I have a cold


Sep 13, 2003
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I wish I could cough :(

my nose is stuffy and my ears are acting weird

pity me or else
Awww, I had one of those last week. It's annoying.
I used a sheep skin condom, but don't tell him that.
You're just because your girlfriend slept with a sexy latino guy and you had to beat him with a bat.
Pressure said:
You're just because your girlfriend slept with a sexy latino guy and you had to beat him with a bat.

you want to hear about a plain evil sickness i got recently? i got a brazilian stomach flu from someone that came back from brazil.

were talking unimaginable stomach pains that just won't let up. diarherria(sp) and you want to throw up at the same time, you got a bundle of shit in your stomach and a bundle of puke in your upper chest. my shit was colored a dark dark green, almost black. sometimes you just get unending gas, if one load of gas is coming though it feels the same as more diaherria, so do you get up out of bed and potentially throw up from being dizzy, or do you ease it out hoping its gas, but if it isn't you shit your pants? same with gas coming up through the mouth, if you control it wrong, its puke time.

always trying to find a comfortable position, but of course it can't be laying down, so i didn't sleep for a long time, not to mention didn't eat for a few days. needless to say it sucked. after going through it though, a cold seems like heaven compared to it.
poseyjmac said:
you want to hear about a plain evil sickness i got recently? i got a brazilian stomach flu from someone that came back from brazil.

I usually ask my friends when they come from abroad to bring me cigarettes or booze not exotic diseases :LOL:
poseyjmac said:
you want to hear about a plain evil sickness i got recently? i got a brazilian stomach flu from someone that came back from brazil.

were talking unimaginable stomach pains that just won't let up. diarherria(sp) and you want to throw up at the same time, you got a bundle of shit in your stomach and a bundle of puke in your upper chest. my shit was colored a dark dark green, almost black. sometimes you just get unending gas, if one load of gas is coming though it feels the same as more diaherria, so do you get up out of bed and potentially throw up from being dizzy, or do you ease it out hoping its gas, but if it isn't you shit your pants? same with gas coming up through the mouth, if you control it wrong, its puke time.

always trying to find a comfortable position, but of course it can't be laying down, so i didn't sleep for a long time, not to mention didn't eat for a few days. needless to say it sucked. after going through it though, a cold seems like heaven compared to it.
this is my pity thread, gtfo!
Grand Architect said:
Yeah but with an exotic diseases you can feel like you where there too.

That has to be possibly, one of the best things I've heard all day. Now, at last...I can rest in piece. For a few hours anyway.

I don't have a cold, but it begs the question. Do I have a temperate, or even...God Forbid...a hot?
i have....im bored im to lazy to finish this paragraph
I normally don't have bad allergies, but the past couple days I can't be outside for five minutes without getting watery eyes, a runny nose, sneezing, that weird irratable feeling that you get toward the sun, and sneezing. ;(

Better than a cold, though. :p Just hope it's not once of those that'll last like a month...
i keep getting colds, but i havent recently as ive been dirnking lots of fruit juice and eating my apples like a good boy. :thumbs:
But when i do get colds, my nose streams all the time, where does all that snot come from?! It's embarrasing really, i either have to carry a shit load of tissues around with me all the time or have a runny nose... :eek:
CyberSh33p said:
this is my pity thread, gtfo!

well it was supposed to make you feel a bit better knowing that other people have sicknesses 30x worse than a common cold. chin up.
Aw, I got a cold too :(

Pretty bad one, my throat is all swollen up, hurts real bad when I cough sometimes and i've had fever symptoms from time to time.. I've had it for almost a week now and there's no sign of it stopping :(

I pass the time sitting all wrapped up in my bedsheet watching TV, surfing the web and playing around with music..
WTF now i got a cold i woke up this morning with it....coughin flem cant breath out of nose....cant somke cuz i keep on throwing up..... :x
i knoe after this last pack im gonna quit cuz i had a really realistic dream of me having lung cancer....sacred the bejesus outta me
Pressure said:
I used a sheep skin condom, but don't tell him that.
Heres a little poem a friend of mine made a few years back:

"When days were old and nights were young and condoms weren't invented. You slapped a sock around your cock and babies were prevented."

Back on topic.

Hope you get better, and don't go spreading it to the rest of us accross teh interweb! :flame: