I have not been able to play for months...


Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
Once upon a time I beat HL2. I had a slight stutter, but the game ran good and I finished it. Then there was a patch, the patch that added a new cvar. The sound patch. Ever since then my sound has been staticky and crackly. I have tried disabling the new cvar both in the console and in my autoexec file. Nothing will fix this for me! I have no idea how this happened, as everyone says that all you have to do to return to pre-patched state is disable the cvar.

Every few weeks I will come here and post about this and get nowhere. I want to cry. I almost don't care anymore. But...with all the new stuff about to drop it's hard. Please someone try to help me.

First just to check one more thing. What folder should I put my autoexec file in? This doesn't really matter since I have tried the console as well, but I'd still like to know.

All I have to do is load the game and the menu bleep sounds are all staticky as I mouse over them. This is killing me. Please help!
try deleting the clientregistry.blob file in the steam\ directory. this'll reload all the updates, etc. to the game. if it still doesn't work, uninstall steam, t reinstall steam, hl2, etc.
I would hate to have to come to this since Im on 56k. But, I guess this might be what I have to do. How much will I have to re download? HL2:dm and everything?

I should mention that I have tried just about everything sound related. New drivers, acceleration level, disable on board sound, background applications etc...
i'm not sure how big the files are to download. i bought the retail version, so everything was already on the discs (xcept for the sdk).
Not sure exactly how big the updates are, probably pretty hefty. You could try just re-installing Steam first. Copy all the GCF files to a separate folder, then un-install Steam (delete the Steam folder if its still there), then re-install Steam and move the GCF files back to the SteamApps folder. This way you still have your games and won't have to re-download anything (besides the Steam setup file), and it's possible this could fix your problem. If that doesn't work I'd try uninstallling everything (Steam and your games too) and re-installing.

BTW, autoexec.cfg goes in the cfg folder (half life 2\hl2\cfg\)
Why don't you run the update before you go to bed it should be finished by the time you wake up.
I deleted the clientregistry.blob and re-updated. Did not fix the problem. I guess I'll have to do a reinstall. I really don't want to dl hl2dm again. I would move the GCF files, but those might contain the problem. After I do this, if the problem is still there I'll make an mp3 or something to show.

Is there anything I sould know about reinstalling that will save pain?
Ok first of all: all of the above is a LAST RESORT.
The first thing you should always do is validate your files. Check steampowered for the links. It doesn't require huge downloads, and it checks the GCFs for problems.

Please remember this (to all): first port of call - validation.