I had a dream...


Jul 19, 2003
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...about Gordon Freeman, of course :afro: We we're were at the cinema and when the commercials started, it was actually a commercial about Half-Life 2. It was on the beach with a beautiful sunset, with the sea bathing in the orange and yellow rays of the sun. But in the sand there was Alyx, burried only with her head out. And there came an antlion and tried to kill Alyx, but then Gordon ran there and smashed the antlion with Teh Crowbar. :afro:

Alyx dissapeared, but out of the ground came a scanner which was also succesfully dismantled by Teh Crowbar. Then Gordon started to do somethin weird. He started to do something with the scanner's antennas, like heating them with electricity because they glowed, like hot metal. I thought that he was doing that because he is still a scientist and he wants to study the unknown things. It was really funny. Then those dreams kinda end, I really can't remember it anymore.

I guess I dreamed that because we finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it's not thrilling anymore, but at least relieving. Anyone else had a dream about HL2 last night?
Man you must be real autistic, having Gordon for a friend.
He doesnt exactly say that much you know.
Cool dream, I've already had a HL2 dream twice. The only thing I remember from the first one was that I had played a game called Half-Life 2 but I couldn't remember what it looks like. Maybe the monitor in my dream was black all the time or it was a racegame called Half-Life 2, I don't know.
In my second dream I bought Half-Life 2 and I remember how excited I was but then, what always happends when a dream becomes nice, I woke up :(.

My friends called it weird that I dreamed 'bout a videogame, but I'm glad to see now I'm not the only one. And as a real HL2-fan you really should have dreamed about it I think :p
Clavius said:
Man you must be real autistic, having Gordon for a friend.
He doesnt exactly say that much you know.

Lmfao! :LOL:
I had a HL2 dream once. It was very vivid. There were ant-lions, headcrabs, jenna jameson.

Little Timmy needs his meds quickly; he should visit the apothecary right now.