I have Counter-Strike Source

nw909 said:
Not to offend, but that looks like shit.

yeah it really looks like shit :LOL:
but atleast he has it ;( (really?)

how the hell did u get it? :cheese:
It's either been photoshopped ( it looks like CS1 tbh ) or those screens are on a low end system.

Or the biozeminades ran away.
Chris_D said:
It's either been photoshopped ( it looks like CS1 tbh ) or those screens are on a low end system.

Or the biozeminades ran away.

I'm guessing low-end.
Looks like low-end to me.. looks crap like that
I guess if you go to a cybercafe, you can make a server yourself and play... that's how he got css.
*edit* Wow low quality really is.... low quality :borg:

Hey can you load up the map test_speakers and take some screens please kingthebadger? thanks
You were a lot more interesting with your old avatar King;)
omfg look at the menus.... I play CS at uber low quality and it never ****s with the backround menu!!!

I bet he's at a cafe or something or something IDK I don't care.
okay my friend owns a cyber cafe, hes letting me use it =)

also im gonna take some high qual pics right now, so brb =)
yes take those pics please and can you let us know if your getting good frames per sec and what system specs you guys have
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
yes take those pics please and can you let us know if your getting good frames per sec and what system specs you guys have

From qckbeam:

"The screenshots were taken at 1024x768, with 4xAA and 16xAF on. I had every setting turned on high. I play on a 3GHz P4 with an Ati 9700 Pro, and 1024MB of RAM. I never noticed any slow down, no matter how intense the action became."

So.. wow. Guess we can expect great performance from CS:S and HL2
kingthebadger said:
okay my friend owns a cyber cafe, hes letting me use it =)

also im gonna take some high qual pics right now, so brb =)

I love you.....................

*waits for high quality screens*

wait!!! before you get more stupid screen shots of stuff weve seen. Take a screen shot of the idle position of all the weapons!
Shuzer said:
From qckbeam:

"The screenshots were taken at 1024x768, with 4xAA and 16xAF on. I had every setting turned on high. I play on a 3GHz P4 with an Ati 9700 Pro, and 1024MB of RAM. I never noticed any slow down, no matter how intense the action became."

So.. wow. Guess we can expect great performance from CS:S and HL2

thanks that is a big relief for me thanks man thanks alot i mean it too :thumbs:
Shuzer said:
From qckbeam:

"The screenshots were taken at 1024x768, with 4xAA and 16xAF on. I had every setting turned on high. I play on a 3GHz P4 with an Ati 9700 Pro, and 1024MB of RAM. I never noticed any slow down, no matter how intense the action became."

So.. wow. Guess we can expect great performance from CS:S and HL2

hmmz i dont believe that with 4x aa and 16 af they never had slowdown on a 9700pro.... :/
man im glad i spent the 419$ on this x800p i cant wait right Shuzer lol good thing i have a job lol
Milo 7 said:
hmmz i dont believe that with 4x aa and 16 af they never had slowdown on a 9700pro.... :/

qckbeam has nothing to gain from lying.. we'll see for ourselves in about a week.
Milo 7 said:
hmmz i dont believe that with 4x aa and 16 af they never had slowdown on a 9700pro.... :/
why not? that's a pretty good graphics card and his specs are very good.
Sweet, my system should run it fine.

Even if it isnt 3 GHz and 1024 ram :\
hey guys if i go to the cafe in Schaumburg illinois will i be able to play or do i have to be a member
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
hey guys if i go to the cafe in Schaumburg illinois will i be able to play or do i have to be a member

Depends on the cafe.

I think you have to pay to play
Hey I heard a rumor that on the p90 model you can see the bullets go down through a clear mag as your shooting. Is this true (came from a highly unreliable source but hey its hl2 anything can happen)
well i have a 9700pro and had 3.06ghz (broken atm ;( ) so i know :p
the 9700pro is a nice card but when ur doing 4xAA and 16xAF in newer games ur performance isnt so hot (thats why ive ordered a x800xt :cheese: )

but maybe im wrong and cs:source runs uber smooth but i doubt it :O
Milo 7 said:
well i have a 9700pro and had 3.06ghz (broken atm ;( ) so i know :p
the 9700pro is a nice card but when ur doing 4xAA and 16xAF in newer games ur performance isnt so hot (thats why ive ordered a x800xt :cheese: )

but maybe im wrong and cs:source runs uber smooth but i doubt it :O

get the X800 pro its a good deal you really dont need xt but if you have the money :thumbs: go for it
I can get the x800 xt for 300 bucks from a good friend but I'm poor and I'm shy about 60 bucks :\ Oh well...

I would've gone for the x800 Pro.. You can flash it in about 30 mins to equal the x800 XT... The only difference is Pixel Pipelines and clock speeds. You can open up the other 4 pipelines in about 20 minutes and then just flash the card with new bios and BOOM you got an x800 XT with Overdrive feature :) But hey if you are rich go for the vanilla XT...
If he were a good friend, he'd trust you and let you buy it with the money you have now, and then let you save up that $60 and pay him later.
I feel fine to see CS:S can hav so low quality cuz my Pc is not so powerfull and maybe will run aceptable in my PC