I guess my Half-Life dream is over.



Well to help pay for things related to my cancer, things that Medicare and my moms health plan doesn't pay for, i have had to sell my computer with which I would be playing Half-Life 2 on. So now I use a P2 266, 256MB Ram and a 32MB Riva TNT2 Video Card. I guess this is kinda a goodbye thread but I will be around for a little while more, i'm a Half-Life 2 fan for God sakes I just can't go cold turkey.
Terribly sorry to hear about that. Bad news about the computer, but the far more important thing is for you to get well. Best of wishes.
NJD2003 said:
Thanks for "gaying" up my thread Ghost Freeman. :)

HAHAhahaHA. I did turn a little bit gay when I read his response.
Yeah, I feel happy for you too. I was trying to tell the guy we're here if he needs support.
[Sarcasm] Thanks?! Now you're happy I can't play HL2?! Jeeze what an ass. [/Sarcasm]
What are your chances?

This guy I know got cancer and was told he had little chance to live.. well that was four years ago. Fight it.
I posted this before, so ill quote it. I'm lazy.

I was diagnosed with Liver cancer about 6 and a half months ago, it went away and for awhile I was doing great, but a couple weeks ago I was having pains and so I went to the doctor and they told it had returned. In one of my check-outs about 7 days ago the doctor told me it was spreading very fast and that I might not make it past Christmas.
I feel bad for you, really having cancer is something, but Not playing HL2, that's just bad. Man, I really hope for the best, get well and play HL2.

Good luck.
;( Sucks a lot, I mean my whole reality would be torn apart if I were to hear an estimated time to live. I hope you are able to play Half Life 2 and beat it on a super ass machine.
Evil^Milk said:
be strong, don't give up

Sorry, I just have to say... man that sounded the gayest out of all our posts. It's funny because it's like a line out of some movie.
ailevation said:
Sorry, I just have to say... man that sounded the gayest out of all our posts. It's funny because it's like a line out of some movie.

hey, let's all throw a toga party while we're at it!
How about if you survive the cancer, everyone here will donate $5 to you and you'll buy a new computer!

Sounds good to me.

Get well...
Baal said:
How about if you survive the cancer, everyone here will donate $5 to you and you'll buy a new computer!

Sounds good to me.

Get well...

or we can send him 5 dollars to his cancer foundation so he doesnt have to sell his computer, btw, i hope you get well.
Or we could just get VALVe to send me a new awesome computer.
NJD2003 said:
Or we could just get VALVe to send me a new awesome computer.
I was just going to post that. I honestly bet if you sent your story to a computer gaming mag or Valve even you'd get a free computer or something. Try it, might just work. And best of luck to you getting well.
or maybe if you are feeling well enough to travel I'll bet VALVE would let you have a hands on playtest or something.
Why don't we try to convince Valve to pay expenses for you to visit Seattle and play HL2? When they hear your story it will bring a tear to Gabe's eye and he'll make everyone at Valve work 24 hours a day until the game is done.
bah. :(

when i read ur birthday thread, it was nice hearing u are celebrating a birthday but now this and.. yes i don't know u but its still sad hearing what u are going through on a day where normally pple are out celebrating and whatnot.

i sincerely hope things turn right around for u and happier days come for u and ur family.
if you can prove to me you are really sick i might be able to produce a PC for you
Realy hope you pull through this mate. All the best.
thehunter1320 said:
if you can prove to me you are really sick i might be able to produce a PC for you

Why would I be lying about something like this? I... f*ck you really pissed me off with this comment.
:dozey: Gotta be safe. It's the ****in internet for god's sake.
Sorry to hear about your illness. I can't imagine how it must feel to be diagnosed with a life threatening disease like cancer at such a young age.

You've barely begun to live your life and it's already being taken away from you. That's so sad. :(

Have you made a list of things to do? It might be good to try things like scuba diving, mountain climbing, bungie jumping, etc., to have some exhilarating days to remember just in case you don't pull through. Of course given your condition, these might be extreme, but I'm sure there are things that you would like to get to do before Christmas.

Oh, and Happy Belated Birthday, my fellow Canadian. :thumbs:
Well i've done scuba diving, but i'd like to try parachuting and bungie jumping. Hockey is something I love so ill be playing that till I die. lol.
Sure go nuts. You have nothing to loose and everything to gain.

Hockey is the coolest sport in the world (No pun intended). Hopefully you can find a way to attend one of the World Cup games.
Atleast I got to see the World Juniors that were in Halifax. That was cool.
i did not mean to offend :(

but yes, i hope something does happen and by magic and medicine you get better... but for the moment, go have a ball! eat like 30 hamburgers in 1 sitting, set something on fire! c'mon, it's fun! :D
Well I did have a nice big fire going behind my shed today, lol, gas burns well :). But i'm gonna try that hamburger thing tomorrow.
two words: Lance Armstrong.

If he can do it you can.

(you dont have to win the tour de france i guess)
im going to try and keep my post as straight as possible:

suck it up and keep fighting the good fight soldier
Its funny how just one comment about people being gay can make everyone say that they are not gay. I'm gonna go to the Tour De France and beat Lance Armstrong, damn showboating american.