I got attacked from behind this morning :(

The guy has a screw loose, and now he's actually attacked you hopefully you can sort this out properly once and for all by taking him to court. That's bloody insane he and needs his head checking, I hope you're pressing charges Andy, for your sakes and your mate who he hit previously. Bah...
I thought you were tlaking about anal surprise

oh and the pot didnt make him crazy. I smoke pot and I dont have bouts of delusional paranoia

there's an element to this story that you're not telling us ..no one plans to assault someone without some sort of reason .."drugs made him do it" is not a reason


This guy is just a 'dud'.

Unfortunately for him, in his life he will be going nowhere and doing nothing.
Thread renamed to "Buttsechs jokes and discussions about pot"

Hm. Internet rolled up into one.
I'm really glad you're fine!

But you should really buy this book now.
I thought you were tlaking about anal surprise

oh and the pot didnt make him crazy. I smoke pot and I dont have bouts of delusional paranoia

there's an element to this story that you're not telling us ..no one plans to assault someone without some sort of reason .."drugs made him do it" is not a reason

Theres no element of the story Stern, sorry to tell you. Thats how much of a LUNATIC this guy is... hes got no reason to attack me. It's just all in his head. He's paranoid that im spreading rumours about it him and turning everyone againt him.

Last time i checked one bad side effect of pot was paranoia? :rolleyes:

The guy has a screw loose, and now he's actually attacked you hopefully you can sort this out properly once and for all by taking him to court. That's bloody insane he and needs his head checking, I hope you're pressing charges Andy, for your sakes and your mate who he hit previously. Bah...

Yeah i am. Ill keep you updated... thx glenn :cheers:
wtf, thats random. Throw that ****er in jail, there has to be cameras monitoring the trainstation.
Theres no element of the story Stern, sorry to tell you. Thats how much of a LUNATIC this guy is... hes got no reason to attack me. It's just all in his head. He's paranoid that im spreading rumours about it him and turning everyone againt him.

Last time i checked one bad side effect of pot was paranoia? :rolleyes:
Yeah, but it's paranoia like "Dude, are there cops in the trees over there? I thought I saw something" not "My best friend... is PLOTTING BEHIND MY BAAACK!! :flame::flame:"

Still, even if pot didn't make him crazy, he sounds like a deranged shithead. Next time he tries to **** with you, just beat the shit out of him. I've seen you with your shirt off, I know you could handle it :D
you should have shaked your head erratically and arms too screaming "GUGASHASHA! GUGASHASHA!" whit saive coming out of your mouth and moving violently towards him

that can repel anyone
you should have shaked your head erratically and arms too screaming "GUGASHASHA! GUGASHASHA!" whit saive coming out of your mouth and moving violently towards him

that can repel anyone

Oh gosh, i lold so hard
you should have shaked your head erratically and arms too screaming "GUGASHASHA! GUGASHASHA!" whit saive coming out of your mouth and moving violently towards him

that can repel anyone

I usually just windmill my arms and let loose my infidel yell.

Glad you're okay Kore.
You need to work on your defensive curbstomping skills. Next time that he comes up to you, shove him down and curbstomp him all over the sidewalk. All over the ****ing sidewalk.

I'm still glad your fine, even though you can't defensively curbstomp.
haha thanks everyone :D ill try the windmill arm thing next time...!!

thx ennui lol
You need to work on your defensive curbstomping skills. Next time that he comes up to you, shove him down and curbstomp him all over the sidewalk. All over the ****ing sidewalk.

I'm still glad your fine, even though you can't defensively curbstomp.
What this fag said.
A similar thing happened to me about 2 years ago except i got knifed in the face.
You need to ream him for all he's worth. Then go buy something nice for yourself.
Dude if an old best friend of mine did that to me, I would seriously break him. I don't care how big the ****er is, the rage I would get from being betrayed like that would be so overwhelming that I would turn agaisnt him and break his nose or something. And then I would make some empty threat regarding his family or something to try and make sure he stays back.

I seriously can't stand betrayal
Y'know there's probably quite a long list of computer games and films you should avoid.

It's actually kind of worrying the amount of pleasure I get from killing a traitor in a videogame.

You can problably guess the choices I made in GTA4
Y'know there's probably quite a long list of computer games and films you should avoid.


You should have had the wanker. Fighting in my opinion is a natural ability, so when in that situation you should just let loose on him. Or just learn some self defence and put in hospital if he does it again.
If any of my (few) friends did that to me.... oooh, the pain.
Just walk around town with a huge ass sword in your hands. No one will attack you.
Luckily I have no friends so I can never be betrayed by an ex-friend.