I Hate Steam


Jul 4, 2005
Reaction score
WTF can't there be Half Life 2 without Steam?

I installed Half Life 2 and went to create a steam account.
I put in a user name and password. When I clicked next it said "the operation cannot be completed when steam is in offline mode"

WTF is that?

My computer is connected to the internet and i am having no other problems.


:flame: :angry:
LedZ38 said:
WTF can't there be Half Life 2 without Steam?

Well it has helped piracy I reckon because even though there are cracked versions out there, apparently they are all crappy and don't run well.

Anyway, I'd look under one of the options and check or uncheck some box regarding "offline mode" (see how I used my brain there :p)
LedZ38 said:
My computer is connected to the internet and i am having no other problems.


:flame: :angry:

Can you say firewall?
Yea, you will need to forward some ports that steam uses. Not sure what they are off hand. Head to the steampowered website for info like that.
Steam is your friend. Best server browser ever.
to answer your question, no, there cannot be Half-Life without Steam, it's like having a hooker without a thong, just doesn't fly.

If you are using the SP2 firewall, you can go to microsoft.com, it will tell you how to let things through.
You shouldnt need to port foward. If you just have windows firewall you should easily be able to check what applications its allowing to connect to the net, and edit them to be able to connect. I would suspect that you can do the same in any other 3rd party firewall, to a greater degree of control.

Control Panel/Windows Firewall/ "Exceptions" tab

Check that steam is ticked. Also as you play games you will be required to authorise them to use the internet. So the first time you play any mod or HL2, or CS:S ... you get the picture? Thats what the bunch of "hl2" are at the top of the list, all the steam games that are authorised.
Its not Windows Firewall.
I think its my firewall. I am going to make an exception for Steam and see what happens.
For the Firewall I mean.

Didn't mean to double post
Rafa 5.0 said:
to answer your question, no, there cannot be Half-Life without Steam, it's like having a hooker without a thong, just doesn't fly.

If you are using the SP2 firewall, you can go to microsoft.com, it will tell you how to let things through.

there can be halflife without steam waht are u talking about
giant384 said:
there can be halflife without steam waht are u talking about

No, there can't.

WON is dead. Unless you mean to get away with a technicality by saying HL1 can be played off line on single-player.
Does anybody know the port number?

UDP 1200 (used for friends service)
UDP 27000 to 27015 inclusive
TCP 27020 to 27039 inclusive

If you need help configuring your particular firewall you need to go to the manufacturer's page or google some tutorials. It's usually not hard. As other people have said, though, if Steam has full permissions then you shouldn't need to worry anyway.
I really dont like Steam Because I cant get Half Life 2 Because It says "internet connection required" on the box and i do not have internet. (just in case your wondering im on a friends computer.)
LedZ38 said:
For the Firewall I mean.

Didn't mean to double post

Then why did you do it again?

And a quick search at steampowered.com would have told you that the answers to all of your wildest dreams can be found at portforward.com.
Pesmerga said:
No, there can't.

WON is dead. Unless you mean to get away with a technicality by saying HL1 can be played off line on single-player.

playing offline still uses steam but if u buy retail from the store u wont need steam but im not sure if its the old version or ot because the menus are different
xzeox said:
I really dont like Steam Because I cant get Half Life 2 Because It says "internet connection required" on the box and i do not have internet. (just in case your wondering im on a friends computer.)

thats slightly illogical. You don't like the game because it needs the internet?

by that logic, one could say "I don't like living, it requires breathing"
or "i don't like the internet, it requires computers"
Got it working

Been playing it so much that i forgot to put that i got it working
bliink said:
thats slightly illogical. You don't like the game because it needs the internet?

by that logic, one could say "I don't like living, it requires breathing"
or "i don't like the internet, it requires computers"

lol do u really c anywhere in taht post where he said he didnt like the game he said he dosent like steam geez read the post right
Any news on the friends network? Or is it pretty much assumed that it's been abandoned.
FictiousWill said:
Any news on the friends network? Or is it pretty much assumed that it's been abandoned.

y use that when theres xfire yes it is anothor program running in the background but its better than the crappy friends list
giant384 said:
lol do u really c anywhere in taht post where he said he didnt like the game he said he dosent like steam geez read the post right
Oooo :O. Better watch yourself.

No, there can't.

WON is dead. Unless you mean to get away with a technicality by saying HL1 can be played off line on single-player.
Some people can still play WON, but yeah its dead really :(.

Steam is your friend. Best server browser ever
I liked WON better. All my friends are gone thanks to Steam. I've seen a couple though, which is good :)
Fuse Kazuki said:
Oooo :O. Better watch yourself.

Some people can still play WON, but yeah its dead really :(.

I liked WON better. All my friends are gone thanks to Steam. I've seen a couple though, which is good :)

No, WON was shut down. You can't play on it anymore, as it doesn't exist.
Pesmerga said:
No, WON was shut down. You can't play on it anymore, as it doesn't exist.

what is WON ive never heard of it it seems like from the post ive read u use it with out using a cd or something like that
giant384 said:
what is WON ive never heard of it it seems like from the post ive read u use it with out using a cd or something like that
World Opponent Network.
Pesmerga said:
No, WON was shut down. You can't play on it anymore, as it doesn't exist.
Some people can still play WON..you just need your old HL files and you can play it. My friends can still play it, you just need an IP to connect to though.
After the shutdown of WON, some players continue to run a patched version of the retail versions of Half-Life or Counter-Strike, which connects to a WON replacement called No-WON (or WON2), and allows users to use the original server browser to connect to Half-Life servers, and their various mods (including Counter-Strike 1.5, and a Steamless version of 1.6), just as they would before WON's shutdown.
See, people can still play WON, you just need your old HL files and the patch.
Pesmerga said:
Steam is your friend. Best server browser ever.
quoted for truth and awesome babykilling action
this whole thread was a waste of time lol. my god.. and steam rocks:E


wow it sounds pretty AMAZING :eek: .......... ** Note the sarcasm in my text there **
Just on the whole Steam deal - what happens if Steam goes permanently offline? Do we all end up with a game/s we can't play even in single player mode?

I'm kinda wary of games that require downloading stuff in order to 'unlock' them. Sure it helps stop piracy but at what cost to the legitimate users in the long run?

I don't mind Steam as much as I did when I first bought Half-Life 2 (as a 56k modem user took an age to set it up just so I could play the thing in single player). It also took quite some time to download the latest update - I actually watched a movie on DVD while I was waiting for it to download. Note that the update was for Counter Strike which I don't play anyway. LOL! I'm just a little concerned that I'll end up with a useless game at some point if/when Steam no longer exists. And yes, I like to play my old games.

No need to reply to this... I'm just typing out loud. I love Half-Life 2 but it's a pity about being locked into Steam.

PS. I know that this has been discussed to death in other threads. I'm just getting it off my chest. Feel free to delete it if you so wish. :)
This is officially the new STEAM LOVERS VS HATERS.

PS steam kicks all ass... Best Idea ever...other than abortion.
The server browser absolutely knocked the stuffing out of steam. For example, it told you whether the server was hosted on Linux or Windows. By using the little penguin! I mean, sure, it didn't tell you the exact ping of the server, but at least it worked in-game (which my TFC steam won't).