smoke pot and I dont have bouts of delusional paranoia

Bullshit, do you know how many times you beat me because you thought I was GW Bush when you were high?
But when Stern is high you are dubya...
Go to him pat. He needs this.

If you still care for him, let him have you.
you look like ... <takes hit from bong> ...DICK CHENEY!!!

come here
No Stern. I won't be toyed with. It's ZT you're meant to be with, not me! I'll always be second best!

/runs off sobbing
*holds up fists awkwardly and walks up to stoned stern*

I'm ready for this!
Or carry a hammer around in your rucksack, 's what I used to do.
Use cloak to get from place to place.
Could you take him? If not ignore the immuture advice where you take the fair fight to him.
Carry a small knife and cut him instead. I bet you he will stop whatever shit his pulling.
Man Korebolter that sucks... hopefully the cops will arrest that ****er and he doesn't mess with you anymore.
Get used to it, society has changed over the last few years. It'll change soon enough.