I Hate Nintendo

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Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score
man if nintendo made GT4 it would scored an 11.

I hate nintendo.. ever since they left the game boy non-color for 12 years just to milk everyones kid in the world for $90. $90 for that POS! Didn't even have a backlight! The screen blurred anytime the graphics moved!

Good old SEGA put out 2 or 3 color units(if you count the nomad portable genesis not made by SEGA) .. hell even Atari had a color unit during this time.

Bastards would rather make money than advance technology.. i guess they did the right thing for thier company, look where they are at.
King of handheld market with 1 POS after another...

Sony PSP.. now sony knows how to make a handheld, of course I don't go anywhere so..

Yes so now you know why I hate Nintendo... plus thats baby stuff now holmes
Shut up. I don't want to make this a flame, but the PSP has had nothing but mechanical problems. Call the ds a "Kiddy piece of s***" if you want, but I love mine, and it wil keep me entertained for a long long time. Graphics do not equal a good system.
How old are you virus? My reason for asking is that I have a theory that people who weren't around for the original NES just don't get nintendo. NES was my first experience with video games.
Temperature rising. Vision blurring. Rage...taking...over...

*Takes deep breaths*

Rage...subsiding. Pulse...slowing. Anger fading.
Heh, I had an NES when till I was 4...I remember the first day I got my SNES...good times, good times.
Nintendo blows, they milk their gimmicks more than a wrestler. MARIO UBER WARIO PURPLE VERSION! IGN- "Well, if it's Nintendo, it must be good! 10/10!"

They have nothing left as a company and should just bend over and let the new guys take over.
Dalamari said:
Nintendo blows, they milk their gimmicks more than a wrestler. MARIO UBER WARIO PURPLE VERSION! IGN- "Well, if it's Nintendo, it must be good! 10/10!"

They have nothing left as a company and should just bend over and let the new guys take over.
That's because nintendo rarely puts out crap games.
Oh stop talking complete crap Dalamari, you'll encourage Virus :/
Dalamari said:
Nintendo blows, they milk their gimmicks more than a wrestler. MARIO UBER WARIO PURPLE VERSION! IGN- "Well, if it's Nintendo, it must be good! 10/10!"

They have nothing left as a company and should just bend over and let the new guys take over.

Well damnit I forgot this forum is domintated by a younger audience. Thats not to be offensive to you, I was younger once... but ..

Dalamari thats kind of what I'm getting at, exactly.

To be fair though, I haven't even seen the DS.. maybe they have changed..I heard it has touch screen, now thats advancing technology but I wonder if its usefull or like Dalamari says "gimmick"

EDIT: also if you look at the first post... What happend to the SEGA and Atari.. heh. well, neither make hardware anymore.

to flip what Vigilante said I guess superior technology does not equal superior sales and success.
VirusType2 said:
Good old SEGA put out 2 or 3 color units(if you count the nomad portable genesis not made by SEGA) .. hell even Atari had a color unit during this time.
Shame those units had the battery life span of a gnat, and I hear the PSP's battery life is also questionable. What's the point in a handheld system that you have to stand next to a Plug Socket to have working for any length of time? Besides, colour isn't everything, just as graphics are not everything - Gameboy games were successful because they were reasonably priced versus other handheld machines, and because they were actually fun to play.
VirusType2 said:
Bastards would rather make money than advance technology.. i guess they did the right thing for thier company, look where they are at.
That makes little to no sense at all. To advance technology is to make money, to out-do your competitors. Clearly, every new console that has challenged the Gameboy series has failed because they try too hard with the technology, they get plagued with issues and Developers aren't willing to develop for them because of high costs / difficult development challenges. Futhermore, Nintendo have never had a good enough challenger until Sony - SEGA killed themselves during the early/mid 90's and Atari had slowly been strangling themselves all through the 80s/90s. They both had worse images than Nintendo and not the same kind of money to be throwing around.
These are good points kupoartist,

EDIT (added this)
but I don't think they were reasonably priced, thats half my point. While I picked up a used Nomad (portable genesis) and 35 genesis games for about $1 a piece at the pawn shops, I remember some B&W game boy games were up to $35!

And battery life? thats what rechargables are for.

BTW when I say I hate nintendo, I say it like you would say it to your dad, when you are mad, I don't Hate them like I hate racists

EDIT (added this even later) and I remember when the NES system was released when I was young, we couldn't afford one, they charged full price for as long as they could, years and years, because there was no other option of system to buy

I remember those simple cartriges selling for up to $80 when the system was first released! You have to admit thats rediculous price for a 256K or whatever cartrige simple game.

Nintendo's NES smashed SEGA's mastersystem lifeless quick-like, even though the master system had superior technology, most people never heard of the master system.

I guess I hate monopolies becuase they all but killed SEGA and ATARI. hey, guess it's just buisiness
I don't get your point Virus.

You dislike Nintendo because the GBA wasn't backlit?

These kids you're talking about love their Gameboy - it simply wouldn't sell so well otherwise.

No one can deny that Nintendo have innovated more than any other developer. Not one company even gets close. Over the years they've also produced far more quality titles than any other company (when you look at their output it's really quite staggering - so many polished and enjoyable games being released constantly, along side decent hardware).

To sum their contribution to the industry as 'all Nintendo ever do is release kiddy games like Mario and Pokemon' is just ignorance in the extreme.

My GC gets played more than my PS2, Xbox or PC. I played on the DS and PSP before settling on the DS. This has nothing to do with being a fanboy - the games are just more fun, imaginative, and creative (imo)
Listen to Warbie.
Hes smarter...and brighter then quite a lot of people here.
I don't think i've ever played a bad or boring Nintendo game. For the Gamecube they've released:
-Super Smash Bros. Melee -- Awesome fighting game with LOTS to do
-Zelda: Wind Waker -- Great adventure game with really cool graphics, the boat just ruled
-Mario Sunshine/Paper Mario -- Again, great games with LOTS to do.
-Mario Kart: Double Dash -- Original idea, not so long but a great game to play

Thats just a few games that they've released, all of them were great and fun to play, with nice graphics also (but graphics aren't what makes a good game, good)

And i just can't wait for the new Zelda game thats going to be released later this year. It looks like its going to be as good as Ocarina of Time! I hope it is!

Back in the days of the NES and the SNES, they had tons of great games, i loved playing the old Mario games. Mario paint with the mouse was great! i loved that game so much. I have fond memories of playing with my dad on both consoles all the time.

The GameBoy is THE greatest handheld ever! The games that were released for it were the best hand held games i've ever played. I had a GameGear too, sure it was in colour, it had some good games on it, but they didn't get nowhere near as close to how good the Game boy games were.

Plus the DS is way cheaper than the PSP. It also has longer battery life, some great games comming out, touch screen, dual-screens(very original), wireless multiplayer, picto-chat and the games are affordable. Sure the PSP plays movies, but it eats the battery and you don't have time to watch a whole movie while sitting on the bus, so whats the point?

What i'm trying to say is this. Nintendo are great, original and affordable company. I hope they don't fade away from the console market like Sega and Atari did.
Minerel said:
Listen to Warbie.
Hes smarter...and brighter then quite a lot of people here.

awww - right back atcha big guy :thumbs:
Nintendo kicks ass whether you like it or not.
By Warbie:
My GC gets played more than my PS2, Xbox or PC. I played on the DS and PSP before settling on the DS. This has nothing to do with being a fanboy - the games are just more fun, imaginative, and creative (imo)

Now I would have believed you were smarter that most of us if it weren't for this line, dude you are a uber nintendo fanboy, hell that doesn't even come close to describe how much of a nintendo fanboy you are. Really smart people have better self reflection.

Anyway, Virus no need to make a thread about thism the fact that sony is outselling Nintendo by 3 times or more says enough about this topic,
Grey Fox said:
By Warbie:

Now I would have believed you were smarter that most of us if it weren't for this line, dude you are a uber nintendo fanboy, hell that doesn't even come close to describe how much of a nintendo fanboy you are. Really smart people have better self reflection.

Anyway, Virus no need to make a thread about thism the fact that sony is outselling Nintendo by 3 times or more says enough about this topic,

I would laugh hysterically if you're saying the ps2 and it's games are 3 times better than the Gamecube, but i know you're not that stupid.
One thing I think is good for everyone is that originally, nintendo recruited the help of sony to build the Nintendo 64 around a CD-ROM, but Nintendo and Sony get into a dispute and nintendo axed sony from the plan...

so what did sony do? they said "f.u." and made the Playstation. :borg:

when companies compete, you win! more games, lower prices, better games!

This may explain Nintendos "f.u. back" by making the game cube with its own specialized little disc drive :angry:

*these facts are from my memory from LLoong ago, from an insiders scoop article and may not be 100% accurate. you get the idea though.
lets try to keep this civilized please people.

I like everyone on this forum, there isn't anyone on this forum that doesn't come through with good input and info and laughs so far... don't get yourselves in trouble

Everyone is entitled to thier own opinions
Try not to shove your opinions down each others throats :sniper:

Opinions are like assholes, everyones got one.

And please before you jump in here and flame someone make sure you know what has been said, and what this thread is about. DESPITE the "I hate Nintendo" title, It's really not about bashing a game company, Its about...

... if nintendo made Gran Tourismo 4 (for example), I honestly believe that game would recieve a higher score in nearly every magazine/web site.

I think reviews are so biased. Not to take away from the great games that nintendo makes, but don't you agree??

What do you think about that? this is my main point, the other stuff I was just ranting..

EDIT: On the other hand the different direction this thread has taken is more interesting LOL
Grey Fox said:
By Warbie:

Now I would have believed you were smarter that most of us if it weren't for this line, dude you are a uber nintendo fanboy, hell that doesn't even come close to describe how much of a nintendo fanboy you are. Really smart people have better self reflection.

Anyway, Virus no need to make a thread about thism the fact that sony is outselling Nintendo by 3 times or more says enough about this topic,

I disagree, of course.

Fanboys are generally those that stick to their chosen format/game/genre and support it without question - oblivious to its faults, aswell as the benefits that others offer.

I own all the available consoles (bar the PSP) and enjoy them all, but just happen to prefer Nintendo. Does that make me a fanboy?

If you hung out in some other forums I frequent you'd see me defending pc games against rabid console fanatics. You only see me defending Nintendo on this forum so often because ppl make stupid comments about them so often.

Lastly, 'really smart' ppl know that that the number of sales does not equal quality. Just look at the PS2 ;)
Keep your own dirty thoughts to yourself!
VirusType2 said:
... if nintendo made Gran Tourismo 4 (for example), I honestly believe that game would recieve a higher score in nearly every magazine/web site.

Nintendo make plenty of games that don't get good reviews. Any publictaion/website worth reading will give a fair score regardless of who made the game.

imo the GT series has been slowly going down hill since the first - improved gfx, no. of cars and tracks have been introdcued at the expense of handling and inviting gameplay.

GT4 is more a sim than any of its predecessors ..... which, when looking at the reviews, isn't enjoyable for everyone. Definately a must for car fans though.
Nintendo are by far the best games developers/ publishers out there. While other publishers hurry the developers and encorage an "average" game to be made, Nintendo inspire their workers, and don't allow a product on the shelf unless it is near perfect. That's the reason Nintendo get good reviews... because all their games are polished to perfection! Out of all 3 of my consoles, my favorite is my gamecube. The games are just so fun.

Oh and just to say, this post was going to be extremely long, but Warbie has basically taken the words straight out of my mouth :thumbs:
Warbie, etc.

There is no doubt in my mind that if nintendo had made GT4, the various reviewers around the world would rate GT4 a unanimous perfect 10, if not for the fact that it is as perfect as a game can get, in my opinion, for the fact that the reviewers are terrified of hardcore trench coats like yourself would stop buying thier magazine, go postal and mail them 10000000 hate mails an hour, etc.

the problem with people complaining about the handling is that this is a HUGE game, it takes quite a while to get to the uber cars.

to compare it to an RPG: its like they are level 1 and they complain the characters are dont fight good

they are buying a "cheap-as-you-can-get" used car that was originally designed as a passenger luxury vehicle with 50,000 miles on it and taking it to a race track. the suspensions in these cars are designed for comfort and they have little or nothing performance about them. They put a turbo and exhuast but skip over the suspension upgrade all together and wonder why the handling isn't any good.

The handling is better than ever, its jaw droping, boner inducing awesome what they did to the game engine!

Once you play the game some, you will see, there are tons of REALLY awesome handling cars and "up to 100 tracks" ,

the way the sky moves now, the 300% better looking, race track graphics the backround screams by, and the now the bumps on the road, and the sound of the wind smashing against your windshield really give you the sensation you are going fast as a bat out of hell, and the handling is 100% perfect-o tight. Better than EVER.

This is without a doubt the most realistic and exciting racing simulation/car lovers wet dream, so please if you haven't played it enough to rate it yet or if you hate realistic racing games, don't hate it for it being a technological gaming masterpiece from the gods.

And Warbie my friend, you keep saying how it became less and less fun with each iteration, how about you just stick to " its not my kind of game ", Lets leave it at that becuase you haven't played GT4. :rolling: :thumbs:

EDIT: BTW don't think Im a sony fan either, becuase I hate sony too! I hate them for making me buy a playstation to play this great game and for some of the same reasons I hate nintendo and microsoft, they will charge you as much as they can ! But thats capitolism, thats the world.

EDITED 1 more time: I mean COME ON you get over 650 real licensed sports package cars! and 100 tracks!

i mean nintendo releases mario kart and it gets a 10, and you get what a handfull? I don't know.. a dozen at best? go carts wit mario on it..... Don't get me wrong when I was younger I still had quite a bit of fun on Mario Kart SNES but you HAVE To give sony credit where it is due and give it the score it deserves!

hairball said nintendo don't rush a game out,,... I hope you don't think sony does!

this game has been several long hard years in the making, sony finally said:
the game MUST be released finished or not Polyphony, or else they may have never stoped thier passion of improving this game. Can't wait for PS3 and GT5 ! im sold again Sony you bastards :laugh:
Warbie said:
Nintendo make plenty of games that don't get good reviews. Any publictaion/website worth reading will give a fair score regardless of who made the game.

imo the GT series has been slowly going down hill since the first - improved gfx, no. of cars and tracks have been introdcued at the expense of handling and inviting gameplay.

GT4 is more a sim than any of its predecessors ..... which, when looking at the reviews, isn't enjoyable for everyone. Definately a must for car fans though.
Go Mog!!
You're right - I haven't played GT4, just the previous 3 (which did all get progressively worse). Infact the first in the series was my type of game (almost too simy, but not quite) My opinion is based on past experiences with GT and the Edge review (the most respected and unbiased publication in the industry)

But I don't believe for one second GT4 would have got better reviews had it been made by Nintendo. Many of their games recieve less than stellar reviews. Games tend to get the reviews they deserve, always have.

You're also making lots of assumptions. I'm not a 'hardcore trench coat' and actually like Sony very much.
To back up a previous statement...
I have a NES, SNES, Genesis/SegaCD, PSX, N64, PS2, Dreamcast, Xbox, Gamecube, GBA SP and a DS.
You know what I play the most? My GBA, NES, SNES and Cube games. You know why? Because they keep me entertained the longest. The one thing I play a lot on my PSX is Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (oh look, a series that originated -edit originated in the US anyway- on Nintendo), and I also play ICO and Devil May Cry 1 on my PS2 from time to time. The Xbox gets shafted 90% of the time unless I feel like playing Unreal championship for 5 minutes.

Nintendo continue to win out for the same reason me and Warb have been raving about for months - innovation, they always come up with the best hardware and most entertaining software, especially when it comes to handheld systems. The Game Gear and Lynx, even through rose tinted glasses, weren't anything special. The 'Gear required 6 betteries to run, which lasted anywhere from 3-6 hours and the bettery pack just made the machine obnoxiously large.

There was also the distinct lack of good titles on the Game Gear. Sure, it had the better version of Shinobi and...uh...a Shining Soul game..oh, and Columns (snicker) but Nintendo had great crowd favourites like Tetris, Mario Land, the Kirby collection, Metroid, Contra, great ports of Street Fighter, Turrican and Super Star Wars and..even though I hate to say it...Pokemon... And that's just naming a few. The Nomad I will admit was a great idea, but it's hard to find one outside of ebay. A store near me has one for $100. Ouch. But then most Genesis games just can't stand up to any of the GBA title around now, so I don't see a point in owning one if I already have a Genesis (that I rarely play).

Nintendo also had some high quality lisences outside of Mario, remember this. Metroid, Contra (the PSX ones shall not be mentioned.), Castlevania, Megaman, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Zelda, Starfox, Resident Evil was Nintendo exclusive for a while, Final Fantasy was a Nintendo exclusive until the PSX - hell, the PSX was originally a Super Nintendo expansion. Go figure.

Then we come to the DS. Pure innovation. Plus it has triple the battery life of the PSP.
Reinforcements arrive \o/

Let's be fair, you started a thread called 'I hate Nintendo', gave some pretty damn poor reasons as to why, and are suprised when Nintendo fans get a little annoyed? :)
Warbie said:
Reinforcements arrive \o/

Let's be fair, you started a thread called 'I hate Nintendo', gave some pretty damn poor reasons as to why, and are suprised when Nintendo fans get a little annoyed? :)
You are correct. With bloodshoot eyes, I knew not, the shit I would stir by creating this thread. LOL

I enjoyed reading everyones post, and sharing my thoughts!

To quote my step dad"sometimes you have to piss someone off to get the best from them"

I used to be a HUGE nintendo nerd, the super nintendo was the bomb man! at this time I wanted the genesis to burn in hell and nintendo to take over the earth! And Im just mad ever since they did.

...I mean everyone here that had a console, had a nintendo machine, and there were some great games! N64 released WaveRace 64, It was fantastic!

But I was sold on sony's PS1 and I can truly love only 1 machine at a time.

EDIT: Currently my PC

Then I bought a Sega Dreamcast It was a great machine for the time! 128 Bit I think.

Now I wanted Sega's machine to take flight so it would get lots of games and support!
but in the background it wasn't happening, it was between sony and nintendo

Then I bought a sony PS2 becuase I just had to have GT3, and I was disapointed sorely in GT3 AND the PS2

So now, Im am alone.

I am not an exclusive fan of any system, I am a gamer fan.

When I said I hate nintendo, it was almost a joke, out of jealousy, I don't know what turned me to the dark side, but I am biased against nintendo ever since Goldeneye finally lost its fun.

EDIT: After goldeneye.. probably nintendo's only serious mature game besides MK, I became blood thirsty, and nintendo's soft nature and often publicised unacceptance of blood, violence, and mature themes all together killed nintendo in my heart. It didn't apeal to me anymore

but GT4 deserves acclaim, I just can't see how anyone could play this game through and say, gee, that game is a 8.9. WTF?
that is blasphemy.

Not very many games interest me for any system

I like games like HL2, RE, D3, Max pain2, medal of honor/call of duty, and GT4. Thats about it, I find that other games just don't capture me enough and I feel I wasted my money.

we are all hardcore game fans, that is certain. :upstare:
I had alot of fun! is it over? :imu:
VirusType2 said:
but GT4 deserves acclaim, I just can't see how anyone could play this game through and say, gee, that game is a 8.9. WTF?

that is blasphemy.

Did you actually try to read the review?. They usually explain it in there. ;)
Oh, is this really just all about the Gamespot score?
I'd like to point out that not only is 8.9 an incredibly good score, but they actually state in the review that if you enjoy racing or the GT series in general, then GT4 is exactly what you're looking for.
A score is just a numerical rule of thumb, its the actual review beneath it that matters.
By Razor:
I would laugh hysterically if you're saying the ps2 and it's games are 3 times better than the Gamecube, but i know you're not that stupid.

First while I don't think most are 3 times better, I think the ps2 has in absolute term more better games than nintendo consoles.

By Warbie
I disagree, of course.

Fanboys are generally those that stick to their chosen format/game/genre and support it without question - oblivious to its faults, aswell as the benefits that others offer.

I own all the available consoles (bar the PSP) and enjoy them all, but just happen to prefer Nintendo. Does that make me a fanboy?

If you hung out in some other forums I frequent you'd see me defending pc games against rabid console fanatics. You only see me defending Nintendo on this forum so often because ppl make stupid comments about them so often.

Yes you are, and yes you do. When nintendo does not innovate it's okay cause that particular piece of hardware wasn't supposed to do that, but you critizise sony for the same thing, how about. Anything nintendo does is excused and everyting sony does is not, you are hard core inintendo fan.

Lastly, 'really smart' ppl know that that the number of sales does not equal quality. Just look at the PS2

Well someone who thinks they are smart may draw a paralel between EA and sony saying, look at EA, sells shit and still the bigegst, but a really smart person might look at it and say wait a little, nintendo had far more brand recognition, far more following, why the hell did they still lose to sony, simply the games were betetr on psx and more modern, the proof in that is that nintendo is trying to emulate sony, the gc didn't follow nintendo tardition it did what the ps2 did, and though nintendo releaed the ds, they are still making the new gayboy to have something that can actually compete with the psp, lets just hope teh ybring it out before sony figurs out how to make the battery life of the psp mre that 30 min or else nintendo are screwed.

And virus you are complety right that nintendo is beeing judged on a completely differnt scale that other systems.
BTW here is another thread if you wanan discus the psp or ds
Grey Fox said:
Yes you are, and yes you do. When nintendo does not innovate it's okay cause that particular piece of hardware wasn't supposed to do that, but you critizise sony for the same thing, how about. Anything nintendo does is excused and everyting sony does is not, you are hard core inintendo fan.

You're putting words in my mouth. None of what you mentioned is true. I can criticise Nintendo if you like (and would probably do a better job of it than you ;)) I'm a massive Nintendo fan, yes. But not a fanboy.

Grey Fox said:
Well someone who thinks they are smart may draw a paralel between EA and sony saying, look at EA, sells shit and still the bigegst, but a really smart person might look at it and say wait a little, nintendo had far more brand recognition, far more following, why the hell did they still lose to sony, simply the games were betetr on psx and more modern, the proof in that is that nintendo is trying to emulate sony, the gc didn't follow nintendo tardition it did what the ps2 did, and though nintendo releaed the ds, they are still making the new gayboy to have something that can actually compete with the psp, lets just hope teh ybring it out before sony figurs out how to make the battery life of the psp mre that 30 min or else nintendo are screwed.

But they didn't lose to Sony (in something as subjective as video gaming it's pointless debating about who 'won') Sony took gaming to the masses, and did it well. They made gaming cooler and more accepted - which is definately something worthy of applaud. But I personally judge machines on the games available and the actual hardware, not by no. of sales. Nothing the psx offered could touch Zelda OoT, Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, Mario 64 etc. FF7 and MGS came pretty close though.

Also, the psx does not deserve credit for moving to cds. What about pcs, or the Saturn? You're kidding yourself if you think Nintendo moving over to their tiny DVDs was emulating Sony in any way. Seriously - you really believe that they would have stuck with cartridges for this generation? (deep down you they wouldn't have)

Lastly, there was always going to be a new Gameboy, the release of the PSP has nothing to do with this (other than maybe hurry things along) The DS they released because they wanted to try something new (and damn good it is too :)) - surely you don't have a problem with that?
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