I have Counter-Strike Source

man Cs: S looks really crappy, I would say its only slightly better than cs, ugly thing, nice easy cop-out for hl2mp valve, you sure do learn from the best (jabba the newell) on how to be lazy about stuff
I think you guys expected to much from the game. .That's why you are dissapointed.

And, I think, that the game looks leetness, and it will be even nicer when I get the chance to play it. Also, this is only de_dust, wait for some other maps. You did not complain on the aztec-bink file, eh?
lol....a few weeks ago, i asked if someone could post screens and movies. But everyone said no! because it was beta material! HAHA! What are you gonna do now you mother f(lokkers)! MUAHAHAHAAHAA! :LOL:

Why are people complaining over the gfx all the time? Its am beta. Its there to test Source in multiplayer. Not to show of pretty gfx. :|
mbrithoms said:
man Cs: S looks really crappy, I would say its only slightly better than cs, ugly thing, nice easy cop-out for hl2mp valve, you sure do learn from the best (jabba the newell) on how to be lazy about stuff

That was pretty shallow
mbrithoms said:
man Cs: S looks really crappy, I would say its only slightly better than cs, ugly thing, nice easy cop-out for hl2mp valve, you sure do learn from the best (jabba the newell) on how to be lazy about stuff

Do you actually bother reading anything? CS:S is not HL2 multiplayer. Valve have never said that. The quote you've misread is when cliffe said that CS:S will be the only multiplayer Source port that ships with HL2.

Also, this is an official warning for your abusive comment about Gabe. Strike one.
OMFG dude that really sucks ass those few ones you musta been playing in on low and on a shit comp, but if you go to High Quality and also
Multiplayer in the code list then the pics are a bit better. But seriously its that kinda shit pics that provoke people into thinking that the Source is shit.

Anyway how you get the game?? Your on about beta right, spill da beans

ItchyFish said:
Anyway how you get the game?? Your on about beta right, spill da beans


try reading the thread

his mate has a cafe, he just snuck on one of has one of the pass thingys


and yes they are poo screenies but the weapon pics are nice.
Good pics, I don't mind for the low res at all. The game never was about graphics anyway :)
CB | Para said:
Good pics, I don't mind for the low res at all. The game never was about graphics anyway :)

well if it wasnt about the gfx they didnt needed to make CS:S :upstare:
Pi Mu Rho said:
Do you actually bother reading anything? CS:S is not HL2 multiplayer. Valve have never said that. The quote you've misread is when cliffe said that CS:S will be the only multiplayer Source port that ships with HL2.

Also, this is an official warning for your abusive comment about Gabe. Strike one.

the evidence to support it or go against it is minimal each way, so if you think I sound mad then.....I am, they have noone to blame but themselves, no info = speculation

despite that, some of the screens of Cs:s popping out all over the place still look like pants, they couldve at least updated the models, its just a poor effort

official warning for an abusive comment against gabe? ROFL thats the funniest thing Ive seen here in my time
They ported CS to the Source engine to update the gameplay to include physics and ragdoll death animations. They've also (hopefully) sorted out the hitboxes and the few annoying engine exploits that remained in the re-tooled Q2 engine.
Milo 7 said:
i dont think this screeny looks that bad :dozey:

OMG, are my eyes reading the above image right ? OMG that is AWSOME. :eek: :eek:
Funny how all the people tha played CS:S think it looks great, and a quarter of the people who haven't think it looks like crap. I know which ones I would believe ;)
Well, toobad for you then.. Why do you have it if you have a badass pc :(

L0sER ;)

Just kidding, I don't think you will be able to make a movie, since you're lack of RAM.
freakin ****** when i want 2 click on a hl2insider link i get

Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.

HL2World has declared that CS:Source has been cracked and playable.
Blah censored.. well fill it in with the site mentioned 'earlier'.
yea ill get my sponsor to make the bandwidth higher, it used up 3.4 gb last night alone, roflmao =)

oh well he has 500gb bandwidth.
Anyone knows the size of the .gcf file that cyber cafes are pre-loading?
The exact size?