I Have Found the CptStern Moblie

;( my poor thread...wasnt going anywhere in the first place so i guess that it doesnt really matter :P
Oh, so we're playing that game are we Kirovman?

Kamikazie, want a big teletubby-hug!?:D*Closes in on Kamikazie*
*runs as fast as his big ass feet will take him*

Sometimes the worst threads bring out the Bidet in people.
I have a Yo Momma joke that will blow you away. On mulitple levels.

Yo Momma's so fat she has her own event horizon.

Puzzlemaker said:
Yo Momma's so fat she has her own event horizon.
once you go fat you don't go back... get it, point of no return??!?! ROFLF!?!?!11
Ennui said:
once you go fat you don't go back... get it, point of no return??!?! ROFLF!?!?!11
is it because fat is like a blackhole? it just sucks you in till you reach the rib cage
Kamikazie said:
is it because fat is like a blackhole? it just sucks you in till you reach the rib cage
The singularity is the anus methinks.
Well thanks to this thread I am now knowlegeable in Japanese Toilets, their use, Japanese toilet ettiquette and their quirks

Thank you Half-Life 2 . Net!
Yes that too.

And I'm not sure if thats a good thing.....
well if you go to japan you could ask someone were the toilet is...
Yes, but I would have to look out for 洋式.

The other style of Japanese toilet just doesn't seem to be that appealing. FOr a start I couldn't read or play my Game Boy while doing, well, you know....
isnt the urinal just a hole in the ground over there...or is that china...
Well, it would appear the Japanese are very advanced on the toilet front.

They have urinals for both men and women as well as squat and western style toilets. And thats not even mentioning their love of water jets to spray your intimate bits, bathroom slippers or the strange invention some dude came up with to provide ambient water noises for women worried about the noise they make while doing their business. (Not kidding.)