I have just experianced my first car accident :D


Nov 1, 2004
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So me and my dad were out looking for good snowboarding goggles for me. We bought one without testing it out with my helmet (im stupid) so when i got back home we discovered it didnt fit at all, so we went back and had it changed to another one that fitted perfect! All the time when we were in the car my dad had been complaining about the traffic, it was horrible. I was listening to my mp3 player minding my own business, not really focusing on anything, life is all good and im just relaxing...i look forward and i see the stoplight and theres another car stopped right under it. We come closer...closer...closer.......closer...finally im thinking "ehh...ok...slow down?"....closer...closer...finally we are so close to the other car and still going pretty fast so i panic and yell as loud as i can "WHAT THE **** ARE YOU DOING?" as i grabbed the front seat in preparation of a collision and *BAAAAAMMMMMM*. So then me and my dad just sit there in the car...all silent...and i keep yelling to my dad "What the **** are you doing?" X5 times. He steps out of the car, and the driver of the other car steps out and hes in much pain in his head. I go check the damage and i notice the entire back part of the other guys car is kind of squished into the rest of the car, nothing major tho. My dads car got worse, most of the front got squished in. So we all just parked nearby and went into the closest resturant and filled the papers and left.

So yeah...my first car accident :D Nothing major, no dead people...but it was pretty awesome because ive actually always wanted to crash a car (as i always do in racing games) so ive always wanted to have the real thing.

Now, lets all share our FIRST car accident with each other, the official Half-life2.net car accident thread


oh and what caused my dad to crash into the other guy was that he saw a lady cary her dog as if it was dead, so he focused on that...but after the crash he noticed how she put it down and walked with it...she had just been carrying it in her arms while crossing the road LOL
because all my life i have been wondering what it would be like to experiance a car accident and i finally got to. It also amuses me that its my dads first car accident too, and hes been driving for 40+ years.
Did the airbags pop out? I always wonder how it's like to crash and hit the airbag.
my first car accident was like 2 years ago.
it was snowy and my dad was driving on a slippery road. we were talking when we turn a curve and right at the end we saw this thing (on the moment we didnt realized wtf was) in the middle of the road. i was like "what the fu...." and buuuumm we hit an old lady crossing the street. we hit her with the left side of the car and she flew in air smashing the side mirror that pumped in to the window and broke it. my father was scared to death. we pulled right and ran to the old granny that broke his head falling.
we carried her to the hospital and all the way to the hospital she was like "ohh my god, im gonna die, ohh lord plz help me. ohh why did u hit me?..." my father was pretty angry cuz he thought he was going to jail and he just start yelling "stfu un stupid old sl**t, u were in the middle of the road at the end of a curve so stfu, its all ur fault" (something like that) and the lady stopped. she was scared more then my father afther this...
finnaly we arrived at the hospital and after 30 min the medics told us it wasnt that big deal

then we went to the police to do all the annoing legal s**t.
I hope the old lady was okay...

Never been in a car accident, had a couple of bike accidents in my time though. First one was a couple of weeks after I passed my test, was taking my bike back to the dealer to get some stuff sorted out because it was a dangerously ill-maintained piece of shit. Got a bit lost along the way, ended up at the top of a dead-end street - narrow, residential, uphill, parked cars both sides, gravel littering the road.
Tried to do a U-turn to go back out the other way, as I got halfway round obviously the bike was going downhill, and it picked up a bit of unwelcome momentum. I was heading for the bonnet of one of the parked cars, touched the front brake and 200 kilos of bike fell right on me. Some nicely bruised ribs, broke the right-hand mirror and snapped the brake lever. Most galling of all, my head hit the ground with some force and I had to bin my expensive helmet.
I later managed to fall over again doing another U-turn on another uphill residential street 100 miles away - I don't do those anymore. Quite funny on reflection. :)
Um the only 2 accidents I ever have been in was just..one day I was sitting at a red light waiting, when some kid hits me from behind. Yes I was completely stopped and he hit me from behind. We both got out (he was really scared, if I remember correctly he said something like "omg, did I hit your car just now?" lmao) to look and there was no damage so we just left.

Another time my friend hit my (parked) car in my driveway. What happened was we were going to hang out on some Monday or Tuesday night, and it was his turn to drive. The asshole pulls in my driveway while talking on his cell phone, which is illegal here btw and you can get a ticket/fine. I get in his car, before he even backs out, he is already turning the wheel way too much, before I can even say anything he guns the gas to reverse out of my driveway, still yacking away on the phone. So he slams into the rear right side of my car while backing out. We both stop and are silent for literally about 10-15 seconds, both of us too stunned to say anything. So he pulls back into my driveway, and here's the part that pisses me off...he ****ing starts trying to back out again! Like he's gonna try to leave after just slamming into my car. So I say "dude, I think you just hit my car". And he's like "yeah I think I did". So he gets out of his car leaving it in the middle of the road (which he had to move it like 1 minute later for a car coming up the road). Sitting there going "this is dirt, this is all dirt here, see most of this is dirt" (he said it about 20 more times). I decided not to make a big deal about it, even though there was a nasty scratch in the end. The sad thing is, he was driving his parents car at the time.
Never been in one woot. 6 years of driving pretty much every day and ive only even had 1 close call. Ive also never been in one with someone else driving, although i have had friends who crashed on their way over/on their way back from picking me up.
Had been driving for about 3 months. I was doing 100mpg (edit- h) on a highway when I started fish tailing and lost control of my Ford Taurus. I swung into the right shoulder, into the grass, did a barrel roll, landed on my wheels, then 30 seconds later my car was on fire and it burned to a crisp.

You save so much money on gas, that you can afford to burn your car to a crisp!
god i've been in probably over a dozen car accidents; always as a passenger.

The first one, was riding in my friend's car down some curvy back roads. I know the road very well, and he knows the road a little so I was sort of coaching him through it.t Well he thought his car was better than it was, so we start to enter this sweeping left and I'm telling, "slow down, slow down..." and he keeps going...well the corner was a reducing radius turn and about 70% through it he starts to understeer.

Of course he's a novice and unfamiliar with how to handle it, so he naturally turns the wheel in MORE, a few moments later he realizes that isn't working so he nails the brakes...needless to say we slid swiftly off the road and into a ditch.

In fact, understeer accounts for probably half of the accidents I've been in. For some reason people just have no idea how to handle it.
I've only been in one, it was during a blizzard in 2006... I only had my license for about 7 months.
I was driving down the road at about 30mph and there was a ton of black ice covering the road, I was actually going to park along the side of the road so I turned to the right and all of a sudden my car started sliding and I forgot that you had to turn into a slide... so I started spinning the wheel every which way and I hit a street light pole, luckily there wasn't any serious damage, just a dent in the passenger car door.

Scariest thing to ever happen to me really.
Haven't had one yet...but I can tell it's gonna happen soon what with how many close calls/stupid things I've done D:

The closest call was probably my second time driving in the snow, there was about an inch of icy snow on road and I was going very slow because I didn't have snow tires.
It's late, no one is else is on the road, so I decide to have some fun and make the car slide a bit.
The moment I press down on the brakes (not even very much) I completely lose control and go sideways for about 40 feet before I manage to straighten the car out. Scared the shit out of me at first, but afterwards I did some more sliding where it was safe, just to get a feel for how it handled. Pretty fun :D
These are not car accidents as they have obvious causes (I never liked the term). You were involved in car crashes people.

Anyways I went into the ditch last Decemeber, taking out a road sign and landing on a rock causing $6500 worth of damages. I just wasn't prepared with snow tires for a storm that passed through.
First one I was in, me, friend at the time, and girl roommate. Guy is driving his dads old Monte Carlo, and he's all trying to impress girl by going really fast and taking corners fast, "I do this all the time, I used to drive Go-Karts". Well, I fall asleep, bored of hearing him brag. I wake up to the car jerk really hard. He took at SHARP corner at 60 MPH, thinking he could do it...obviously wrong. I look up, we start spinning. He straightens it out a bit, but then we spin the other way. The ass of the car hit's the tree at 50, completely totally the rear end. Girl passenger, in front of me, flew backwards, headbutting me REALLY hard...and I have shattered glass in the back of my head.

Good times.
No one intends to get into car crashes, thus it's an accident.
The term car accident implies that there was no causes leading up to the event and that no one is to blame. The term car crash does no at all imply that there was intention but signifies the event.
If I bump into someone in the hallway it's an accident, right? I can be blamed, sure, but what's the point of blaming (besides, like, legally)? Car accidents are the same. No one intends to get into a car accident.

Well, most people don't.
