I Have Come to a Conclusion: GameSpot Reviews Aren't Worth Shit

how about you guys get over yourselves and stop bashing halo1/2 ? wasn't there a big thread about it just a few days ago and a ton before that ?


weskerQ8 said:
everyone knows why halo 2 gets 9.4 ( money ...... microsoft )
do you have any proof or are you just being a lemming ? :)
destrukt said:
how about you guys get over yourselves and stop bashing halo1/2 ? wasn't there a big thread about it just a few days ago and a ton before that ?


do you have any proof or are you just being a lemming ? :)
I agree.

I wouldn't call him a lemming, I'd call him a PS3 fan... or is that the same thing? :O
Halo 2 did not deserve a 9.5+, so the reviewer had to be carried away by something. Either hype or money. In any case, the score was too high for what was just another above average FPS.
99.vikram said:
Halo 2 did not deserve a 9.5+, so the reviewer had to be carried away by something. Either hype or money. In any case, the score was too high for what was just another above average FPS.
Well, I haven't tried Halo 2, but it seems like they now have seamless level loading in the game, and this means they can make the levels as diverse as they want now.

But 9.5+? Well, I guess I agree. Half-life2 is a better game (than Halo1) in my opinion, and HL2 only got what - a 9.5?
99.vikram said:
Halo 2 did not deserve a 9.5+, so the reviewer had to be carried away by something. Either hype or money. In any case, the score was too high for what was just another above average FPS.
possibly carried away by liking the game that much ? oh wait, that's impossible, he had to have been paid off !

you know, there is probably some people sitting in a halo forum somewhere saying "gosh, hl2 got 9.5 ?! they reviewer must have slept with gabe and got given $$ lolz im smart."

give me proof or shut up.
I don't always agree with their reviews but I don't soley rely on them for my purchases. I usually look at several sites and then take a look at the message boards if I'm really on the fence about a game. It's understandable for one to disagree with their reviews because everyone has their own opinion. That shouldn't come as a shock to anyone but I think some people forget that. I'm a Gamespot Complete/Total Access member because they get great scoops and have tons of great media.
VirusType2 said:
How can a video game fan dislike Halo? Thats like saying 'I don't like blowjobs.' It's better than Half-life2 in some ways (which is the best FPS ever made) I truly belive that Halo 3 will be the best FPS ever made, and I'm sorry that you won't get to play it.

It's more like saying "I don't like anal rape."

To be honest it wasnt that bad, but the game was repetitious and the level design was flawed. They literally copy/pasted the same rooms over and over. They had to put ****ing arrows on the floor so you wouldn't get turned around, because every goddamn thing looks exactly the same. Also, it was short ... which is even worse considering you spent most of the game doing the same damn thing over and over.

Overall, I would call it a good game with some really nice vehicle sections. I would also call it the most overrated game in history. If it had been released for other consoles and PCs at the same time, no one would still care about it. The only reason it became as popular as it did was because it was the only decent game on X-BOX for a very long time.

Game sites massively overrated that game. In my opinion it deserves a solid 7.5.
destrukt said:
possibly carried away by liking the game that much ? oh wait, that's impossible, he had to have been paid off !

you know, there is probably some people sitting in a halo forum somewhere saying "gosh, hl2 got 9.5 ?! they reviewer must have slept with gabe and got given $$ lolz im smart."

give me proof or shut up.

I said either hype or money.
There's no way I can prove hype, but it's all around you. Any reviewer who dared to diss Halo 2 would be dead and buried by now.

And I have the right to post my opinions, however misinformed I may be, so deal with it or GTFO.
99.vikram said:
I said either hype or money.
There's no way I can prove hype, but it's all around you. Any reviewer who dared to diss Halo 2 would be dead and buried by now.

And I have the right to post my opinions, however misinformed I may be, so deal with it or GTFO.
as with half-life 2, if a reviewer dared post his real opinion [if he happened to not like it] he would also be dead and buried.

there is a difference between posting opinions and saying someone was paid to post good reviews [scores]; i have no problems with opinions, if i did the internet is the last place i would want to be.
weskerQ8 said:
everyone knows why halo 2 gets 9.4 *cough* money ...... microsoft *Cough*
Oh come on thats just stupid to even suggest that.

smwScott said:
I would also call it the most overrated game in history.

I wouldn't call that a fair statement at all, but at the same time i can't seem to think of any other game that is as overrated as Halo.

Tempted to say World of Warcraft but i dont know.
destrukt said:
as with half-life 2, if a reviewer dared post his real opinion [if he happened to not like it] he would also be dead and buried.

there is a difference between posting opinions and saying someone was paid to post good reviews [scores]; i have no problems with opinions, if i did the internet is the last place i would want to be.

Guess again.

Before buying HL 2 I read about twenty reviews - ten from famous sources and ten from people who had the game. Some reviews were very harsh. One said HL 2 was the most retarded thing that gamer had played in 2004. One said it was "lacklustre" compared to Halo, which had come out earlier that week.

Can you find even one review that is against Halo 2? Nope.
oh my god. These ****ing H2 <-> HL2 comparisons just keep on returning. People shoot yourself in the face if you feel the urge to discuss this AGAIN and AGAIN
99.vikram said:
Guess again.

Before buying HL 2 I read about twenty reviews - ten from famous sources and ten from people who had the game. Some reviews were very harsh. One said HL 2 was the most retarded thing that gamer had played in 2004. One said it was "lacklustre" compared to Halo, which had come out earlier that week.

Can you find even one review that is against Halo 2? Nope.
'proof' -- could you find some links to them then ?
Simply put, the Halo series... play only its multiplayer. There are far better games with singleplayer out there. I mean, its singleplayer is really... meh. I can't think of how to say it. My friends tell me how its singleplayer is good and how I should play it, but honestly, I don't want to. Their reasons are kind of stupid, 'cause they go about story (come on...), action (FEAR anybody?), level design (holy shit kidding man). Bring me in for multiplayer anytime, but I'll fling the singleplayer out the window. Think they should do a Quake 3 with this.
destrukt said:
'proof' -- could you find some links to them then ?

I give up. It's not worth the time to argue over a two year old rivalry.
Oh yeah. I will kill any reviewer praising Halo's singleplayer campaigns. The Library made me utterly condemn Halo's singleplayer for eternity.
99.vikram said:
I give up. It's not worth the time to argue over a two year old rivalry.
i don't have a problem with rivalry, i basically like both games equally, but for the different things they have.

i'm 'arguing' over people pointing out 'facts' or just bad accusing.

so, can you provide the reviews or not ?
destrukt said:
i don't have a problem with rivalry, i basically like both games equally, but for the different things they have.

i'm 'arguing' over people pointing out 'facts' or just bad accusing.

so, can you provide the reviews or not ?

You're clearly trying to prove that I am either an idiot or a liar. All my "facts" happen to be my own opinion, except the bad reviews part which (surprise, surprise) is real. Do a few google searches, you'll see what I mean.

EDIT: Here's two I found (link to review on first page) -


Eat your heart out.
i'm aiming towards finding out whether you're lying or just badly misinformed. ;)

the gamedev one gives me a vbscript error and the second one sure doesn't like hl2, though, you mentioned '20 reviews and about 10 from famous sources' -- i don't care about these random ones like that polykat one, i'm looking for the famous ones which should have some credibility.

i took a look on metacritic, out of 79 reviews only 1 is below 90 and it still gives it 85 -- http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/pc/halflife2

so.. :upstare:
destrukt said:
i'm aiming towards finding out whether you're lying or just badly misinformed. ;)

the gamedev one gives me a vbscript error and the second one sure doesn't like hl2, though, you mentioned '20 reviews and about 10 from famous sources' -- i don't care about these random ones like that polykat one, i'm looking for the famous ones which should have some credibility.

i took a look on metacritic, out of 79 reviews only 1 is below 90 and it still gives it 85 -- http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/pc/halflife2

so.. :upstare:

I can't find them now...
j00 win :P
/stands on podium and thanks mother, the random guy @ big w & all the squirrels.

hah, i don't ever mean to be offensive/insulting, just sometimes i come across as 'harsh' [or whatever] though i'm always having fun [somehow..]. ^__________^
bigburpco said:
Oh yeah. I will kill any reviewer praising Halo's singleplayer campaigns. The Library made me utterly condemn Halo's singleplayer for eternity.
Hate that level. Hate it with a passion. Worst level design, ever.