I have witnessed the basest of crimes.

About to post this myself. Pinkle's furry alyx is the only furry image that hasnt enraged me. I actually find it quite pleasant.

That's how it starts. turn back before you end up like meeee!
I can't fathom furies. It makes absolutely no sense. I personally believe it's the calm before the storm of mental illness. Those people have to be really screwed up in the head to be into that kind of stuff.

Your are a fool to think like that. The large majority of furries are normal people like you and me and you'd have a hard time telling them apart from everyone else.
For most people it's seriously just something to fap to. It doesn't make them any of a different person at all besides what sites they go to or what pictures they look at for about 15 minutes. It's not a lifestyle (though to some, it is). And so like Kyo said, there's really nothing different about them.
I honestly don't see what the big deal about furries is. Why is it so damaging, knowing that there are people who get off to anthropomorphism and animals? So what if other people don't like the same things you do? Grow up and realize that furries will keep being furries until the day you die, and there's not a god damn thing you can do about it.

Anyway. I like furries, in the same sense that I like any other human being. Different, yes. A bit weird, yes. But that's the nature of humanity.
I like furry art, I think some of it is really creative and there are some talented artists out there. The idea that some people (read: some not all) like to believe a certain animal is an extension of themseleves may seem wierd, but it isn't hurting me in anyway. For some of the anti-furry people here I have a challenge for you. Get and install second life (okay that's a challenge by itself) and type "yiffy" into the location search. Prepare to freak out :D Or maybe you're a tad twisted like me and will find a laugh in it all.
I piss on the furry sympathy in this topic.

How dare you question my god-given right to ridicule people who masturbate to manbeast coitis. Why can't I mock the sexual desire for the bastard devil spawn that is the anthropomorphic fox or skunk? It's not my fault these people lack decency.

It wouldn't be so bad if every third piece of furry hentai I saw didn't involve dick-girl horses gaping each other's assholes.
Nobody questioned your right to do that. You have every right in the world to bash furries, but don't be suprised when others call you an idiot for doing so. I mean come now you really have to go out of your way to encounter furry porn.

And dick-girl horses this I have to see.
This thread... my god.

Yiff in hell etc.
Hentai is Japanese comic porn and nothing else. Furry porn is that - furry porn.
I regret ever bringing this up.

My main issue was with how crappy the skin was, let alone how it mocks our beloved Alyx.

You people sadden me :|
I regret ever bringing this up.

/Breaks into demonic laughter. So you should.

You people sadden me :|

I'm saddened you're actually taking people in this thread seriously. Really I'm just stirring the pot here. Someone needs to be on the other side of the bashing. In the end I don't support either notion, but meh I'm having fun here.

Easy to find.

It's not like I've ever activley searched for it.

Vore hentai is the best kind of furry porn.

Do you prefer macro or micro?

This thread... my god.

Yiff in hell etc.

Theres your problem god, stop believing in him. Geddit? God and hell, ah who cares.
Your are a fool to think like that. The large majority of furries are normal people like you and me and you'd have a hard time telling them apart from everyone else.

*looks at Kyorisus avatar/name*

...really? You didn't even have to post and I could tell your a furry.
furries are ok as long as they don't engage in sexual interaction with real animals
*looks at Kyorisus avatar/name*

...really? You didn't even have to post and I could tell your a furry.

Both are japanese. The avatar is from an awesome anime series and the name is an extension of Kyo. Neither has anything to do with being a furry. Here allow me to point out the bloody obvious.

I'm saddened you're actually taking people in this thread seriously.

Feel a tad silly now don't we Glirk?
But... but... but... it's the internets!

This could have been an epic thread of people pissing off a group of people who are pissed at a second group for no good reason.
*looks at Kyorisus avatar/name*

...really? You didn't even have to post and I could tell your a furry.
Everyone who likes anime is a furry? News to me.

It wouldn't be so bad if every third piece of furry hentai I saw didn't involve dick-girl horses gaping each other's assholes.
Probably due to the fact that the furry art you happen to run in to is mostly posted to gross you out. Like on /b/ or something. I dont know what sites you go to.

There is as much normal furry as there is normal hentai. And as much weird shit as there is weird hentai.
Goddamn, furries here too!?
Is there anywhere the furry degenerate menace won't spread to?
Yeah these furries are god damn annoying. Why won't they leave us alone!?

.. What is it that they do, again?
They love shit we don't.

That makes them ENEMIES OF THE STATE.
They sow disease among the peasants and disrespect the guards!
Warning, the following will make you pour bleach into your eyes.

Are you really sure you want to see it?
NSFW thing ahead, believe me...
Seriously, you have been warned.
Well thats just the truth in animal form...
Ow, my eyes! Why did I pour mother****ing into my mothe****ing eyes?! It stings!


Huh. Feels kinda cool now that the pain is over. And anyway, I'm not basking furreh pr0n, I just try to keep away from it.
It's a hotlink block, you gotta put the URL in directly.

Though you don't want to see it. (even though it's not that bad)
It's incredibly mild.

Still wrong though.
Are you a homophobic or something?
